Korean Studies Resources

Korean Linguistics and Korean Literature in English

Journals in Korean - Full Text Databases

Resources for Learning Spoken Korean by The Ohio State University

National East Asian Languages Resource Center Pathway to Spoken Korean 

This set of beginning-level materials developed by National East Asian Languages Resource Center at OSU is designed for students with no previous exposure to the Korean language. It introduces the true beginners to the Korean sound system, instructional expressions, performances of basic personal interactions, and Hangul - the Korean alphabet. Materials developed thus far include five units and more than forty lessons/stages in two formats: a print with a CD of audio program, and an online program. 

Open Education Resources (OER) Textbooks

Romanization Standards

Korean Romanization Standards - McCune - Reischauer system

  • McCune-Reichauer based system is quite different from the South Korean rules, you are strongly encouraged to try the tutorial below.

            McCune-Reichauer Romanization tutorial

 The libraries follow the romanization standards used in the Library of Congress.

South Korean Romaization Rules are different from those used in North American Libraries. 대한민국 국립국어원 표기법

Romanization Tool