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ArcGIS StoryMaps (workshop)

Learn more about using ArcGIS StoryMaps in your research and teaching at Ohio State

Task 2: Creating a new story in the ArcGIS StoryMaps platform

When you created your ArcGIS Online organizational account earlier in this activity, you were automatically assigned the “Creator” user type, which allows you to use nearly all of the functionality and apps available in ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS StoryMaps is one of the many ArcGIS Online apps available to you, as the Creator user type includes access to all apps in the Essential, Field, and Office app bundles.

Task 2 Instructions

  1. In a new tab or window for your web browser, go to:
  2. You will likely be automatically signed in to the ArcGIS StoryMaps platform since you are already signed in to your ArcGIS Online organizational account. If not, click Sign In, and then follow the same steps as earlier in this exercise to provide ArcGIS StoryMaps with access to your ArcGIS Online account.
  3. Click the New Story button to launch the story builder, and select Start from Scratch.
  4. Give your story the following title and subtitle:
    1. Title: Using ArcGIS StoryMaps in Your Research and Teaching
    2. Subtitle: A StoryMaps activity about the U.S. Census
  5. Click the Design button in the top menu. These settings allow you to change the look and feel of your story, including cover design, optional sections, theme, and a customized logo.
    1. Scroll down to Cover, and choose the first option known as Full.
    2. Also, toggle on Navigation under the Optional story sections.


Updating design settings in ArcGIS StoryMaps


  1. Below your new title and subtitle, you'll see a button to Add cover image or video. In this case, the default cover will be fine, but this button would also allow you to upload content to serve as your cover media.
  2. The changes you make as you create your story map will automatically be saved, as noted beside your title in the top menu bar.
  3. If at any time throughout the remainder of this exercise you decide to take a break, you can go back to the ArcGIS StoryMaps home page and sign in to pick up where you left off. You’ll find your draft in the My Stories section after signing in.


You're now ready to begin adding content to your story map in Task 3.

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