Psychology Department Research Guide, College of Arts & Sciences

The guide is intended to provide library resources that assist faculty, staff and students investigate critical aspects of the brain and human behavior.

Education Librarian & Psychology Liaison

Profile Photo
Deidra Herring
1858 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Thompson Library

Subjects: Education, Psychology


Catalogs list books, journals (but not articles within journals), microforms, multimedia as well as online sources (databases and online journals) owned or licensed by a library.

We recommend starting here...

OSU Catalog - Search for books, e-books, and other materials owned by OSU Libraries, Columbus and regional campuses. Borrow Materials online. You can also search with a special mobile version of the OSU Catalog.

OhioLINK Catalog - Combined catalog of a consortium of 88 Ohio university and college libraries, the State Library of Ohio, and more. Have materials delivered to OSU.

WorldCat Local@OSU - Searches materials at OSU, OhioLINK (the Ohio libraries shared catalog), and libraries worldwide.


Other Good Options... - is Web user oriented. Search the collections of participating libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. Please note: Remote (off-campus) access to Interlibrary Services (ILL) is not available via this interface.

WorldCat via FirstSearch - WorldCat via FirstSearch is researcher oriented and provided by OCLC. Features advanced search capabilities and additional evaluative content. This is a subscription database that is available only to OSU users. Remote (off-campus) access to Interlibrary Services (ILL) is available via this interface.

CML Catalog - The Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) is a good source for popular books, media, entertainment, travel and genealogy materials. Those with CML library cards can request materials online and have them delivered to the most convenient branch library. Find additional public libraries in Ohio, or in over 125 Countries

Ohio Web Library - These databases are provided to all Ohio residents. You may be asked to enter your zip code and/or your local public library card number before entering.

Ohio Historical Society Catalog - Search the records of more than 230,000 items in the Ohio Historical Society's library, newspaper, manuscript, audiovisual, state archives, history, natural history, and archaeology collections.

Library of Congress Online Catalog - Search many different research collections in the U.S. national library, the Library of Congress

Search Ohio - SearchOhio provides a search across a number of public library catalogs simultaneously. The portal allows for direct online requests for residents of Ohio.

Database Search Strategies

Off Campus Sign-In

Sign in using your OSU name.# to access subscription-based databases from off campus.

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