Middle East Studies


Resources on Ibn Al Rumi

Feb. 3, 2018
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini

Printable version of this  LibGuide


Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896
ابن الرومي, 836-896
Dīwān Ibn al-Rūmī / maʻa sharḥ Muḥammad Sharīf Salīm
ديوان إبن الرومي / مع شرح محمد شريف سليم
Bayrūt : Dār Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth al-ʻArabī, [1968?]
بيروت ، دار إحياء التراث العربي, [1968؟]
Book Depository     PJ7745.I165 A6 196-  V1-2  


Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896
إبن الرومي, 836-896
Dīwān / Ibn al-Rūmī, Abī Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn Jarīḥ ; taḥqīq Ḥusayn Naṣṣār
ديوان / ابن الرومي, ابي حسن علي بن جريح ؛ تحقيق حسين نصار
[al-Qāhirah] : Maṭbaʻat Dār al-Kutub, 1973-
[القاهرة] : مطبعة دار الكتب, 1973
Book Depository    PJ7745.I165 A6 1973  


Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896 
Dīwān Ibn al-Rūmī / ikhtiyār wa-taṣnīf Kāmil Kīlānī ; wa-bi-hi muqaddimah shāʼiqah li-ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
‏ديوان ابن الرومي / ‏اختيار وتصنيف كامل كيلاني ؛ وبه مقدمة شايقة لعباس محمود العقاد
Miṣr : al-Maktabah al-Tijārīyah al-Kubrá, [1924]
‏مصر: ‏المكتبة التجارية الكبرى : [1924
Note-This collection was purchased from Professor Michael Zwettler after his death, Ohio State University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Book Depository    PJ7745 .I165 1924  v.1-3


Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896
ابن الرومي, 836-896
al-Dīwān al-ʻArabī / li-Jalāl al-Dīn al-Rūmī ; aʻaddahu lil-nashr wa-qaddama la-hu al-Bashīr Qahwājī
الديوان العربي / لجلال الدين الرومي ؛ اعده للنشر وقدم له البشير قهواجي
Qarṭāj : al-Majmaʻ al-Tūnisī lil-ʻUlūm wa-al-Ādāb wa-al-Funūn, Bayt al-Ḥikmah, 2011
قرطاج : المجمع التونسي للعلوم والاداب والفنون, بيت الحكمة, 2011
Fine Arts Library Oversize 2nd Floor    PJ7745 .I165 2011


Criticism and interpretation:


ʻAlī, Aḥmad Yūsuf
علي, احمد يوسف
Naqd al-shāʻir fī madrasat al-dīwān : [Ibn al-Rūmī namūdhajan] / Aḥmad Yūsuf ʻAlī
نقد الشاعر في مدرسة الديوان : [ابن الرومي نموذجا] / احمد يوسف علي
al-Qāhirah : Maktabat Madbūlī, 2010
القاهرة : مكتبة مدبولي, 2010
Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor  PJ7745.I165 Z52 2010  
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896 -- Criticism and interpretation
Poets, Arab -- Iraq -- Baghdad
Arabic poetry -- Iraq -- History and criticism
Arabic poetry -- 750-1258 -- History and criticism


ʻAnānī, Nashʼat
عناني, نشات
Fann al-sukhrīyah fī shiʻr Ibn al-Rūmī / taʼlīf Nashʼat al-ʻAnānī
فن السخرية في شعر ابن الرومي / تاليف نشات العناني
[Cairo? : s.n.], 1982 ([Cairo] : Maṭbaʻat al-Saʻādah)
Book Depository    PK6482 .A53 1982  
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Maulana, 1207-1273 -- Humor


Fattūḥ, Shuʻayb Muḥyi al-Dīn Sulaymān
فتوح, شعيب محي الدين سليمان
al-Adab fī al-ʻaṣr al-ʻAbbāsī : khaṣāʼiṣ al-uslūb fī shiʻr Ibn al-Rūmī / Shuʻayb Muḥyī al-Dīn Sulaymān Fattūḥ
الأدب في العصر العباسي ، خصائص الأسلوب في شعر ابن الرومي / شعيب محيي الدين سليمان فتوح
al-Manṣūrah : Dār al-Wafāʼ, 2004
المنصورة ، دار الوفاء, 2004
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896 -- Criticism and interpretation
Arabic poetry -- 750-1258 -- History and criticism
Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor    PJ7745.I165 Z57 2004  


Ḥalawānī, ʻĀmir
حلواني, عامر
Asālīb al-hijāʼ fī shiʻr Ibn al-Rūmī : muqārabah uslūbīyah fī jamālīyat al-qubḥ / ʻĀmir al-Ḥalawānī
اساليب الهجاء في شعر ابن الرومي : مقاربة اسلوبية في جمالية القبح / عامر الحلواني
[Ṣafāqis] : Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-Ṣafāqis, 2002
[صفاقس] : كلية الاداب والعلوم الانسانية بصفاقس, 2002
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896; Arabic satire poetry; Arabic poetry; history and criticism; dissertation
Contents: Online http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy10pdf01/2002333723.pdf
Book Depository     PJ7745.I165 Z6886 2002  
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896 -- Criticism and interpretation
Satire, Arabic -- History and criticism
Arabic poetry -- 750-1258 -- History and criticism


Ḥāwī, Īlīyā Salīm
Ibn al-Rūmī : fannuhu wa-nafsīyatuhu min khilāl shiʻrihi / bi-qalam Īlīyā Salīm al-Ḥāwī
ابن الرومي : فنه ونفسيته من خلال شعره
Bayrūt : Maktabat al-Madrasah wa-Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnānī, 1980
Book Depository    PJ7745.I165 Z8 H381980 
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896 -- Criticism and interpretation


Maʻtūq, Jūrj ʻAbdū
Ibn al-Rūmī : al-shāʻir al-maghbūn / taʼlif Jūrj ʻAbdū Maʻtūq
Bayrūt : Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnānī, 1975
Book Depository  PJ7745.I165 Z8 M37  
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896 -- Criticism and interpretation


Ṣubḥ, ʻAlī ʻAlī Muṣṭafá
ʻAbqarīyat Ibn al-Rūmī, shāʻir al-ʻaṣr al-ʻAbbāsī / ʻAlī ʻAlī Ṣubḥ
Miṣr : Maṭbaʻat al-Amānah, 1975
Book Depository PJ7745.I165 Z8 S8  
Ibn Rūmī, 836-896 -- Criticism and interpretation



ʻAqqād, ʻAbbās Maḥmūd, 1889-1964
Ibn al-Rūmī : ḥayātuhu min shiʻruh / ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
Bayrūt : Dār al-Kitāb al-ʻArabī, [1967]
Book Depository    PJ7745.I165Z8 A6, 1967
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896


Ḥasan, Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Ghanī
Ibn al-Rūmī / bi-qalam Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Ghanī Ḥasan
Miṣr, Dār al-Maʻārif, 1960
Book Depository    PJ7745.I165 Z8 H37  
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896


Ḥurr, ʻAbd al-Majīd
Ibn al-Rūmī : ʻaṣruhu, ḥayātuhu, nafsīyatuhu, fannuhu min khilāli shiʻrih / iʻdād ʻAbd al-Majīd al-Ḥurr
ابن الرومي عصره, حياته, نفسيته, فنه من خلال شعره
Bayrūt : Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah, 1992
Book Depository    PJ7745.I165 Z8 H871992
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896


Nuwayhī, Muḥammad
Thaqāfat al-nāqid al-adabī / li-Muḥammad al-Nuwayhī
ثقافة الناقد الأدبي / لمحمد النويهي
Bayrūt : Maktabat al-Khānjī, 1969
بيروت, مكتبة الخانجي, 1969
Book Depository    PJ7745.I165 Z8 N8 1969
Ibn al-Rūmī, 836-896
Arabic literature -- History and criticism


Middle East Studies Search Tips

When searching for materials in Middle Eastern languages, you can either search using vernacular (Persian, Arabic, Turkish, etc.) or by using romanized characters. Keep in mind that you may not get all possible results by using vernacular and that you must use the Library of Congress transliteration system: 

ALA-LA Romanization Tables 

This is the system used in US and UK Libraries.

IJMES Translation and Transliteration Guide

Encyclopedia of Islam/Brill Transliteration Guide

Since the Encyclopedia of islam was designed as an Anglo-French Project, its transliteration was designed to serve both languages and has retained many unique features

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