Jan. 30, 2018
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Printable version of LibGuide PDF
Author: Abū al-ʻAlāʼ al-Maʻarrī, 973-1057, author
Title: Risālat al-ghufrān / li-Abī al-ʻAlāʼ al-Maʻarrī ; tarjamat Nārīmān al-Shāmilī
Publication: al-Qāhirah : al-Kutub Khān lil-nashr wa-al-tawzīʻ, 2016
Note: In Egyptian colloquial Arabic; translated from Classical Arabic
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ7750.A25 R573 2016
OCLC #: 960955660
Publication: Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2003?
Note: Simple Arabic conversational phrases are introduced through a series of short situational skits. It is especially helpful in introducing the student to the colloquial dialect of Cairo
Location: Thompson Library 1st Floor Non-English Language DVDs PJ6123 .B78 2003
OCLC #: 53351848
Title: Approaches to Arabic linguistics : presented to Kees Versteegh on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday / edited by Everhard Ditters and Harald Motzki
Publication: Amsterdam ; Boston : Brill, 2007
Contents: Inside the speaker's mind: speaker's awareness as arbiter of usage in Arabic grammatical theory / Ramzi Baalbaki -- Pragmatics and contractual language in early Arabic grammar and legal theory / Michael Carter -- Idmar in the ma'ani of al-farra' : a grammatical approach between description and explanation / Kinga Devenyi -- Arabic alla di as a conjunction : an old problem and a new approach / Werner Diem -- Les origines de la grammaire arabe, selon la tradition : description, interpretation, discussion / Pierre Larcher -- Sibawayhi's view of the zarf as an 'amil / Aryeh Levin -- Problems in the medieval Arabic theory of sentence types / Yishai Peled -- Arabic avant la lettre. Divine, prophetic, and heroic Arabic / Stefan Wild -- Inflection and government in Arabic according to Spanish missionary grammarians from Damascus (XVIIIth Century) : grammars at the crossroads of two systems / Otto Zwartjes -- Linguistics. The linguistic analysis and rules of pause in Arabic / Salman H. Alani -- The explanation of homonymy in the lexicon of Arabic / Georges Bohas and Abderrahim Saguer -- The periphrastic bilingual verb construction as a marker of intense language contact. Evidence from Greek, Portuguese and Maghribian Arabic / Louis Boumans -- Fa'ula, fa'ila, fa'ala : dispersion et regularites semantiques dans les trois schemes simples du verbe arabe / Joseph Dichy --Featuring as a disambiguation tool in Arabic natural language processing / Everhard Ditters -- Arabic on the media : hybridity and styles / Mushira Eid -- The use of morphological patterns in Arabic Grammars of Turkic / Robert Ermers -- Lexical gaps in Arabic : evidence from dictionaries / Jan Hoogland -- Masdar formation / Joost Kemers -- Methodologie linguistique : organisation de la langue arabe. Organisation generale des langues / Andre Roman -- Dialects. How to be KOOL in Arabic writing : linguistic observations from the side line / Gert Borg -- "Hello, I say, and welcome! where from, these riding men?" : Arabic popular poetry and political satire : a study in intertextuality from Jordan / Clive Holes -- Notes on the dialects of the 'legat and hamadah of southern Sinai / Rudolf de Jong -- Classical and colloquial Arabic / Archaisms Alan S. Kaye -- Do they speak the same language? language use in Juba local courts / Catherine Miller -- Paradigmatic stability and final laryngeals in Nigerian Arabic : why history repeats itself, without actually doing so / Jonathan Owens -- Some aspects of diglossia as reflected in the vocabulary of literary and colloquial Arabic / Judith Rosenhouse -- Everything you always wanted to know about ?al, yi?ul 'to say' in Egyptian Arabic / Manfred Woidich
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6024.V47 A67 2007
OCLC #: 175286440
Author: Becker, Valerie, 1936-
Title: A transfer grammar of the verb structures of modern literary Arabic and Lebanese colloquial Arabic / by Valerie Becker
Publication: [New Haven : s. n.], 1964, c1965
Location: Book Depository PJ6141 .B4 1964 A
Author: Elias, Edward Elias
Title: Elias' practical dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of the Middle East : English-Arabic / compiled by Edward E. Elias
Publication: Cairo : Elias' Modern Pub. House, [1979?]
Location: Book Depository PJ6737 .E4
Author: Furayḥah, Anīs, 1903-
Title: The essentials of Arabic; a manual for teaching classical and colloquial Arabic
Publication: [Beirut] Khayat's, 1958
Note: "Book is meant primarily to be an aid for the teacher. It is not a guide to Arabic self-taught."
English or Arabic
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6111 .F8 1958
OCLC#: 52217
Author: Haak, Martine, 1959-
Title: The verb in literary and colloquial Arabic / by Martine Cuvalay-Haak
Publication: Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 1997
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6145 .C88 1997
OCLC #: 36798561
Author: Lyons, M. C. (Malcolm Cameron)
Publication: Beirut, [Librairie du Liban] 1968
Note: "Published in association with the Cambridge Middle East Centre." English and Arabic
Location: Book Depository PJ7864.R3 Z8 L8
OCLC # 58987
Author: Maston, Robert E
Publication: Beirut, American University, 1956
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Lebanon
Location: Book Depository PJ6810 .M26 1956 V. 1-3
Author: McLoughlin, Leslie J., 1935-
Title: A further course in colloquial Arabic / by L.J. McLoughlin
Location: Beirut : Librairie du Liban, 1979
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Lebanon
Arabic language -- Dialects -- Syria
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6810 .M282
OCLC #: 10007962
Author: Palva, Heikki
Title: Artistic colloquial Arabic : traditional narratives and poems from al-Balqāʼ (Jordan) / transcription, translation, linguistic and metrical analysis by Heikki Palva
Publication: Helsinki : Finnish Oriental Society, 1992
Location: Book Depository PJ8067 .P348 1992
OCLC #: 28309998
Author: Spiro, Socrates
Title: An Arabic-English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt : containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, vocables, etc., used by the native Egyptians / by Socrates Spiro قاموس اللهجة العامية المصرية
Publication: Beirut : Librarie du Liban, 1980
Location: Book Depository PJ6640 .S635 1895a
OCLC #: 8397612
Author: McGuirk, Russell H., 1946-
Title: Colloquial Arabic of Egypt [sound recording] / Russell H. McGuirk
Publication: London ; New York : Routledge, 1990, c1986
Location: Book Depository PJ6779 .M43 1990 Phonotape cassette v.1 and v.2
OCLC #: 25403369
Author: McLoughlin, Leslie J., 1935-
Title: Colloquial Arabic (Levantine) [sound recording] / Leslie J. McLoughlin
Publication: London ; New York : Routledge, 1990
Location: Thompson Library Bound Journals 3rd Floor PJ6813 .M34 1990 Phonotape cassette v.2book
OCLC #: 25403248
Azmi, A. M., & Aljafari, E. A. (2015). Modern information retrieval in Arabic - catering to standard and colloquial Arabic users. Journal Of Information Science, 41(4), 506-517. doi:10.1177/0165551515585720
Kuntz, B. (2013). Using Twitter, Blogs and Other Web 2.0 Technologies and Internet Resources to Enhance Arabic as a Foreign-Language Reading Skills. Proceedings of The International Conference On E-Learning, 224-230.
Albirini, A. (2014). The Role of the Colloquial Varieties in the Acquisition of the Standard Variety: The Case of Arabic Heritage Speakers. Foreign Language Annals, 47(3), 447-463. doi:10.1111/flan.12087
ATTIEH, A. M. (2011). Colloquial Arabic (Levantine): The Complete Course for Beginners by MCLOUGHLIN, LESLIE. Modern Language Journal, 95(3), 461-463. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4781.2011.01212_7.x
1. Jordanian Arabic audio course from NMELRC. Great, simple & v useful dialogues with Ammani locals involving an Australian lady with excellent pronunciation. I’m gradually making some worksheets to accompany these and make them a little more accessible, as there are no transcripts provided. For each of the 8 dialogues there is an accompanying vocabulary file, where the speaker rattles through the words that come up and a few others fairly quickly, and without translating into English. This makes this course a little tricky without a teacher, but they’re definitely worth a listen.
2. Aamiya Arabiya youtube channel: Fantastic quality Jordanian and Lebanese videos – teenagers and young Ammanis talking about their everyday lives. Really short and sweet with excellent sound quality.
3. Jordanian Arabic Grammar – an introduction for beginners (from Peace Corps). I’ve just been teaching a beginners’ course (30 hours ta’reeban) of Levantine Arabic and happily I’ve found this reference guide includes everything we just covered. Perfect revision material, though it might be less accessible for a complete beginner to learn from without a teacher.
4. Arabic-language films from the Levant. Many are on Youtube, some with subtitles, eg.
* West Beirut (with English subtitles)
* Paradise Now / الجنه الان (with English subtitles)
* The Lemon Tree (with English subtitles)
* Caramel (can’t find it on YouTube with English subtitles, so buy the DVD instead!)
5. Arabic Music translation blog – it’s just amazing. Tags for individual artists or click on Lebanese, Syrian, etc. Good ones to start with include Elissa, Sabah, Nancy Ajram, Fairuz, Majdi el Roumi and Haifa Wehbe. NB. Even Lebanese singers such as Nancy do often sing in a more Egyptian way to target that bigger audience, but this blogger Chris is brilliant at pointing out differences in vocab and pronunciation like this.
6. Jordanian course from LangMedia Five Colleges. The videos aren’t great quality but they’re authentic conversations, and there are transcripts in English and Arabic. You can download the videos or watch them online with Quicktime. Good range of topics covered – tourism, transport, shopping, directions, emergencies, socialising, etc.
7. ArabicPod Levantine podcasts – this should perhaps be number one of every list of Arabic resources. Wonderful, very accessible podcasts which focus on a very short dialogue each time and break it down into admirable detail. Just a few Levantine ones but they’re all worth a listen. Transcripts available for paying subscribers but you can listen for free.
8. The Arabic Student blog: Loads of Levantine colloquial activities on this brilliant blog. My favourites for beginners are the Baba Tilifoon kids’ song (warning – highly addictive and irritating earworm) and the Minal clip about champagne from Lebanese MTV’s lovely series of mini videos about everyday life, presented by Al (meen al? = who’s Al?), with simple animations to help with the context. Minal is also all over Youtube
9. Dalil USA Syrian Colloquial course (but also Palestinian): pay-to-view lessons, but there are 2 free samples. Was impressed with the Restaurant lesson and the My childhood one (Palestinian man talking about his life, his school, hobbies etc). These are brilliant because the audio comes with a full transcript in colloquial Arabic and an MSA version of the same text
10. Palestine Remembered: the Nakba oral history project. More for the advanced learner than beginners, as some of the interviews are very long, but this is an amazing collection of narratives and memories of villages from which Palestinians were expelled in the 1948 war (known as النكبة, the disaster). Ideal for students who want to delve into the social history and politics of Palestine as well as the language.
Jan. 30, 2018
Prepared by: Magda El-Sherbini
Printable version of LibGuide PDF
Title: Classical Arabic humanities in their own terms : festschrift for Wolfhart Heinrichs on his 65th birthday / presented by his students and colleagues ; edited by Beatrice Gruendler ; with the assistance of Michael
Publication: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2008
Contents: Acknowledgements -- Preface -- Tabula gratulatoria -- At drink your milks! -at as individuation marker in Levantine Arabic / Kristen Brustad -- Yayyar the companion, spy, scoundrel in premodern Arabic popular narratives / Peter Heath -- Balagha rhetorique aristotelicienne (rethorica) et faculte oratoire (oratoria/balagha) selon les didascalia in "rethoricam (sic!)" Aristotelis ex glosa Alpharabii / Maroun Aouad -- Some morphological functions of Arabic bi- : on the uses of galex / Dimitri Gutas -- Hazaj: genese eines neupersischen metrums / Benedikt Reinert -- Iblis and the jinn in al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya / William C. Chittick -- Iqay: musikalische Metrik bei al-Farabi (gest. 950) und ihr Ebenbild bei Thoinot Arbeau (gest. 1595) / Eckhard Neubauer -- Iqtinad: la confrontation est-ouest en mediterranee aux viie/xiie et viiie/xiiie siecles / Thierry Bianquis -- Khiyab: "discourse" in the jurisprudential theory of Ibn Aqil al-Hanbali / A. Kevin Reinhart -- Khutba: the evolution of early Arabic oration / Tahera Qutbuddin -- Libas: die entliehenen Kleider des Abu Nuwas / Ewald Wagner -- Mulamma in Islamic literatures / Nargis Virani -- Qanida: its reconstruction in performance / Beatrice Gruendler -- Qanida ghazaliyya-khamriyya : two lyrical poems by Hazim al-Qaratajanni (d. 684/1285) / Geert Jan van Gelder -- Qia: Arabic cats / John Huehnergard -- Safar: the early history of time travel literature : al-Muwayli's Hadith lsa b. Hisham and its antecedents / Michael Cooperson -- Taybar al-ru'ya and Alkam al-nujum: references to women in dream interpretation and astrology transferred from Graeco-Roman antiquity and medieval Islam to Byzantium : some problems and considerations / Maria Mavroudi -- Taman: the notion of "Implication" according to al-Rummani / Bruce Fudge -- Tahaddi: gifts, debts, and counter-gifts in the ancient Zoroastrian ritual / Prods Oktor Skjarvo -- Tamanni: If wishes were ... : notes on wishing in Islamic texts / Aron Zysow -- Zarafa: encounters with the giraffe, from Paris to the medieval Islamic world / Remke Kruk
Subjects: Arabic philology
Civilization, Arab
Heinrichs, Wolfhart
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6064.H36 C53 2008
OCLC#: 187418610
Author: Ham, William Hallett, 1969-
Title: Phonetic and phonological aspects of geminate timing / William H. Ham
Publication: New York : Routledge, 2001
Content: Chapter 4: Cross-language study: Phonological overview -- Levantine Arabic; Chapter 5: Cross-language study: Acoustic investigations --Levantine Arabic; Chapter 6: Suprasegmental timing – Leventine Arabic; App.2 Levantine word list
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor P217.8 .H35 2001
OCLC#: 47208554
Author: Hussein, Lutfi, 1955-
Titles: Levantine Arabic for non-natives. Student book: a proficiency-oriented approach / Lutfi Hussein
Publication: New Haven : Yale University Press, c1993
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6818 .H87 1993
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Syria -- Texts
Arabic language -- Dialects -- Lebanon -- Texts
Arabic language -- Conversation and phrase books -- English
Arabic language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English
OCLC #: 28025566
Author: Hussein, Lutfi, 1955-
Title: Levantine Arabic for non-natives: a proficiency-oriented approach. Teacher's manual, parts I & II / Lutfi Hussein
Publication: [Columbus, Ohio : L. Hussein, 1992?]
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor -- Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor
OCLC #: 22948060
Title: Introductory course: Levantine Arabic
Publication: Beirut, Lebanon : FSI Arabic Language and Area School, 1964
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Lebanon -- Grammar
Arabic language -- Dialects -- Syria -- Grammar
Arabic language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English
Location: Book Depository PJ6818 .I58 1964 v.1-2
OCLC #: 1040954
Author: McCarus, Ernest N. (Ernest Nasseph), 1922-
Title: A course in Levantine Arabic / by Ernest McCarus, Hamdi Qafisheh, Raji Rammuny
Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan, 1974
Subjects: Arabic language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English
Arabic language -- Conversation and phrase books -- English
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6307 .M27
OCLC#: 5252025
Author: Nydell, Margaret K. (Margaret Kleffner)
Title: Levantine & Egyptian Arabic : comparative study / Margaret K. Omar
Publication: Washington : Foreign Service Institute, Dept. of State : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Egypt
Arabic language -- Dialects -- Syria
Location: Book Depository PJ6819 .O4
OCLC#: 2577627
Author: Ohio State University. Department of Linguistics
Title: Papers from the linguistics laboratory : 1985-1987 / edited by Mary Beckman and Gina Lee
Publication: Columbus : Dept. of Linguistics, Ohio State University, 1987
Contents: Intonation in Cantonese / Keith Johnson -- A study in Toishan FO / Gina Lee -- The tonal behavior of Osaka Japanese : an interim report / Shiro Kori -- Perceiving by syllables or by segments, evidence from the perception of subcategorical mismatches / Keith Johnson -- Some constraints on the domain of phrasal resyllabification in French / Christiane Laeufer -- Phonemic quantity, stress and the half-long vowel in Finnish / Riitta Välimaa-Blum -- Phonetic characteristics of Levantine Arabic geminates with differing morphemes and syllable structures / Ann Miller
Location: University Archives P1 .O4 NO36
OCLC#: 18831031
Author: Snow, James A.
Title: Levantine Arabic : introduction to pronunciation / James A. Snow
Publication: Washington, D.C. : Foreign Service Institute, 1971
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Lebanon -- Beirut -- Phonology
Location Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6307 .L49 1971
OCLC #: 22011606
Title: Levantine Arabic (pronunciation) [sound recording]
Publication: Washington, D.C. : Foreign Service Institute, Dept. of State : distributed by National AudioVisual Center, General Services Administration, 1971
Summary: Designed to teach the student to recognize major points of phonological interference between Levantine Arabic & American English as well as significant phonological contrasts within this dialect of Arabic itself; and, to provide the student with a model for mimicry
Subjects: Arabic language -- Lebanon -- Pronunciation
Arabic language -- Lebanon -- Sound recordings for English speakers
Arabic language -- Lebanon -- Phonology
Location: Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor PJ6307 .L49 1971 Phonotape Cassette
OCLC #: 9660675
Publication: [United States] : National Geographic Entertainment ; New York : Virgil Films, [2009]
Location: Thompson Library 1st Floor English Language DVDs PN1997.2 .A574 2009 DVD
Summary: Muna Farah, a Palestinian single mom, struggles to maintain her optimistic spirit in the daily grind of intimidating West Bank checkpoints, the constant nagging of a controlling mother, and the haunting shadows of a failed marriage. Everything changes one day when she receives a letter informing her that her family has been granted a U.S. green card, and she moves with her teenage son to small town Illinois
Subjects: Single mothers -- Drama
Palestinian Arabs -- United States -- Drama
Immigrants -- United States -- Drama
Arab American families -- Drama
OCLC#: 476895725
Author: Alghazo, Mohammad Hamdan, 1945-
Title: Syncope and epenthesis in Levantine Arabic : a nonlinear approach / by Mohammad Hamdan Alghazo
Note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987
Subjects: Arabic language -- Dialects -- Jordan -- Phonology
OCLC #: 22948060
Author: Chouairi, Rajaa, author
Title: Shou fi ma fi? : intermediate Levantine Arabic / Rajaa Chouairi ; Mahdi Alosh, editor
Publication: New Haven : Yale University Press, [2011]
Note: "Shou fi ma fi? will enable American students to communicate orally in Levantine Arabic, the variety of Arabic spoken in Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land, and western Jordan"--Back cover
Contents: Where have you studied Arabic? -- Who am I? -- What are you doing? -- What would you like to have? -- A domestic argument or a fight? -- What is going on? -- Where is the house? -- Welcome! -- Welcome! (2)! -- I have a reservation -- She has a headache -- A car accident -- Where is my wife's handbag? -- The car is broken -- Fish and plat du jour -- What a beautiful rug! -- How much are these shoes? -- What a beautiful tray! -- Give me a good price
Subjects: Arabic language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English
Arabic language -- Spoken Arabic
Arabic language -- Self-instruction
Web E-books: “https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ohiostate-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4603511”
OCLC #: 957126162
Author: Hanna, Kifah, 1977- author
Publication: Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Subjects: Sammān, Ghādah -- Criticism and interpretation
Khalīfah, Saḥar -- Criticism and interpretation
Barakāt, Hudá -- Criticism and interpretation
Arabic literature -- Women authors -- History and criticism
Women authors, Arab -- Arab countries -- History
Feminist fiction, Arabic -- History and criticism
Middle Eastern fiction -- History and criticism
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) -- Middle East
Web E-book
OCLC#: 946358208
Author: Heintz, Ilana, 1980-
Publication: Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2010
Summary: Abstract: The goal of this dissertation is to introduce a method for deriving morphemes from Arabic words using stem patterns, a feature of Arabic morphology. The motivations are three-fold: modeling with morphemes rather than words should help address the out-of-vocabulary problem; working with stem patterns should prove to be a cross-dialectally valid method for deriving morphemes using a small amount of linguistic knowledge; and the stem patterns should allow for the prediction of short vowel sequences that are missing from the text. The out-of-vocabulary problem is acute in Modern Standard Arabic due to its rich morphology, including a large inventory of inflectional affixes and clitics that combine in many ways to increase the rate of vocabulary growth. The problem of creating tools that work across dialects is challenging due to the many differences between regional dialects and formal Arabic, and because of the lack of text resources on which to train natural language processing (NLP) tools. The short vowels, while missing from standard orthography, provide information that is crucial to both acoustic modeling and grammatical inference, and therefore must be inserted into the text to train the most predictive NLP models. While other morpheme derivation methods exist that address one or two of the above challenges, none addresses all three with a single solution
The stem pattern derivation method is tested in the task of automatic speech recognition (ASR), and compared to three other morpheme derivation methods as well as word-based language models. We find that the utility of morphemes in increasing word accuracy scores on the ASR task is highly dependent on the ASR system's ability to accommodate the morphemes in the acoustic and pronunciation models. In experiments involving both Modern Standard Arabic and Levantine Conversational Arabic data, we find that knowledge-light methods of morpheme derivation may work as well as knowledge-rich methods. We also find that morpheme derivation methods that result in a single morpheme hypothesis per word result in stronger models than those that spread probability mass across several hypotheses per word, however, the multi-hypothesis model may be strengthened by applying informed weights to the predicted morpheme sequences. Furthermore, we exploit the flexibility of Finite State Machines, with which the stem pattern derivation method is implemented, to predict short vowels. The result is a comprehensive exploration not only of the stem pattern derivation method, but of the use of morphemes in Arabic language modeling for automatic speech recognition
Location: Thompson Library 2nd Floor Microform Theses THE:LIN2010PHDH456
Web E-Theses
OCLC#: 681404978
Author: Sajdi, Dana, author
Title: The barber of Damascus : nouveau literacy in the eighteenth-century Ottoman Levant / Dana Sajdi
Publication: Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2013
Contents: The disorders of a new order : the Levant in the long 18th-century -- A barber at the gate : a social and intellectual biography -- "Cheap" monumentality : the nouveau literates and their texts -- Authority and history : the genealogy of the Levantine 18th-century contemporary chronicle -- A room of his own : the "history" of the barber of Damascus -- Cutting the barber's tale : the afterlives of a history -- Conclusion : from nouveau literacy to print journalism
Summary: Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad Ibn Budayr shaved and coiffed, and probably circumcised and healed, in Damascus in the eighteenth century. The barber wrote a history book, a chronicle of the events that took place in his city during his lifetime. Examining the 'life and work' of Ibn Budayr, the book uncovers the emergence of a larger trend of history writing by unusual authors - people outside the learned establishment - and identifies a new phenomenon: nouveau literacy. The book also discusses the social and literary aspects of nouveau literacy within the context of a changing social, political, and urban topography in the eighteenth-century Levant
Subjects: Budayrī, Aḥmad, active 18th century
Barbers -- Syria -- Damascus -- Biography
Arabic prose literature -- 18th century -- History and criticism
Middle East -- Intellectual life -- 18th century
Middle East -- History -- 18th century -- Historiography
Web E-books
Author: Salameh, Franck, 1962- author, compiler, translator
Title: The other Middle East : an anthology of modern Levantine literature / Franck Salameh
Publication: New Haven : Yale University Press, [2017]
Note: Translations from Arabic, Aramaic, Egyptian, French, Hebrew and Lebanese
Web E-books
OCLC #: 1ybp14262925
When searching for materials in Middle Eastern languages, you can either search using vernacular (Persian, Arabic, Turkish, etc.) or by using romanized characters. Keep in mind that you may not get all possible results by using vernacular and that you must use the Library of Congress transliteration system:
This is the system used in US and UK Libraries.
IJMES Translation and Transliteration Guide
Encyclopedia of Islam/Brill Transliteration Guide
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