A companion to Mediterranean history / edited by Peregrine Horden and Sharon Kinoshita
Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell, 2014
Contenta: Climate and vegetation -- Turning points and phases -- Politics and power -- Settlement and society -- Language and culture -- Religions in conflict and co-existence -- The Mediterranean and a wider world
Call number: Web E-books
A faithful sea : the religious cultures of the Mediterranean, 1200-1700 / edited by Adnan A. Husain and K.E. Fleming
Oxford : Oneworld, 2007
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor BL687 . F35 2007
A social and cultural history of late antiquity / Douglas Boin
Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018
Summary: 2019 PROSE Award finalist in the Classics category!A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity examines the social and cultural landscape of the Late Antique Mediterranean. The text offers a picture of everyday life as it was lived in the spaces around and between two of the most memorable and towering figures of the timeConstantine and Muhammad. The author captures the period using a wide-lens, including Persian material from the mid third century through Umayyad material of the mid eighth century C.E. The book offers a rich picture of Late Antique life that is not just focused on Rome, Constantinople, or Christianity. This important resource uses nuanced terms to talk about complex issues and fills a gap in the literature by surveying major themes such as power, gender, community, cities, politics, law, art and architecture, and literary culture. The book is richly illustrated and filled with maps, lists of rulers and key events. A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity is an essential guide that: Paints a rich picture of daily life in Late Antique that is not simply centered on Rome, Constantinople, or Christianity Balances a thematic approach with rigorous attention to chronology Stresses the need for appreciating both sources and methods in the study of Late Antique history Offers a sophisticated model for investigating daily life and the complexities of individual and group identity in the rapidly changing Mediterranean world Includes useful maps, city plans, timelines, and suggestions for further reading A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity offers an examination of everyday life in the era when adherents of three of the major religions of todayChristianity, Judaism, and Islamfaced each other for the first time in the same environment. Learn more about A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity's link to current social issues in Boin's article for the History News Network
Call number: Web E-books
Across the corrupting sea : post-Braudelian approaches to the ancient eastern Mediterranean / edited by Cavan Concannon, University of Southern California, USA
London : Routledge, 2016
Summary: Across the Corrupting Sea : Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean reframes current discussions of the Mediterranean world by rereading the past with new methodological approaches. The work asks readers to consider how future studies might write histories of the Mediterranean, moving from the larger pan-Mediterranean approaches of The Corrupting Sea towards locally-oriented case studies. Spanning from the Archaic period to the early Middle Ages, contributors engage the pioneering studies of the Mediterranean by Fernand Braudel through the use of critical theory, GIS network analysis, and postcolonial cultural inquiries. Scholars from several time periods and disciplines rethink the Mediterranean as a geographic and cultural space shaped by human connectivity and follow the flow of ideas, ships, trade goods and pilgrims along the roads and seascapes that connected the Mediterranean across time and space. The volume thus interrogates key concepts like cabotage, seascapes, deep time, social networks, and connectivity in the light of contemporary archaeological and theoretical advances in order to create new ways of writing more diverse histories of the ancient world that bring together local contexts, literary materials, and archaeological analysis
Call number: Web E-books
Across the ocean : nine essays on Indo-Mediterranean trade / edited by Federico De Romanis and Marco Maiuro
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2015]
Note: "This volume is a collection of papers delivered at the conference "A Tale of Two Worlds: Comparative Perspectives on Indo-Mediterranean Commerce (I-XVII c.)," held at the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, Columbia University, March 4th-5th, 2011"—Acknowledgment
Call number: Web E-books
Actas, I Curso sobre la Península Ibérica y el Mediterráneo durante los siglos XI y XII (27-30 de julio de 1996) / [dirección, Fernando Valdés Fernández]
Aguilar de Campoo, Palencia : Fundación Santa María la Real, Centro Estudios del Románico, Monasterio de Santa María la Real, 1998-
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DP97.3 .C87 1996 v.1
Akdeniz hikâyeleri : ortaçağ ve modern çağ arasında kültürlerin buluşması = Storie del Mediterraneo : incontri di culture tra Medioevo ed età moderna / yazarlar = autori, Giovanni Ricci [and 4 others] ; İtalyancadan çeviren = traduzione dall'italiano, Özge Parlak Temel
Beyoğlu, İstanbul : Eren, 2015
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE94 .A54 2015
al-ʻUthmānīyūn wa-al-ʻālam al-mutawassiṭī : muqārabāt jadīdah / tansīq ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Mawdin, ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Bin-Ḥāddah
al-Rabāṭ : Manshūrāt Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ, 2003
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DT201 .J36 2003
Ancient Mediterranean civilizations : from prehistory to 640 CE / Ralph W. Mathisen
New York : Oxford University Press, c2012
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE86 .M37 2012
Ancient Mediterranean civilizations : from prehistory to 640 CE / Ralph W. Mathisen
New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015]
Summary: Note on spelling and pronunciation -- About the author -- Section I. The origins of history -- Civilization before civilization (2,000,000-3000 BCE) -- Section II. The ancient Near Eastern world -- Mesopotamia and the Bronze Age (6000-1200 BCE) -- Egypt and the Bronze Age (8000-1200 BCE) -- Coastal civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean (2500-800 BCE) -- Iron Age empires : Assyria, babylonia, and Persia (850-500 BCE) -- Section III. The ancient Greek world -- Greece in the Dark and Archaic ages (1100-500 BCE) -- Sparta, Athens, and the Classical age (500-387 BCE) -- Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic age (387-31 BCE) -- Civilization beyond the Near East, Greece, and Rome (2300-31 BCE) -- Section IV. The ancient Roman world -- The rise of Rome and the Roman Republic (753-120 BCE) -- Crisis, recovery, and the creation of the Principate (150-21 BCE) -- The Roman peace (27 BCE-192 CE) -- Section V. The world of late antiquity -- Crisis, recovery, and the creation of the late Roman Empire (192-337) -- The Christian empire and the late Roman world (337-476) -- The end of antiquity (476-640) – Glossary
Call number: Thompson Library Reserve 2HR Loan DE86 .M37 2015
Aspects of Arab seafaring : an attempt to fill in the gaps of maritime history / editors, Yacoub Yousef al-Hijji, Vassilios Christides
Athens : Institute for Graeco-Oriental and African Studies, and, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, 2002
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 10th Floor VK113.A65 A87 2002
At the edge of the corrupting sea : A lecture delivered at New College, Oxford, on 9th May 2005 / by Brent D. Shaw
Oxford : University of Oxford, 2006
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE87 .S43 2006
Autour de La Mʹediterranʹee / Fernand Braudel ; édition établie et présentée par Roselyne de Ayala et Paule Braudel ; prʹeface de Murice Aymard
Paris : Editions de Fallois, 1996
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DC36.98.B72 A2 1996
Back to the garden : nature and the Mediterranean world from prehistory to the present / James H.S. McGregor
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2015]
Call number: Web E-books
Before Columbus : exploration and colonization from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492 / Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987
Call number: Book Depository DE94 .F47 1987a
Braudel revisited : the Mediterranean world, 1600-1800 / edited by Gabriel Piterberg, Teofilo F. Ruiz, and Geoffrey Symcox
Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2010
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE96 .B73 2010
British captives from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1563-1760 / by Nabil Matar
Leiden, the Netherlands ; Boston : Brill, [2014]
Summary: "British Captives from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1563-1760 provides the first study of British captives in the North African Atlantic and Mediterranean, from the reign of Elizabeth I to George II. Based on extensive archival research in the United Kingdom, Nabil Matar furnishes the names of all captives while examining the problems that historians face in determining the numbers of early modern Britons in captivity. Matar also describes the roles which the monarchy, parliament, trading companies, and churches played (or did not play) in ransoming captives. He questions the emphasis on religious polarization in piracy and shows how much financial constraints, royal indifference, and corruption delayed the return of captives. As rivarly between Britain and France from 1688 on dominated the western Mediterranean and Atlantic, Matar concludes by showing how captives became the casus belli that justified European expansion"--Provided by publisher
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE61.P5 M38 2014
Cairo, Egypt : World Health Organization, [2008]
1 online resource (87 pages) : illustrations
Summary: In the Eastern Mediterranean Region, the knowledge base on social determinants and how these influence health is sparse. This publication reviews the social determinants of health in seven countries of the region and represents a first step towards building a knowledge base that can inform policy and strategies related to social determinants and the health inequities arising from them. The publication also discusses some of the strategies that could be adopted to forward the agenda on social determinants of health and health equity in individual countries. An EMRO Publication
Byzantium and the West : perception and reality (11th-15th c.) / edited by Nikolaos G. Chrissis, Athina Kolia-Dermitzaki, and Angeliki Papageorgiou
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019
"The interaction between Byzantium and the Latin West was intimately connected to practically all the major events and developments which shaped the medieval world in the High and Late Middle Ages - for example, the rise of the 'papal monarchy', the launch of the crusades, the expansion of international and long-distance commerce, or the flowering of the Renaissance. This volume explores not only the actual avenues of interaction between the two sides (trade, political and diplomatic contacts, ecclesiastical dialogue, intellectual exchange, armed conflict), but also the image each side had of the other and the way perceptions evolved over this long period in the context of their manifold contact. Twenty-one stimulating papers offer new insights and original research on numerous aspects of this relationship, pooling the expertise of an international group of scholars working on both sides of the Byzantine-Western 'divide', on topics as diverse as identity formation, ideology, court ritual, literary history, military technology and the economy, among others. The particular contribution of the research presented here is the exploration of how cross-cultural relations were shaped by the interplay of the thought-world of the various historical agents and the material circumstances which circumscribed their actions. The volume is primarily aimed at scholars and students interested in the history of Byzantium, the Mediterranean world, and, more widely, intercultural contacts in the Middle Ages"-- Provided by publisher
Call number: Web E-books
Byzantium in dialogue with the Mediterranean : history and heritage / edited by Daniëlle Slootjes, Mariëtte Verhoeven
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2019]
xi, 288 pages ; 25 cm
Summary: "In twelve contributions, Byzantium in Dialogue with the Mediterranean. History and Heritage shows that throughout the centuries of its existence, Byzantium continuously communicated with other cultures and societies on the European continent, as well as North Africa and in the East. In this volume, 'History' represents not only the chronological, geographical and narrative background of the historical reality of Byzantium, but it also stands for an all-inclusive scholarly approach to the Byzantine world that transcends the boundaries of traditionally separate disciplines such as history, art history or archaeology. The second notion, 'Heritage', refers to both material remains and immaterial traditions, and traces that have survived or have been appropriated. Contributors are Hans Bloemsma, Elena Boeck, Averil Cameron, Elsa Cardoso, Cristian Caselli, Evangelos Chrysos, Konstantinos Chryssogelos, Penelope Mougoyianni, Daphne Penna, Marko Petrak, Matthew Savage, Daniëlle Slootjes, Karen Stock, Alex Rodriguez Suarez and Mariëtte Verhoeven"-- Provided by publisher
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DF547.E85 B98 2019
Byzantium, Latin Romania and the Mediterranean / David Jacoby
Aldershot : Ashgate, c2001
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DF631 .J33 2001
Byzantine slavery and the Mediterranean world / Youval Rotman ; translated by Jane Marie Todd
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2009
Content: Theoretical approaches -- Medieval slavery in a new geopolitical space -- Slavery, a component of a medieval society -- Evolution of the concept of unfreedom -- Conclusion: Slavery, freedom, and unfreedom
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 7th Floor HT865 .R6713 2009
Can we talk Mediterranean? : conversations on an emerging field in Medieval and early modern studies / Brian A. Catlos, Sharon Kinoshita, editors
Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2017]
Call number: Web E-books
Change and resilience : the occupation of Mediterranean islands in late antiquity / edited by Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros and Catalina Mas Florit
Oxford ; Havertown, PA : Oxbow Books, 2019
Summary: The volume explores specifically the time frame from the fall of the Roman empire to the Medieval period. A first group of papers covers islands and island groups in the Central and Western Mediterranean, including the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and the Adriatic islands. Together, these five papers highlight several common themes across the region: local or indigenous sites were often reoccupied in Late Antiquity, the rural countryside typically played a significant role in the contributions of islands to wider Mediterranean economic networks, and islands - big and small - often played significant roles in shifting political and religious power.0The second group focuses on the Eastern Mediterranean. Three papers cover a range of islands, including Crete, the Cyclades, and Cyprus. Together they emphasize the impacts external shifts in political power and economic ties in the Eastern Mediterranean had on island landscapes, as well as the connected relationship between sacred space and territorial occupation across many of these islands.0The final group of papers pivots on changing perceptions of island landscapes in Late Antiquity-or "island mindscapes." Three papers focus on how communities adapted as they underwent Christianization in island contexts, emphasizing the diverse and varied ways that island landscapes became "Christianized," as well as how other political and economic factors shaped the dynamics of change.
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE59 .C43 2019
Chemins d'outre-mer : études d'histoire sur la Méditerranée médiévale offertes à Michel Balard / textes réunis par Damien Coulon ... [et al.]
Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2004
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE94 .C44 2004 v.1-2
Crusading and trading between West and East : studies in honour of David Jacoby / edited by Sophia Menache, Benjamin Z. Kedar and Michel Balard
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019
Content: Crusades and the Latin East -- Venice and the Byzantine World -- Medieval trade – Silk
Call number: Web E-books
Die Anfänge der Regierung König Karls II. von Anjou (1278-1295) : das Königreich Neapel, die Grafschaft Provence und der Mittelmeerraum zu Ausgang des 13. Jahrhunderts / von Andreas Kiesewetter
Husum : Matthiesen Verlag, c1999
Call number: Book Depository D6 .H66 no.451
Early modern history and the social sciences : testing the limits of Braudel's Mediterranean / edited by John A. Marino
Kirksville, Mo. : Truman State University Press, c2002
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE96 .E28 2002
Eight thousand years of Maltese maritime history: trade, piracy, and naval warfare in the central Mediterranean / Ayşe Devrim Atauz ; foreword by James C. Bradford and Gene A. Smith
Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c2008. (Baltimore, Md. : Project MUSE, 2014)
Call number: Web E-books
El Mediterráneo medieval y renacentista, espacio de mercados y de culturas / Jaume Aurell (ed.)
Pamplona : EUNSA, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2002
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE94 .M43 2002
Fifty Early Medieval Things : Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages / Deborah Deliyannis, Hendrik Dey, and Paolo Squatriti
Ithaca [New York] : Cornell University Press, 2019. (Baltimore, Md. : Project MUSE, 2015
Summary: "An introduction to the material culture of the greater Mediterranean world, including Europe and western Asia, this book connects actual things to the political, economic, cultural, and social forces that shaped the first millennium AD"-- Provided by publisher
Call number: Web E-books
From Alexander to Cleopatra : the Hellenistic world / Michael Grant
London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1982
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE86 .G73
Histories of Ottoman Larnaca / edited by Evangelia Balta, Theoharis Stavrides, Ioannis Theocharides
Istanbul : Isis Press, 2012
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DS54.95.L37 H57 2012
La corona catalanoaragonesa i el seu entorn mediterrani a la baixa edat mitjana : actes del seminari celebrat a Barcelona, els dies 27 i 28 de novembre de 2003 / Maria Teresa Ferrer i Mallol, Josefina Mutgé i Vives, Manuel Sánchez Martínez, eds
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DP302.C65 S45 2005
La fabrique des sociétés médiévales méditerranéennes : les Moyen Âge de François Menant / études réunies par Diane Chamboduc de Saint Pulgent et Marie Dejoux
Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor CB351 .F3 2018
La mer des califes : une histoire de la Méditerranée musulmane (VIIe-XIIe siècle) / Christophe Picard
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, [2015]
Introduction : La fin du pirate "maure et sarrasin"? -- 1e partie. La Méditerranée des Arabes : entre représentations et appropriations. La découverte de la Méditerranée par les Arabes -- L'écriture arabe de la conquête de la Méditerranée -- Les silences de la mer : le jihad des Abbassides -- La Méditerranée des géographes, "fille du califat de Baghdad" (IXe et Xe siècles) -- Les foyers musulmans de la Méditerranée occidentale : l'Islam sans les Abbassides (VIIIe-IXe siècle) -- La Méditerranée des califes d'Occident -- L'Occident de la Méditerranée, dernier foyer des ambitions maritimes de l'Islam (XIIe-XIIIe siècle). -- 2e partie. Les stratégies méditerranéennes des califes. La Méditerranée des deux empires (634-750) -- Contrôler la Méditerranée : le modèle abbasside (milieu VIIIe-Xe siècle) -- Contrôler la Méditerranée : l'éveil maritime de l'Occident musulman (IXe siècle) -- L'impérialisme maritime des califes méditerranéens au Xe siècle : la fin du jihad? -- La souveraineté maritime de l'Islam face à l'expansion latine en Méditerranée (XIIe-XIIIe siècle) -- Conclusion : La Méditerranée médiévale, un espace de mémoire d'Islam
Call Number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DS37.8 .P529 2015
Latins, Greeks and Muslims : encounters in the Eastern Mediterranean, 10th-15th centuries / David Jacoby
Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2009
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE94 .J34 2009
Le partage du monde : échanges et colonisation dans la Méditerranée médiévale / sous la direction de Michel Balard et Alain Ducellier
Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 1998
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 7th Floor JV121 .P378 1998
Levant : splendour and catastrophe on the Mediterranean / Philip Mansel
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2011
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DS62 .M36 2011
Making history : the Normans and their historians in eleventh-century Italy / Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c1995
Call number: Book Depository DG847.14 .W65 1995
Medieval Amalfi and its diaspora, 800-1250 / by Patricia Skinner
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013
Call number: Web E-books
Mediterranean crossings : the politics of an interrupted modernity / Iain Chambers
Durham : Duke University Press, c2008
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor D973 .C51 2008
Mediterranean encounters, economic, religious, political, 1100-1550 / David Abulafia
Aldershot ; Burlington, USA : Ashgate, 2000
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 7th Floor HF3750.7 .A543 2000
Mediterranean geographies / edited by Sergio Conti, Anna Segre
Roma : Società geografica italiana : CNR : Italian committee for International geographical union, 1998
Call number: Book Depository DE94 .M44 1998
More i berega : k 60-leti︠i︡u Serge︠i︡a Pavlovicha Karpova ot kolleg i uchenikov / otvetstvennyĭ redaktor R.M. Shukurov
Moskva : Indrik, 2009
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE59 .M67 2009
Osmanlı dönemi Akdeniz dünyası / editörler, Haydar Çoruh, M. Yaşar Ertaş, M. Ziya Köse
İstanbul : Yeditepe, 2011
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE96 .O853 2011
Peiresc's History of Provence : antiquarianism and the discovery of a medieval Mediterrranean / Peter N. Miller
Philadelphia, PA : American Philosophical Society, c2011
Contents: Introduction: Peiresc and Antiquarianism -- Antiquarianism as an Archival Science -- Researching the History of Provence -- Peiresc's Medieval Mediterranean in the History of Historiography
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Oversize Q11 .P53 v.101pt.3
Renegade women : gender, identity, and boundaries in the early modern Mediterranean / Eric R. Dursteler
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 7th Floor HQ1149.M43 D87 2011
Representing imperial rivalry in the early modern Mediterranean / edited by Barbara Fuchs and Emily Weissbourd
[Toronto, Ontario] : Published by the University of Toronto Press in association with the UCLA Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, [2015]
Ottawa, Ontario : Canadian Electronic Library, 2015
Summary: Representing Imperial Rivalry in the Early Modern Mediterranean explores representations of national, racial, and religious identities within a region dominated by the clash of empires. Bringing together studies of English, Spanish, Italian, and Ottoman literature and cultural artifacts, the volume moves from the broadest issues of representation in the Mediterranean to a case study -- early modern England -- where the "Mediterranean turn" has radically changed the field. The essays in this wide-ranging literary and cultural study examine the rhetoric which surrounds imperial competition in this era, ranging from poems commemorating the battle of Lepanto to elaborately adorned maps of contested frontiers. They will be of interest to scholars in fields such as history, comparative literary studies, and religious studies. --Provided by publisher
Call number: Web E-books
Sea of the caliphs : the Mediterranean in the medieval Islamic world / Christophe Picard ; translated by Nicholas Elliott
Cambridge, Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, [2018]
Contents: Introduction: The end of the Noorish and Saracen pirate? -- Part I. The Arab Mediterranean between representation and appropriation: The Arab discovery of the Mediterranean -- Arab writing on the conquest of the Mediterranean -- The silences of the sea: the Abbasid jihad -- The geographers' Mediterranean -- Muslim centers of the western Mediterranean: Islam without the Abbasids -- The Mediterranean of the Western caliphs -- The western Mediterranean: last bastion of Islam's maritime ambitions -- Part II. Mediterranean strategies of the caliphs: The Mediterranean of the two empires -- Controlling the Mediterranean: the Abbasid model -- The maritime awakening of the Muslim West -- The maritime imperialism of the caliphs in the tenth century: the end of jihad? -- Islam's maritime sovereignty in the face of Latin expansion -- Conclusion: The medieval Mediterranean and Islamic memory
Call number: Web E-books
Spaces in late antiquity : cultural, theological and archaeological perspectives / edited by Juliette Day, Raimo Hakola, Maijastina Kahlos and Ulla Tervahauta
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Summary: "Places and spaces are key factors in how individuals and groups construct their identities. Identity theories have emphasised that the construction of an identity follows abstract and universal processes but is also deeply rooted in specific historical, cultural, social and material environments. The essays in this volume explore how various groups in Late Antiquity rooted their identity in special places that were imbued with meanings derived from history and tradition. In Part I, essays explore the tension between the Classical heritage in public, especially urban spaces, in the form of ancient artwork and civic celebrations and the Church's appropriation of that space through doctrinal disputes and rival public performances. Parts II and III investigate how particular locations expressed, and formed, the theological and social identities of Christian and Jewish groups by bringing together fresh insights from the archaeological and textual evidence. Together the essays here demonstrate how the use and interpretation of shared spaces contributed to the self-identity of specific groups in Late Antiquity and in so doing issued challenges, and caused conflict, with other social and religious groups"--From publisher's website.
Call number: Web E-books
Studies in the archaeology of the medieval Mediterranean / edited by James G. Schryver
Leiden [Netherlands] ; Boston : Brill, 2010
Contents: A port without a harbour : reconstructing medieval al-Mina / Tasha Vorderstrasse -- The phantom baronies of the western Mani / Jon van Leuven -- A seigneury on the eastern borders of the kingdom of Jerusalem : the Terre de Suete / Cedric Devais -- Merchants, monks, and medieval Sardinian architecture / Michelle Hobart -- The Forma Urbis of Aleppo (Syria) during the Middle Ages / Giulia Annalinda Neglia -- Ethno-archaeological approaches to medieval rural settlement in Spain and Morocco / Johnny de Meulemeester -- The future of Venice's past and the archaeology of the north-eastern Adriatic emporia during the early Middle Ages / Sauro Gelichi
Call number: Web E-books
Subversives and mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean : a subaltern history / edited by Odile Moreau and Stuart Schaar ; preface by Edmund Burke III
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2016
Summary: Subaltern studies, the study of non-elite or underrepresented people, have revolutionized the writing of Middle Eastern history. Subversives and Mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean represents the next step in this transformation. The book explores the lives of eleven nonconformists who became agents of political and social change, actively organizing new forms of resistance-against either colonial European regimes or the traditional societies in which they lived-that disrupted the status quo, in some cases, with dramatic results. These case studies highlight cross-border connections in the Mediterranean world, exploring how these channels were navigated. Chapters in the book examine the lives of subversives and mavericks, such as Tawhida ben Shaykh, the first Arab woman to receive a medical degree; Mokhtar al-Ayari, a radical Tunisian labor leader; Nazli Hanem, Kmar Bayya, and Khiriya bin Ayyad, three aristocractic women who resisted the patriarchal structures of their societies by organizing and participating in intellectual salons for men and women and advocating social reform; Qaid Najim al-Akhsassi, an ex-slave and military officer, who fought against French and Spanish colonial expansion; and Boubeker al-Ghandjawi, a nearly illiterate trader who succeeded, though his diverse connections, in establishing important relations between the Moroccan sultan and the representative of the British government
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DS37.7 .S83 2016
Templars and Hospitallers as professed religious in the Holy Land / Jonathan Riley-Smith
Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. (Baltimore, Md. : Project MUSE, 2014)
Location: Web E-books
The Aegean sea peoples and religious architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean at the close of the Late Bronze Age / Mariusz Burdajewicz
Oxford, England : B.A.R., 1990
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Oversize DE73.2.S4 B87 1990
The Atlantic war remembered : an oral history collection / edited by John T. Mason, Jr
Annapolis, Md. : Naval Institute Press, c1990
Call number: Book Depository D811.A2 A73 1990
The Barbary corsairs : warfare in the Mediterranean, 1480-1580 / Jacques Heers ; translated by Jonathan North
London : Greenhill ; Pennsylvania : Stackpole, 2003
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DT201 .H4413 2003
The Crisis years : the 12th century B.C. : from beyond the Danube to the Tigris / edited by William A. Ward, and Martha Sharp Joukowsky ; with contributions by Paul Åström ... [et al.]
Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt Pub., 1992
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DS62.23 .C75 1992
The first merchant venturers: the ancient Levant in history and commerce
New York, McGraw-Hill [c1966]
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE86 .C8
The great sea : a human history of the Mediterranean / David Abulafia
New York : Oxford University Press, c2011
Contents: Pt. 1. The first Mediterranean, 22000 BC-1000 BC. Isolation and insulation, 22000 BC-3000 BC -- Copper and bronze, 3000 BC-1500 BC -- Merchants and heroes, 1500 BC-1250 BC -- Sea peoples and land peoples, 1250 BC-1100 BC -- Pt. 2. The second Mediterranean, 1000 BC-AD 600. The purple traders, 1000 BC-700 BC -- The heirs of Odysseus, 800 BC-550 BC -- The triumph of the Tyrrhenians, 800 BC-400 BC -- Towards the garden of the Hesperides, 1000 BC-400 BC -- Thalassocracies, 550 BC-400 BC -- The lighthouse of the Mediterranean, 350 BC-100 BC -- 'Carthage must be destroyed,' 400 BC-146 BC -- 'Our sea,' 146 BC-AD 150 -- Old and new faiths, AD 1-450 -- Dis-integration, 400-600 -- Pt. 3. The third Mediterranean, 600-1350. Mediterranean troughs, 600-900 -- Crossing the boundaries between Christendom and Islam, 900-1050 -- The great sea-change, 1000-1100 -- 'The profit that God shall give,' 1100-1200 -- Ways across the sea, 1160-1185 -- The fall and rise of empires, 1130-1260 -- Merchants, mercenaries and missionaries, 1220-1300 -- Serrata--closing, 1291-1350 -- Pt. 4. The fourth Mediterranean, 1350-1830. Would-be Roman emperors, 1350-1480 -- Transformations in the West, 1391-1500 -- Holy leagues and unholy alliances, 1500-1550 -- Akdeniz--the battle for the White Sea, 1550-1571 -- Interlopers in the Mediterranean, 1571-1650 -- Diasporas in despair, 1560-1700 -- Encouragement to others, 1650-1780 -- The view through the Russian prism, 1760-1805 -- Deys, beys, and bashaws, 1800-1830 -- Pt. 5. The fifth Mediterranean, 1830-2010. Ever the twain shall meet, 1830-1900 -- The Greek and the unGreek, 1830-1920 -- Ottoman exit, 1900-1918 -- A tale of four and a half cities, 1900-1950 -- Mare nostrum--again, 1918-1945 -- A fragmented Mediterranean, 1945-1990 -- The last Mediterranean, 1950-2010 -- Conclusion : Crossing the sea
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE71 .A25 2011
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean world in the age of Philip II / Fernand Braudel ; translated from the French by Siân Reynolds
Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, [1995]
Call number: Thompson Library Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute Stacks D80 .B771 1995 v.1 and v. 2
The Mediterranean in the ancient world
New York, Greenwood Press [1969]
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE86 .R67 1969
The Mediterranean world in late antiquity, 395-700 AD / Averil Cameron
London ; New York : Routledge, 2012
Contents: Constantinople and the eastern empire -- The empire and the barbarians -- Christianization and its challenges -- Late Roman society and economy -- Justinian and reconquest -- Late antique culture and private life -- Urban change and the late antique countryside -- The eastern Mediterranean : a region in ferment -- A changed world
Call number: Web E-books
The Mediterranean in history / edited by David Abulafia ; texts by David Abulafia ... [et al.]
Los Angeles, Calif. : J. Paul Getty Museum ; London : Thames & Hudson, c2003
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor D973 .M36 2003
The path to victory : the Mediterranean Theater in World War II
New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004
Content: Introduction: A strategist's nightmare -- Chapter 1: 1940: War comes to the Mediterranean -- Chapter 2: "The Norway of Mediterranean" -- Chapter 3: Tactical triumphs, strategic misjudgments -- Chapter 4: Rommel's war: a perfect battlefield -- Chapter 5: "The great kingdom of terror" -- Chapter 6: Monty's war: El Alamein-the unnecessary battle? -- Chapter 7: "FDR's secret baby" -- Chapter 8: Tunisia: "the Verdun of the Mediterranean" -- Chapter 9: Husky: "one continent redeemed" -- Chapter 10: "The Mediterranean year" -- Chapter 11: The incomplete victory -- Chapter 12: The Mediterranean road to France's resurrection, 1940-45 -- Chapter 13: Cassino without the monastery: cracking the gothic line -- Conclusion: The pivotal theater
Call number: Lima Campus Library Stacks D766 .P67 2004 c.2
The triangle of Mediterranean : the Knights of Malta between the Kingdom of Naples and Arabs-Barbary states of Maghreb = Il triangolo del Mediterraneo : I cavalieri di Malta tra il Regno di Napoli e gli stati arabi-barbareschi del Maghreb / Luciano Lo Celso, Adrian Busietta
Malta : Castello entertainment ; Napoli : M. D'Auria, [2001]
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE96 .L6 2001
The Vandals / Andy Merrills and Richard Miles
Chichester, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
Contents: The Vandals in history -- From the Danube to Africa -- Ruling the Vandal kingdom, A.D. 435-534 -- Identity and ethnicity in the Vandal kingdom -- The Vandal kingdom and the wider world, 439-534 -- The economy of Vandal Africa -- Religion and the Vandal kingdom -- Cultural life under the Vandals -- Justinian and the end of the Vandal kingdom
Call number: Web E-books
The Venetian Empire : a sea voyage / Jan Morris
New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1980
Call number: Architecture Library Mezzanine DG677.6 .M67 1980
Trade and cultural exchange in the early modern Mediterranean : Braudel's maritime legacy / edited by Maria Fusaro, Colin Heywood, Mohamed-Salah Omri
exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor Mezzanine DE80 .T73 2010
Vital crossroads : Mediterranean origins of the Second World War, 1935-1940 / Reynolds M. Salerno
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2002
Call number: Thompson Library Stacks 4th Floor D742.M48 S35 2002
Where three worlds met : Sicily in the early medieval Mediterranean / Sarah Davis-Secord
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2017. (Baltimore, Md. : Project MUSE, 2015)
Contents: Sicily between Constantinople and Rome -- Sicily between Byzantium and Islam -- Sicily in the dār al-Islām -- Sicily from the dār al-Islām to Latin Christendom -- Latin Sicily between three worlds
Call number: Web E-books
Legacy of ancient civilizations [videorecording] / World Almanac Video ; distributed by Choices, Inc
Beverly Hills, CA : World Almanac Video : Distributed by Choices and Vision Films, c1999
Call number: Book Depository CB311 .L44 1999