Find Primary Sources in the OSU Libraries Catalog:
OSU Libraries makes available databases of primary sources. See the various sections of the this subject guide for selected databases that include documents, newspapers, and other source materials.
Special Collections at OSU Libraries
Special Collections
Find brief descriptive information on OSU special collections and links to more information. Link to the specific special collection to find specialists who can assist you with finding primary resources in those collections
Find manuscript collections using the Discover search -
-use the default search space; enter keywords; select the Special Collections box.
Find books in Special Collections using the OSU Library catalog.
- go to and select the type of search (eg. keyword, subject, author etc.)
- enter search terms and then click on the box that says "Search Full Catalog" and select Spec Collections & Archives
- click on the submit button. All results will be items in Special Collections
Digital Collections is a searchable database of selected items from three library collections. The number of images will increase as we add items to the database. Also use the Discover search -
African American Communities
“Focusing predominantly on Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, and towns and cities in North Carolina this collection presents multiple aspects of the African American community through pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals, correspondence, official records and in-depth oral histories, revealing the prevalent challenges of racism, discrimination and integration, and a unique African American culture and identity. Also featured is a rich selection of visual material, including photographs, maps and ephemera.”
American Civil Liberties Union Papers 1912-1995
"consists of two major collections comprising myriad subseries. The Roger Baldwin Years, 1912-1950, contains subseries with clippings and files on academic freedom; censorship; legislation; federal departments and federal legislation; state activities; conscientious objectors; injunctions; and labor and labor organization correspondence. Years of Expansion, 1950-1990, encompasses foundation project files on the Amnesty Project, 1964-1980; the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee, 1964-1976; and subject files on freedom of belief, expression, and association; due process of law; equality before the law; international civil liberties; and legal case files, 1933-1990.”
American History 1493-1945
Collection of “documents in American History from the earliest settlers to the mid-twentieth century. It is sourced from the Gilder Lehrman Collection, one of the finest archives available for the study of American History.”
Module I Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
Module II Civil War, Reconstruction and the Modern Era: 1860-1945
American Pamphlets Series I, 1820-1922
"New-York Historical Society’s collection of pamphlets include speeches, orations, debates, sermons, treatises, tracts, narratives, poems, songs, memoirs, announcements, and legal notices. Topics include politics and government, religion and religious movements, art and entertainment, business and economics, health and medicine, education, immigrants and ethnic groups, American Indians, slavery and the Civil War, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, women, and science and technology.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
1789-present "Finding tool for electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. government. These publications make up the National Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications. The CGP contains descriptive records for historical and current publications and provides direct links to those that are available online."
Race Relations in America 1943-1970
This resource showcases the speeches, reports, surveys and analyses produced by the Race Relations Department and its annual Institute at Fisk University. Some of its participants were Charles S. Johnson, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thurgood Marshall.”
Trench Journals and Unit Magazines of the First World War
“Over 1,500 periodicals written and illustrated by serving members of the armed forces and associated welfare organisations published between 1914 and the end of 1919 are included. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover, in full colour or greyscale.”
Selected Guide to Oral Histories at OSU and the Web
Find Oral Histories or Interviews using OSU Libraries Resources
Find text and video of oral histories by using the advanced menu search
-Change the first pull down menu to subject and use the word interviews
-On another search line include relevant key word
-Restrict to videos by using the Location menu and select Web E-Video
A different search strategy would be to deploy a keyword search to combine a relevant keyword with “oral history”
“civil rights” and “oral history” Note: May find oral histories and works that used oral history as a resource
Selected Databases with Video and/or Text Available from OSU Libraries
Ohio State University Archives Oral Histories
“The OSU Oral History Program documents the history of The Ohio State University by interviewing faculty members and administrators, as well as former students.”
United States Senate Historical Office Oral History Collection. JK1161 .U65 MICROFICHE 2nd Floor Thompson Library Microform division.
Black Studies in Video Use Advanced Menu; enter keywords/names; scroll down to Content Type and limit only to interviews
Oral history interviews with more than 2,687 African Americans.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 Use the Search tab and limit to interviews or oral history using the Document Type limiter
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories Find video interviews by selecting the Browse tab and then select Showcase. Scroll down to Ellis Island Oral History Project. Also use the Search tab and select Advanced Search. Limit to oral history using Document Type
The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960–1974 Limit to interviews and oral histories by selecting the Search tab and then limiting the Document Type
Selected Resources with Text and/or Audio and Video Freely Available on the Web
Visual History Archive. Los Anegles: USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education. Requires free registration. Search cataloging and indexing data for 54,369 videotaped interviews conducted with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and genocides in the 20th century - The 1937 Nanjing Massacre; The 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda; The 1915 Armenian Genocide; The Guatemalan Genocide, which occurred during the country’s 36-year Civil War; The 1975 Cambodian Genocide. Approximately 27,109 English-language testimony videos can be viewed in VHA Online. For a guide to the collection see The VHA at the University of Southern California offers many additional interviews to paying subscribers to the resource. NOTE: This resource contains copyrighted material. See the Terms of Use.
Ellis Island Oral Histories Requires free registration. Includes about 1893 interviews “dedicated to preserving the first-hand recollections of immigrants who passed through the Ellis Island immigration station between 1892 and 1954 and the employees who worked there.” NOTE: This resource appears to be searchable only by names of immigrants.
Kent State Shootings: Oral Histories “The Kent State Shootings Oral Histories project collects and provides access to personal accounts of the May 4, 1970, shootings and their aftermath.” There are 123 oral history accounts. On May 4, 1970 13 students were shot by members of the Ohio National Guard at a student demonstration. “The protests at Kent State were part of a widespread spontaneous reaction to the announcement by President Richard M. Nixon of the U.S. incursion into Cambodia [during the Vietnam War,] which had begun only days earlier.”
Columbus Jewish Historical Society Oral Histories Offers transcripts of oral history interviews of persons from the Columbus Jewish community reflecting on their lives and mainly local Jewish events and institutions from the past up to today.
Veterans History Project
The "(VHP) of the Library of Congress American Folklife Center is primarily an oral history program that collects and preserves the firsthand interviews of America's wartime veterans... In addition to audio- and video-recorded interviews, VHP accepts memoirs and collections of original photographs, letters, diaries, maps and other historical documents from World War I through current conflicts."
War Stories
"Represents the experiences of West Texas military veterans and their families from World War I to the present. These are stories of those who served and those who hoped and prayed for their loved ones’ safe return."
Additional Resources for Locating Oral Histories
Columbia Center for Oral History. New York: Columbia University. [CATALOG TO COLLECTION ONLY] Includes “over 10,000 interviews, the CCOH Archives is one of the largest oral history collections in the United States.”
Selected Oral History Projects. UCLA Libraries Links to oral history projects in the United States
Selected General Resources on Conducting Oral Histories
NOTE: OSU Libraries has many books on the subject of oral history. For books that focus on methods of conducting oral histories see Oral history -- Methodology
Conducting Oral Histories. UCLA Libraries Web site with Information about preparing for and conducting an oral history interview
Catching Stories: A Practical Guide to Oral History. [EBook] Donna DeBlasio, Swallow Press, c2009.
Doing Oral History: A Practical Guide. [Print book] Donald Richie, Oxford University Press, 2003.
Early English Books Online (EEBO)1475-1700
"Fom the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, this collection contains over 96,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475 - 1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised edition. Allows for exhaustive research requirements of graduate scholars in the areas of English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, and the fine arts." See also EEBO Text Partnership
19th Century US Newspapers
1800-1899; selected US newspapers full text searchable
Early American Manuscript & Document Collections:
Founders Online
Contains searchable manuscripts from early US presidents (also available in American Founding Era above) and also Gallatin, Albert; Knox, Henry; McHenry, James; Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson; Randolph, Edmund; Heath, William; Coxe, Tench; Pickering, Timothy; Lee, Arthur; Lear, Tobias; Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de; Jay, John; Claiborne, William C. C.; Short, William; American Commissioners; Williams, Jonathan, Jr.; Dearborn, Henry; Adams, Thomas Boylston; Humphreys, David; Lincoln, Benjamin; Greene, Nathanael; Smith, William Stephens; Smith, Robert; Morris, Robert; Jefferson, George; Wolcott, Oliver, Jr.; King, Rufus; Livingston, Robert R.; Treasury Department; Lee, William; Bourne, Sylvanus; Peyton, Bernard; Huntington, Samuel; Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric; Schuyler, Philip; Dumas, Charles William Frederic; Sullivan, John; Morris, Gouverneur; Jarvis, William; Rush, Benjamin
Colonial America
Colonial America will make available all 1,450 volumes of the CO 5 (Colonial Office Record Group 5) series from The National Archives, UK, covering the period 1606 to 1822. CO 5 consists of the original correspondence between the British government and the governments of the American colonies, making it a uniquely rich resource for all historians of the period.
Colonial State Papers
“This collection offers insight into the colonial history of North America and the West Indies. It includes the British National Archives collection CO 1—papers from the Colonial Office that were presented to the Privy Council and the Board of Trade during 1574-1757. More than 7,000 hand-written documents and more than 45,000 bibliographic records from Calendar of State Papers Colonial consists of bibliographic entries along with transcriptions, extracts and abstracts, in fully keyed XML. The papers offer fascinating insight into British trade, history and overseas expansion between the 16th and 18th centuries.” Colonial State Papers is only concerned with the American, Canadian, and West Indian colonies. Papers and calendars on other regions are not included even though they may relate to American affairs. A search of CSP will produce calendar entries in CO record groups that were not digitized.
Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution Digital Edition
Enter American Founders Era and select the title.
Legacy of Slavery in Maryland
Documents, records, and case studies.
Papers of Alexander Hamilton (Library of Congress) "consist of his personal and public correspondence, drafts of his writings (although not his Federalist essays), and correspondence among members of the Hamilton and Schuyler families. The collection, consisting of approximately 12,000 items dating from 1708 to 1917, documents Hamilton's impoverished Caribbean boyhood (scantily); events in the lives of his family and that of his wife, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton; his experience as a Revolutionary War officer and aide-de-camp to General George Washington; his terms as a New York delegate to the Continental Congress (1782-1783) and the Constitutional Convention (1787); and his careers as a New York state legislator, United States treasury secretary (1789-1795), political writer, and lawyer in private practice. Most of the papers date from 1777 until Hamilton's death in 1804."
Territorial Papers of the United States, Series 1-4
"From this source comes the official history of the states’ territorial years recorded in primary source documents, many of which are hand-written, that include official correspondence with Washington, Native American negotiations and treaties, military records, judicial proceedings, population data, financial statistics, land records, and more."
Civil War Service Reports of Union Army Generals
These generals’ reports of service represent an attempt by the Adjutant General’s Office (AGO) to obtain more complete records of the service of the various Union generals serving in the Civil Wa
Civil War in Words and Deeds
Individually and collectively, the publication of these regimental histories and personal narratives constitute a source of great historical value. These first-person accounts, compiled in the postwar period and early 20th Century period, chronicle the highs and lows of army life from 1861 through 1865.
American Civil War Collection 1860-1922: From the American Antiquarian Society.
"These diverse materials, all filmed in full-resolution color, include broadsides, lithographs, maps, books, pamphlets, photographs, political cartoons, stereographs, and more. Coverage extends throughout the Civil War and well beyond into the critical postwar period."
ProQuest Legislative Insight
ProQuest Legislative Insight is a federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text Congressional publications relevant to enacted U.S. public laws from 1789-present. Provides compiled histories of laws enacted from 1789 to the present, including the following document types: bills, reports, documents, hearings, CRS reports, committee prints, Congressional Record sections, presidential signing statements, and statutes. Legislative Insight includes only documents related to the passage of a law. For hearings, reports, bills, etc., that are not part of a legislative history, please use Proquest Congressional.
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) 1861-1980s: Search all volumes ; Browse volumes
Online full text searchable; Print available at JX233A3 in Thompson Library [2nd floor mezzanine]. FRUS is the US Dept. of State's official collection of foreign relations documents that are publicly available. Includes "documents from Presidential libraries, Departments of State and Defense, National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency, Agency for International Development, and other foreign affairs agencies as well as the private papers of individuals involved in formulating U.S. foreign policy."
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS): 1861-1960
Online, fulltext searchable; For paper editions 1861- [title varies]: JX233 .A3 in Thompson Library [2nd floor mezzanine]. FRUS is the US Dept. of State's official collection of foreign relations documents that are publicly available
US State Department Bulletin 1933-1989
Includes the complete test of each issue. Collects public documents produced by the Dept. of State such as press releases, speeches, and articles. Print copy in the Depository JX232 .A26
US State Department Dispatch 1990-1999
A similar publication to the bulletin but contains less content. Print copy in the Depository JX232 .A26
The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
Interviews mostly with Foreign Service Officers but there also are some with political appointees and other officials. While some 1920s-, 1930s-, and World-War-II-era diplomacy is covered, most of the interviews involve post-World-War-II diplomacy, from the late 1940s to the 1990s. Search by keyword or browse by author or subject.
U.S. Department of State web site
Source of contemporary documents, speeches and press releases on foreign policy
American Foreign Relations: Current Documents 1950-1990
ONLINE: Available in print: JX1417 .A33: 1956-1967 at Law; Depository; 1981-1990 in Depository; JX1417 .A55: 1950-1955 in Depository
Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
"Interview transcripts (at the Library of Congress) from the oral history archives of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training (ADST). These transcripts present a window into the lives of U.S. diplomats and the major diplomatic crisis and issues that the United States faced during the second half of the 20th century and the early part of the 21st."
Records of US State Department's Division of Chinese Affairs 1944-1961
inter and intradepartmental memorandums, reports, position papers, summaries, maps, photographs, and despatches (from US Foreign Service officers and military personnel) relating to the internal political affairs of China and United States foreign policy toward China.
Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records (dates vary) Online or Microfilm: Russia; Middle East; Japan; Central America
OSU holdings of digital and microfilm collections cover different countries and regions for various periods in the 20th century. Additional microfilm collections may be available in Ohiolink. Includes "correspondence and reports from American diplomats stationed around the world. Diplomatic post records are those kept at the embassies or legations rather than those kept in Washington."
U.S. State Department Central Files. Online: Africa and Middle East, 1960-1969 ; Asia ; Microfilm: 1930s-1950s
OSU holdings of digital and microfilm collections cover different countries and regions for various periods in the 20th century. Additional microfilm collections may be available in Ohiolink. "The central files are the largest and most important category of Department of State records. There is at least some documentation in the Department’s central files on almost all topics relating to U.S. foreign policy and relations with other countries. Perhaps most importantly, the central files are the most inclusive and authoritative repository of reporting by American diplomatic and consular posts overseas. In addition, the files include Department of State communications with foreign diplomatic and consular offices in the United States, correspondence with other U.S. Government agencies and the public, and internal memorandums and reports."
Note: See additional presidential papers under the "National Security" tab above. Also, a selected collection of published presidential papers in print is available in the Buckeye Reading Room, room 260 in Thompson Library.
Collected Papers of US Presidents
Contains the annotated, full-text searchable set of the personal papers and manuscripts of the founders of the American Republic. The collection includes the papers of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Marshall, Andrew Jackson Woodrow Wilson. Also includes Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Dolley Madison, Charles Pinckney, and the People of the Founding Era collection
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933 through Barack Obama (For FD Roosevelt see under Roosevelt below)
Public Papers of the Presidents. Print edition for 1945-present available in Thompson Library, Buckeye Reading Room, Rm. 260, J80 .A28 .
Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (1992-present)
Includes Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 1993-January 2009 and Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents beginning with the administration of Barack Obama. January 2009-
Includes George H.W. Bush (1992-93 only, 1989-91 see Public Papers above), Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump
Compilation of Messages and Papers of the Presidents (New Series) 22 Vols. Keyword searchable database of very selected papers from George Washington through Herbert Hoover. Print copy of v1-20 in Library Depository J81.B96C.
American Presidency Project Searchable site that contains over 61,00 public presidential documents, such as executive orders, radio addresses, and speeches. Also included are the texts of presidential debates since 1960, national party platforms since 1840, state of the union addresses since 1793, and historical statistical data on the presidency and presidential elections.
Presidential Speeches in Audio and/or Text (Washington to Obama) Audio is in mps3 and requires downloading to a hard drive first before playback.
The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2004 Video and audio of television commercials during the campaigns
It is possible to find these addresses in various formats and publications. The link provided gives access to all addresses in a convenient way. For some original publication format see links above to Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents. Public Papers of the Presidents, the Congressional Record, and collections of presidential papers. The Compilation of Messages and Papers....above also includes state of the union addresses.
Individual Collections of US Presidents
George Washington
After entering American Founders select The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition. Encompasses five separate series and the complete diaries.
George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress
Writings of George Washington 1745-1799 (39 Vols.) Papers drawn from the collection at the Library of Congress but restricted mainly to letters written by GW and not letters written to GW. See the paper volumes at E312.7 1931.
John Adams
After entering American Founders select The Adams Papers Digital Edition. Comprises John Adams’s complete diaries, selected legal papers, and the ongoing series of family correspondence and state papers.
John Adams at the Massachusetts Historical Society (see right sidebars)
Abigail Adams and Abigail Smith Adams at Founders Online
Thomas Jefferson
After entering American Founders select The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital Edition. Brings together The Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University, and The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation.
Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society includes texts of some writings and architectural drawings.
James Madison
After entering American Founders select The Papers of James Madison Digital Edition
James Madison Papers at the Library of Congress
James Monroe
Monroe Papers at Founders Online
Microfilm of Virginia State Archives and other repositories in Virginia primarily relating to James Monroe's actions as a state official
John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams Papers at Founders Online
John Quincy Adams diaries 1779-1848 at the Massachusetts Historical Society
Andrew Jackson
After entering Founders Online select The Papers of Andrew Jackson Digital Edition
Franklin Pierce Papers
Microfilm of papers at the Library of Congress
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress
Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (Ed. by Roy Basler, 1953)
Lincoln Virtual Library at the Library of Congress
Abraham Lincoln/Net: Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project presents historical materials from Abraham Lincoln's Illinois years (1830-1861), including Lincoln's writings and speeches. Also has video, audio and images
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library holdings and links
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S. Grant Papers at the Library of Congress.
Papers of Ulysses S. Grant. Browse digital set of 31 volume collection
Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library, Mississippi State University, digital collections
Rutherford B. Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center holdings and services
Grove Cleveland
Grover Cleveland Papers
Microfilm of papers at the Library of Congress
William McKinley
William McKinley Papers
Microfilm of papers at the Library of Congress
Theodore Roosevelt
Harvard; Library of Congress; TR Center
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson papers 1856-1924
"Includes the complete contents of the landmark letterpress edition of the papers, with nearly 35,000 documents across 69 volumes, with new material forthcoming from the Library of Congress and the Wilson Presidential Library."
Messages and Papers of Woodrow Wilson. 2 Vols. New York : Review of Reviews Corporation, 1924. Also available in print.
Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library & Museum
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
Also see Documentary History of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency (40 vols.)
Harry Truman
Harry Truman Museum and Library-documents
Also see Documentary History of the Truman Presidency (35 vols.)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Dwight Eisenhower
Dwight Eisenhower Presidential Library-documents
Also see Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency (9 Vols.)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Library-speeches & documents
Also see Documentary History of the John F. Kennedy Presidency (12 vols.)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum-documents
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon Library-documents
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford Library and Museum-documents
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter Library and Museum-documents
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library-speeches
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
George H.W. Bush
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library-documents
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
William J. Clinton
William J. Clinton holdings and services
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
George W. Bush
George W. Bush Presidential Library – Research
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Barack Obama
Barack Obama Presidential Library – Research
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Donald Trump
Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents
Trump Twitter Archive (unofficial compilation)
Voices from the Days of Slavery (Audio) Former Slaves Tell Their Stories
Slave Biographies
Offers "an open access data repository of information on the identities of enslaved people in the Atlantic World."
Black Abolitionist Papers
Details "the extensive work of African Americans to abolish slavery in the United States prior to the Civil War. Covering the period 1830-1865, the collection presents the massive, international impact of African American activism against slavery, in the writings and publications of the activists themselves...[Includes] correspondence of major African American leaders; speeches, sermons, and lectures; articles, essays, editorials, and other major writings from more than 200 newspapers: African American, abolitionist, and reform newspapers; and receipts, poems, and other miscellaneous documents.
Slave Societies Digital Archive
SSDA is "dedicated to identifying, cataloging, and digitally preserving endangered archival materials documenting the history of Africans and their descendants in the Atlantic World....[This includes material] generated by the Catholic Church, which mandated the baptism of African slaves in the fifteenth century and later extended this requirement to the Iberian New World. The baptismal records preserved in Slave Societies are the oldest and most uniform serial data available for the history of Africans in the Atlantic World and offer the most extensive information regarding their ethnic origins"
American Slavery Collection, 1820-1922: From the American Antiquarian Society
Archeological Data
The Digital Archeological Archive of Comparative Slavery
Web-based initiative designed to foster inter-site, comparative archaeological research on slavery throughout the Chesapeake, the Carolinas, and the Caribbean. Our goal is to help scholars from different disciplines use archaeological evidence to advance our historical understanding of the slave-based society that evolved in the Atlantic World during the colonial and ante-bellum periods.
See also links to presidential speeches under the Presidential Documents tab above.
Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820
"Explores prominent themes in world history since 1820: conquest, colonization, settlement, resistance, and post-coloniality, as told through women’s voices. With a clear focus on bringing the voices of the colonized to the forefront, this highly-curated archive and database includes documents related to the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British, French, Italian."
Archives Unbound primary source collections on womenve (see also many other collections)
Everyday Life & Women in America: c.1800-1920
Provides "access to rare primary source material from the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History, Duke University and The New York Public Library. It comprises thousands of fully searchable images (alongside transcriptions) of monographs, pamphlets, periodicals and broadsides addressing 19th and early 20th century political, social and gender issues, religion, race, education, employment, marriage, sexuality, home and family life, health, and pastimes."