MacTutor History of Mathematics
This History of Mathematics archive is part of the Mathematical MacTutor system developed at the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences University of St Andrews for learning and experimenting with mathematics.
History of Mathematics Home Page
Historical topics in mathematics. Of particular interest may be the chronology information about mathematics from different regions of the world.
Large online encyclopedia with information on hundreds of mathematics topics.
NSDL - The National Science Digital Library
Search for a wide variety of research topics in the sciences.
Mathematics by Classifications (use for MathSciNet)
A collection of web sites arranged by the AMS Subject Classification.
Contains links to selected exhibitions, hyperbooks, information systems, museums and pages related to the history of mathematics.
This free online magazine addresses topics in mathematics history. Registration is required.
Websites relevant to the History of Mathematics
A list of links provided by the University of Dublin's School of Mathematics
History of Mathematics Web Sites
A collection of web sites maintained by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Baldwin-Wallace College.
From Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Has a large number of links to other sites and topics.
From Furman University, this site allows you to search for or browse quotations by person.