Andean and Amazonian Information Resources

Rare Books & Manuscripts Library

Image credit: Rare Books & Manuscripts Library, The Ohio State University Libraries (BX1966.Q4 C38 1773); 

Tercero catecismo y exposicion de la doctrina christiana por sermones. Para que los curas y otros ministros prediquen y enseñen á los indios y á las demás personas: conforme a lo que se proveyó en el Santo Concilio Provincial de Lima el año pasado de 1583. Lima, Perú: En la Oficina de la Calle de San Jacinto, 1773.

Why Primary Sources?

The utility of primary sources as material objects
“For a variety of reasons, primary historical and literary sources often can be difficult for students and the general public to engage with in productive ways. The material might be presented in a language they do not know, written or printed in a style that they are unable to decipher, or concerned with a topic that is completely esoteric or foreign. However, this does not mean that we cannot use historical texts—whatever shape they might take—to uncover information about the individuals and cultures that produced and consumed them. Each “text,” whether it be manuscript, printed book, textile, pottery, painting, or any number of other examples of communicative media, can reveal much about its author(s), producers, and users through its physical characteristics, such as size, shape, and format, as well as through the materials used to create it, such as the paper, parchment, or other supports that might be used to carry the “text”; the inks and pigments used to record and embellish textual and illustrated content; and other materials added to the object to help package and preserve it and facilitate its use. By paying attention to these “extra-textual” elements—these “texts underneath the text”—readers can use primary sources as a means to learn and understand more about the complex material, cultural, artistic, and intellectual contexts underlying historical texts of all types.”
Eric J. Johnson, Curator, OSU Rare Books & Manuscripts Library

Finding Aids & Guides

Searching the Rare Books & Manuscript Library Collection

The Ohio State University’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Library collection holdings include materials related to indigenous literature Andean history, language, and culture that together provide students and scholars with a valuable resource for teaching and research.

A few items available in the collection include: 

  • Don Quixote de la Mancha translation in Quechua
  • 19th- century Quechua political proclamation
  • 18th- century missionary’s book in Quechua​

Explore this collection by searching the library's finding aids and guides 

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