COMM 2367

A library research guide for students in COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication

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Associate Professor, Librarian for Communication & Political Science

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Hilary Bussell
1858 Neil Avenue
250B Thompson Library

Find books and book chapters at the Ohio State Libraries

If you want to find a book on your research topic, you'll want to look in the OSU Library Catalog:

  • The Library Catalog lists the books, e-books, videos, magazines, journals (but not articles within journals, newspapers, and magazines--use the databases to find these) and other materials owned or subscribed to by the Ohio State University Libraries.
  • Information in books is usually much more in-depth and wider in breadth than you'd find in articles or news sources.
  • Many academic books are edited, with each chapter having its own title and author. So you may only need to read -- and cite the single chapter instead of the whole book.
  • Many books in the catalog show you the table of contents so you can see whether there is a particular chapter that would interest you.

When you find an item you want in the catalog, look at the Location and Call Number. The Location will tell you which library you can find the book in, and the Call Number will tell you where you can find the book in that library. 

If you get to the library and can't find the book you need, feel free to ask any staff member.

Example APA citations

APA citation for a whole book:

Johnson-Woods, T. (2007). Blame Canada!: South Park and popular culture. New York, NY: Continuum.

APA citation for a book chapter:

Kashem, M. A. (2007). Use of television as a community media by farmers in Bangladesh. In K. Fuller (Ed.), Community media: International perspectives (pp. 69-76). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.