This page contains topics beginning with F-M. For topics starting with A-E see Hot Topics A-E. For topics starting N - Z see Hot Topics N-Z. Inclusion of a site below does not mean that OSU Libraries or The Ohio State University endorse the sites or the information they contain.
F G H Ho I J K L M Mo
Continues Hot Topics (Topics A-E) and is continued by Hot Topics (Topics N-Z)
FAFSA – See Financial Aid/Grants
Finance, Personal
Financial Aid/Grants
- EURO Scholars. Research abroad program designed to provide students from US and Canadian institutions an international research experience.
- Federal Student Aid. (U.S. Department of Education) Contains information on student loans and resources.
- FinAid! (FINAID.ORG) Free resource for objective and unbiased information, advice and tools about student financial aid.
- Foundation Center. (Candid) Information on philanthropy, fundraising, and grant programs.
- ( Links to government loan programs. Also available in Spanish.
- LSTA - Library Services and Technology Act. (State Library of Ohio) Grant Information for Ohio libraries.
- SAM.GOV. (General Services Administration) Formerly published as the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Provides a full listing of all Federal programs available to State and Local governments (including the District of Columbia); federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; Territories (and possessions) of the United States; domestic public, quasi-public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups; and individuals.
- State Grants & Scholarships. (Ohio Department of Higher Education)
- Student Financial Aid. (The Ohio State University. Enrollment Services)
- Student Financial Aid - Scholarships. (The Ohio State University. Enrollment Services)
- Student Loans. (Federal Trade Commission) Brochure on spotting deceptive student loans claims or business practices.
Financial Literacy – See Money
Fire Prevention and Safety
Food and Nutrition
- Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. (U.S. Department of Agriculture) The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) works to improve the health and well-being of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers.
- Food. (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) Food recall notices, foodborne illness reporting, articles on food safety, and other food related resources.
- Food Safety - Food. (European Union) Food and feed alerts, labeling and nutrition, agri-food fraud, food waste, and other food related topics.
- (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services) Gateway to Federal Food Safety Information, including food recalls, food poisoning and other food safety related topics.
- Spend Smart. Eat Smart. (Iowa State University. Extension and Outreach) Guide on planning, shopping and cooking healthy meals. Recipes include cost per serving information was well as nutrition facts.
- See also Health
Grants – See Financial Aid/Grants
- All About Monkeypox. (healthline) Information on the causes, symptoms including pictures, treatment and complications, etc.
- Body-positive Parenting: Nurturing a Healthy Body Image in Adolescents. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Administration on Children, Youth and Families. Family & Youth Services Bureau, 2024. Talking points for parents, etc. and activities to promote a positive body image in teens. Includes references and resource lists for additional information.
- Consumer Information – Health & Fitness. (Federal Trade Commission) Links to agencies and organizations on various health related topics, including elder care, alternative medicine, medical ID theft, etc. PDF version available. Also available in Spanish.
- COVID-19. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Includes information on symptoms, transmission, treatment, guidelines for healthcare workers, etc.
- “COVID-19: Comprehensive Review on Mutations and Current Vaccines”. Ananda Vardhan Hebbani, Swetha Pulakuntla, Padmavathi Pannuru, Sreelatha Aramgam, Kameswara Rao, and Vaddi Demodara Reddy. Archives of Microbiology. January 2022, v.204(issue1, article 8) p. 7-17.
- Divorce When Substance Abuse is Involved. (hellodivorce. Krystle Maynard) Information on how substance abuse impacts marriages and more specifically divorce. Links to resources on the topic.
- Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease). (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Includes information on symptoms, transmission, treatment, guidelines for healthcare workers, etc.
- Ebola Virus Disease. (World Health Organization) Information on transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and historical background.
- Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Clinical Manifestations of Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease. (UpTo Date®) Reprint. Mike Bray. Technical paper covering Ebola species and related genera Marburg.
- FactSheet. (The Ohio State University Extension) Search engine for fact sheets covering a wide variety of topics including general health issues for seniors (Senior Series) or specific issues such as Eating Disorders. Type subject of interest such as nutrition in the "Tags" field and hit "Search" to see what Fact Sheets are available on the topic.
- Find Support for Issues with Mental Health, Drugs, or Alcohol. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration - SAMHSA) Aids for finding health care or support for mental health issues, drug or alcohol dependence. Available also in Spanish.
- (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration - SAMHSA) Confidential and anonymous resource for seeking treatment for mental health or substance use issues. Locate treatment facilities by address, city, sip code, or by facility name. Can further filter results by facility types, treatment types, service settings, etc. Each entry has information about the services offered, payment options, address, phone number, web page address, maps to help locate facilities, etc.
- Health Topics. (World Health Organization) Alphabetical list of links to health related topics including Hepatitis, Measles, Mumps, etc.
- HEALTH-EU. (European Commission) Gateway to information on public health topics.
- (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) US government directory of online publications, clearinghouses, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and non-profit organizations, etc.
- (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Portal for health related resources and news from the US government. Find prevention topics, dietary and physical activity guidelines, etc.
- Healthline®. (Healthline Media LLC) Medical information to encourage healthy living. Enjoy free health tools and view detailed doctor-reviewed information about diseases, medical symptoms, etc.
- KidsHealth. (Nemours Foundation) Contains information for parents, kids, teens, and educators on various health related topics including infectious diseases such as Measles, Mumps, Rubella (German Measles), etc. Has accommodations for people visually challenged. Also available in Spanish.
- Measles: Questions and Answers: Information about the disease and vaccines. Immunization Action Coalition. Saint Paul, Minnesota: 4p.
- MedlinePlus. (National Institute of Health. National Library of Medicine) Contains information on medical conditions, diseases, drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, anatomy and surgical videos, interactive tutorials, news on current health issues, etc. Also available in Spanish.
- Molecular Virology and Microbiology: Ebola Virus. (Baylor College of Medicine) Background information on the virus, outbreaks, research, etc.
- Monkeypox. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Links to various Monkeypox related topics including vaccination, overview of systems, outbreaks, etc. Also available in Spanish and selected other languages.
- Mumps. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Links to various Mumps related topics including vaccination, overview of systems, outbreaks, etc. Has a section geared towards children. Also available in Spanish and selected other languages.
- Mumps: Questions and Answers: Information about the disease and vaccines. Immunization Action Coalition. Saint Paul, Minnesota: 4p.
- National Cancer Institute. (Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health) Principal agency for cancer research and training. Website contains information on common cancer types, treatments, cancer screening and testing, smoking and smoking cessation assistance, etc. Also available in Spanish.
- National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health) National Institutes of Health website exploring complementary and alternative healing practices. Also available in Spanish.
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). Funded by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, and jointly coordinated by UCLA and Duke University. Provides information, links, etc. intended for parents, professionals and teachers, and other interested parties. Coverage includes trauma resulting from substance abuse, natural disasters, physical violence and abuse, sexual abuse, human trafficking, school violence including bullying, etc. There are also resources available geared towards children, youth and young adults designed with input from youth themselves. Some of the resources are in Spanish.
- National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) Information Clearinghouse. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health) Supports and conducts research on hearing, balance, taste, smell, voice, speech, and language issues. Provides information on these topics to the public. Also available in Spanish.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health) Information on drug abuse and addiction issues. Separate sections geared towards researchers, parents, teachers, teens and young adults. Includes blogs, videos, downloadable posters, treatment center locator, funding opportunities, research reports, etc. Also available in Spanish.
- National Women's Health Information Center. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Office on Women's Health) Provides a gateway to the vast array of Federal and other women's health information resources, including information on breast cancer, fitness and nutrition, pregnancy, human trafficking, and other topics of interest to women.
- NNii - National Network for Immunization Information. (National Network for Immunization Information) Provides factual and up-to-date information relating to immunization. Includes sections on state’s regulations, articles on immunization issues, synopsis of scientific studies on immunization related topics, etc. Searchable by disease/vaccine including Mumps, Flu, Lyme Disease, Measles, and Hepatitis. Intended audience: the general public, health professionals, policy makers and media. Also available in Spanish.
- Ohio Department of Health. Information on various health and infectious disease issues such as Ebola, Hepatitis, West Nile, Zika, etc. Searchable by keyword or topic. Includes a section for teens addressing their health concerns.
- Substance Abuse in Healthcare: Addiction Resources and Expert Advice for Healthcare Professionals and Students. ( Information on common substances that are abused, effects, and how to detect signs of abuse. Also provides links to resources to help with substance abuse issues.
- Support Systems for Students Affected by Trauma. ( STEPS – Student Training & Education in Public Service) “… Covers various aspects critical to supporting students who have experienced trauma, including understanding PTSD, identifying resources for mental health support, and strategies for creating a trauma-informed educational environment. It also offers tips for students on managing their studies and seeking help when needed”.
- TeenHealth. (Nemours Center for Children’s Health Media) Provides up-to-date health information for parents and teens, including information on Hepatitis. Also available in Spanish.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Various trending topics related to health and healthcare. Some content in Spanish.
- WebMD. (WebMD LLC) Source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information including measles, mumps, COVID-19, and other health related issues.
- West Nile Virus. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Fact Sheet, etc. Available in Spanish and other selected languages.
- Who Cares: Sources of Information about Health Care Products and Services. Washington, D.C: Federal Trade Commission, 2008. Information and links to agencies and organizations on various health related topics, including elder care, alternative medicine, medical ID theft, etc. [English] [Spanish]
- Your Healthiest Self: Wellness Toolkits. (National Institutes of Health) Each of the five sections offer ways to improve your wellness. Your Surrounding covers how to make your environment safer. Your Feelings offers information on how to handle stress, etc. Your Body covers physical health habits to can help handle stress, lower disease risks, etc. Your Relations covers establishing positive social habits. And finally Your Disease Defense covers steps to take to protect your health. Also available in Spanish.
- Zika Virus. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Includes maps of impacted areas, sections for doctors, pregnant women, and general facts on the transmission and symptoms, etc. Also available in Spanish and other selected languages.
- Zika Virus: Get the Facts. (The Ohio State University) Information on the Zika Virus with links to other related resources.
- Zoonotic Disease Program. (Ohio Department of Health) Links to various zoonotic diseases including Dengue, Lyme Disease, Rabies, West Nile Virus.
- See also Food and Nutrition
Hepatitis – See Health
Homeland Security – See Emergency Management, Public Safety, and Terrorism
- Homeless Information: Ohio. (HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Contact information specific to Ohio on such topics as domestic violence, homelessness, etc.
- Homelessness Programs and Resources. (SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Information on resources and programs geared towards helping combat homelessness among people with mental or substance abuse issues.
- Homelessness Resources and Programs. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Provides information on the topic, contact information, etc. for the general public, providers and policymakers.
- Housing & Homelessness. (Ohio Department of Development) State programs and resources for Ohio non-profits, etc.
Human Trafficking
- Blue Campaign - What is Human Trafficking? (Department of Homeland Security) Defines and discusses the various components of trafficking, provides information for reporting suspected human trafficking. Tip information in both English and Spanish.
- Child Welfare Information Gateway - Human Trafficking. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Children’s Bureau) Links to resources emphasis on children.
- Comparative Studies: Guide to Comparative Studies Resources – Global Slavery. (The Ohio State Libraries. Leta Hendericks) Links to selected OSU held databases which contain information on Human Trafficking.
- Domestic Trafficking Hotlines. (U.S. Department of State. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons) Contact numbers and links to report, get help, and learn more about human trafficking.
- Fact Sheets - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. (U.S. Department of State. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons) List of documents on human trafficking/slavery.
- Fact Sheet: The National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (NAP). (The White House) December 2021 plan to combat Human Trafficking.
- Human Trafficking. (UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
- Human Trafficking. (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships). Fact sheet with links to federal websites on the topic, etc.
- Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling. (United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime) Includes lists of publications, training material, multimedia resources, etc.
- Human Trafficking of Children in the United States - Fact sheet for Schools. (U.S. Department of Education)
- Human Trafficking Task Force. (The State of Ohio) Information on human trafficking, laws, assistance available on a county level, etc.
- Look Beneath the Surface – Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking in the U.S. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Refugee Resettlement) Information on human traffic in general and specific warning signs to help identify and assist victims. Webvideo. Available in both English and Spanish.
- The Misconceptions of Child Trafficking - Fact Sheet. (U.S. Department of Justice. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons) Information on misconceptions about child trafficking.
- Sexuality Studies 5620. (The Ohio State University Libraries. Jennifer Schnabel) Guide to augment Professor Zoe Brigley Thompson's on sexuality and violence. Contains links to listings of selected titles held by OSUL on such topics as human trafficking, sex crimes, hate crimes, etc.
- Slavic/WGSS 5450 Global Human Trafficking. (The Ohio University Libraries. Tracy Overbey) Guide to Slavic/WGSS 5450 Global Human Trafficking course. Includes links to OSU held databases to research Human Trafficking.
- What is Human Trafficking? (State of California, Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General) Defines human trafficking and its various forms with links to further information on each.
- What We Investigate – Human Trafficking. (FBI) Tip line numbers, resource links, resent articles on the topic, brief descriptions of various types of trafficking.
- See also Safety
Identification Card (Ohio) – See Driver’s Licenses
Identity Theft
- Consumer Advice: How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft. (Federal Trade Commission) Geared towards parents covers various child identity theft topics including warning signs, preventive measures, steps to repair damage etc. Also available in Spanish.
- Consumer Advice: Fraud Alerts & Credit Freezes: What’s the Difference? (Federal Trade Commission. Lisa Weintraub Schifferle.) Two methods for protecting against identity theft.
- Consumer Advice: Identity Theft. (Federal Trade Commission) Lists action steps to take if your identity is stolen, gives information on various types of identity theft and tips on how to avoid it. Also available in Spanish.
- Consumer Advice: What to Know About Tax Identity Theft. (Federal Trade Commission) Information on what is Tax Identity theft, how safe guard against it, and what to do if it occurs. Also available in Spanish.
- Consumer Information: Signs of Identity Theft. (Federal Trade Commission) List warning signs of identity theft and steps to take if it occurs. Also available in Spanish.
- Focus on Finances: Preparing for Your Future. Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission, April 2013. Geared towards young adults. Covers various consumer issues such as credit, identity theft, and buying a car.
- Fraud Alerts & Credit Freezes: What’s the Difference? Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission, 2020. Two methods for protecting against identity theft.
- Identity Theft. (Office of the Attorney General of the State of Ohio)
- Identity Theft: A Recovery Plan. Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission, 2020.
- Identity Theft and Identity Fraud. (U.S. Department of Justice)
- Identity Theft: Safeguard Your Personnal Information. United States Postal Inspection Service. Washington, D.C.: United States Postal Inspection Service, 2020.
- Identity Theft Self-Help Guide: Repairing, Rectifying, and Resolving Identity Theft. Columbus, Ohio: Consumer Protection Section, Identity Theft Unit, 2015.
- Medical Identity Theft & Medical Fraud. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Office of Inspector General)
- Online Brokerage Accounts: What You Can Do to Safeguard Your Money and Your Personal Information. (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)
- "Phishing" Fraud: How to Avoid Getting Fried by Phony Phishermen: What You Can Do to Safeguard Your Money and Your Personal Information. (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)
- Reduce Your Risk of Identity Theft. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Attorney General's Office, 2011.
- Safeguarding your Child’s Future. Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission. 2012.
- Taking Charge: What to do if Your Identity is Stolen. Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission. April 2013.
- Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft. (IRS) Information on tax related Identity Theft. Also available in Spanish and selected other languages.
- When Identity Crime Strikes You. (Ohio Department of Public Safety. State Highway Patrol)
- See also Computer Safety/Security
- See also Cyber Crimes
- See also Safety
Immigration and Naturalization Services
- (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) Gate way to signing up for health care coverage for individuals and small businesses. Also available in Spanish.
- Insurance Resources and Advice. (the balance) General information on various types of personal insurance, insurance fraud, etc.
- Medicaid/CHIP. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) The Official U.S. Government Site for the latest information on Medicaid and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) enrollment, benefits, and other helpful tools.
- Medicare. ( Information on applying for Medicare, etc. Also available in Spanish.
- Medicare. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) The Official U.S. Government Site for the latest information on Medicare enrollment, benefits, and other helpful tools.
- The National Flood Insurance Program. (U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA) Information on Flood Insurance. Also available in Spanish and selected other languages.
- Ohio Department of Insurance.
Intellectual Freedom – See Censorship
Intellectual Property
Investing – See Money
LGBT/LGBTQIA+ – See Diversity
- MapQuest. Driving directions.
- The National Map. (U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey) Collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners with many uses ranging from recreation to scientific analysis to emergency response with aerial photographs, elevation information, geographic names, hydrography, boundaries, transportation networks, locations of structures, and land cover data. The site includes links to the National Atlas, an online atlas formerly published by the United States of the Department of the Interior, historical maps, USGS programs, news, and events, etc.
- Topographic Map Symbols. (U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey)
- US Map Collection: The Fifty States of United States of America. ( Links to selected maps of the fifty states.
- USGS Store. (U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey) Links to maps, research reports, educational materials, etc. from the USGS.
- Worldatlas. (Graphic Maps) Links to maps of Africa, Antarctica, Arctic, Asia, Europe, Australia and Oceania, Canada, Central America and the Caribbean, Middle East, South America, etc.
- See – Maps: Resources Related to Finding Information Resources for Maps and Cartography. Information OSUL map collections, Thompson Library Gardner Family Map Room and the Orton Memorial Library of Geology
Marriage Certificates, obtaining copies – See Vital Statistics
Measles – See Health
Medicaid – See Insurance
Medicare – See Insurance
Mental Health – See Health
- Building Your Savings?: Start with Small Goals. Washington, D.C.: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2019. Tips, worksheets, etc. to assist with saving money.
- Business Guide. (U.S. Small Business Administration) Information on starting a business including creating business plans, licensing and permits, business laws and regulations, taxes, health care /health insurance, business management, etc. Also available in Spanish and selected other languages.
- Compound Interest Calculator. (moneygeek) Calculate the impact of compound interest over time on savings.
- Consumer Protection. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)) FDIC resources to educate and protect consumers, revitalize communities, and promote compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act and fair lending laws. Topics covered include banking and your money, consumer financial privacy, financial education and literacy, identity theft and fraud. Some of the content available in Spanish.
- Currency Convert: Currency Exchange Rate Calculator Online. ( MBH Media, Inc.) Contains information on current exchange rates, currency converters, etc. Also available in Spanish and selected other languages.
- Debt Getting in Your Way?: Get a Handle on it. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 2017. Tools to assist in managing debt.
- (Federal Reserve) Fiscal information with emphasis on personal finance, banking, money, economics, etc. for use by teachers, parents and the general public. Has lesson plans, activities, games, etc. geared for children K-12.
- Financial Education Clearinghouse – For Educators. (Washington State. Department of Financial Institutions. Financial Education Clearinghouse) Personal finance curriculum and resources for Elementary school through College. Includes DVDs, games, etc. Many of the resources listed are free.
- Financial Literacy. (U.S. Department of the Treasury. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) Provides information on financial literacy resources, issues and events that are important to bankers, organizations, and consumers of all ages. The directory includes descriptions and contact information for a sampling of organizations that have undertaken financial literacy initiatives as a primary mission, government programs, fact sheets, newsletters, conference materials, publications, and links to Web sites. The Youth (and Teacher/Classroom Resources) section offers resources for use in teaching kids various money management issues.
- A Financial Literacy Handbook for All Life Stages. (moneygeek. Shannon McLay) Financial strategies for managing money, covering major expenses, etc. based on broad age groupings. Starting with teens and moving thru retirement. Includes a section on financial literacy for women. Has links to additional resources for most sections.
- Focus on Finances: Preparing for Your Future. Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission, April 2013. Geared towards young adults. Covers various consumer issues such as credit, identity theft, and buying a car.
- Free Financial Planning Tools. (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) SEC provided tools and calculators to help with investment decisions. Also available in Spanish.
- Grades K-12 Financial Literacy Resources. (California Department of Education) Links to programs that are appropriate for use in the classroom or at home as a resource for students, teachers, and parents ….
- A Guide to Your First Credit Card. (Moneygeek. Nathan Paulus) Geared towards college student, but useful information for all people applying for a credit card. Discusses of the pros and cons of credit cards, explains different types of cards available, provides definitions of terms used by credit card companies, etc.
- How to Rebuild Your Credit. Iowa City, Iowa: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2021. Steps to take or not take to rebuild your credit.
- Information for the Individual Investor. (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Investor Education and Advocacy) Web site provided by the SEC to help address problems and questions of investors. Available in Spanish also.
- Lost or Stolen Credit, ATM, and Debit Cards. Federal Trade Commission. Washington, D.C.: Federal Trade Commission, August 2012. What to do if your credit, ATM, or debit card is lost or stolen. Proactive steps to take to protect your credit information, etc.
- Managing Your Credit. (Core Digital Media. Money tips) Aimed at college students and young adults just starting out, gives information on such topics as building credit, credit card basics, debt management, credit reports and scores, identity theft and fraud, and more.
- Meet the Money Monsters. (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Financial literacy activity books for children.
- Money as You Grow: 20 Things Kids Need to Know to Live Financially Smart Lives. (President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability) Offers age specific sections with information and activities on money matters.
- My Credit (NCUA – National Credit Union Administration) Information on a diverse array of financial matters includes a mortgage calculator, personal budgeting worksheets, tips on identity theft prevention, financial literacy for children-seniors including lesson plans for teachers.
- (The Financial Literacy and Education Commission) U.S. government's website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics of handling their finances. Resources for Youth contains games, fun activities, websites, video games, and information about money for kids and teens. There are also resources available for Teachers and Educators, and Researchers. Also available in Spanish.
- Practical Money Skills. (VISA/Educators Advisory Council) Contains educational games that teach personal finance and money management skills to students of every age … Some are available in both Spanish and English. Some have aps for Android phones and tablets. There is a link for Educators giving lesson plans for pre-K through College, and special needs, plus other informative and useful resources.
- Resources by topic: Games for Kids. (Washington State. Department of Financial Institutions. Financial Education Clearinghouse) Online games and simulations that teach kids about credit management, buying a car, paying for college, budgeting, saving and investing.
- Savings Goal Calculator. (CreditDonkey) Information on setting savings goals, tools to assist with obtaining these goals, and information on setting a budget.
- Smart About Money. (National Endowment for Financial Education) Web site has budgeting tools, and information on debt management, savings, credit cards, etc. 40 Money Management Tips Every College Student Should Know is aimed specifically at College students, while Your Spending, Your Savings, Your Future: A Beginner's Guide to Financial Readiness is geared for the general public.
- TreasuryDirectKids. (U.S. Department of Treasury) Information on public debt, savings and investing, securities, bonds, etc. Geared for children, but useful for all ages with links to treasury productions such as savings bonds, etc.
- USAGov. (usagov). Searchable guide to government information and services on a wide array of topics. Contains resources for teachers, children and teens. Also available in Spanish.
- See also Credit Reports
- See also Economics
- See also Savings Bonds
- See also Stock Exchanges
Monkey Pox – See Health
Motor Vehicle Titling and Registration
Mumps – See Health
Continues Hot Topics A-E. Continued by Hot Topics N-Z