Jazz Musicians
- The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz 2001. Ref. ML102 J3 N48 2001
- Kinkle, The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz 1900-1950 1974. Ref. ML102 P66 K55. Volumes 2 and 3 are biographical dictionaries.
- Feather, The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Seventies 1976. Ref. ML105 F37 E7 1976
- McRae, The Jazz Handbook 1989. ML105 M395 1989
- Listen for the jazz : key notes in Columbus history 2nd ed. 1992. ML3508.8 C6 L58 1992
See also these databases:
Jazz Musicians in Columbus
Jazz in America: Musicians
Jazz Discography
Musician Biographies
Musical Biographical Resources on the Web (Yale University)
Marc Sabatella Jazz Improvisation Primer