Census Data. (Federal Depository Library Program – FDLP) Information about various resources available from the FDLP on the Census.
Census as a Topic. (Federal Depository Library Program - FDLP) Webinars offered through the FDLP Academy Training Repository on various census related topics, products, etc.
Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians and Activists. Joel Best. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 2012. Also available in hard copy from Ohio State Libraries. Promotes critical thinking by showing how statistics can be manipulated, etc. to support various agendas.
The Reference Guide to Data Sources. Julia Bauder. Chicago, Illinois: ALA Editions, 2014. Also available online. Information about statistical resources both U.S. and international arranged in broad categories.
Research Guides: How to Find Data & Statistics. (Michigan State University. MSU Libraries) Search strategies and key resources to help find data and statistical information.
Research Guides: Data & Statistics - Getting Started with Data & Statistics. (The Claremont College Library) How to for locating data and statistics, lists of resources, etc.
Statistics: Finding Data and Statistics. (University of Chicago. Loyola.) Overview on how to go about locating data and statistics.