Visitor Information

Printing and Copying

Beware not all government publications are copyright free!

Follow Fair Use practices and cite, cite, cite.

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of copies of copyrighted materials. The person making copies has the ultimate responsibility for complying with the law. The Copyright Resource Center an provide guidance to members of the OSU community about complying with copyright requirements.

The printer/copiers located in the libraries are managed by UniPrint, not OSU Libraries.  Printing is fee-based.  Thanks to the cloud, printing/copying is not tethered to a specific machine, but can be done from anywhere in the library.  Wireless printing is available at selected OSU Libraries, including Thompson.  A list of OSU locations with this feature and the downloadable software interface necessary to utilize it is available on UniPrint’s website.  Although, availability varies from library to library, large format printers, microform reader/scanners and photocopiers/scanners are available.  Please check with Circulation as to what is available at a specific location.

OSU faculty, staff and student can use their BuckeyeID to copy all others will need to purchase a copy card from Circulation.  Copy cards available at most OSU Libraries.  In order to print a job there most sufficient money on the BuckeyeID or copy card to cover the print job.  Money can be loaded on BuckeyeIDs/copy cards using a credit card.  Circulation can explain how to do this.  Money can also be loaded onto BuckeyeIDs at the Student Union.  Pricing varies according to size, color, etc. so please check with UniPrint’s website for latest pricing information. 

Digital copies made on the microform reader/scanners can be saved to a user's own flash drive or equivalent device free of charge. 

Finally report any problems/issues with the copiers such as paper jams, empty paper trays, etc. to UniPrint.  Monday – Friday until 5 p.m. call 614-292-2000 or email, after 5 p.m. or on weekends call 614-688-4357.