Turkey - Resources on various topics
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Sex Trafficking
A quantitative analysis of the growing business of organized crime structural predictors of cross-national distribution of human trafficking markets and trafficking in women in Turkey / Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations. 2008.
'Consent' Issue in Sex Trafficking and Evidence from Turkey. ProjectMUSE. 2016
Curbing sex trafficking in Turkey: The policy-practice divide. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2015.
Human Trafficking in Turkey: Findings from Northeastern Anatolia. SocINDEX with Full Text. 2009.
Intimate Currencies: Love, Romance, and Sex 'without Hang-ups'. University Press Scholarship Online. 2017.
Methods of sex trafficking: findings of a case study in Turkey. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. 2010.
New Political Science Findings from Bilkent University Described(Turkey's Response to Sex Trafficking of Migrant Women: Is ItEfficient Enough?). Global Issues in Context. 2016.
New Social Science Study Findings Have Been Reported from Duzce University (The 'Consent' Issue in Sex Trafficking and Evidence from Turkey). Academic OneFile. 2016.
Policy and practice against sex traffic : a case study : Turkey. British Library EThOS. 2013.
Sex, Love, and Migration: Postsocialism, Modernity, and Intimacy from Istanbul to the Arctic. University Press Scholarship Online. 2017.
Sex trafficking around the world: victims of sex trafficking in Turkey: characteristics, motivations, and dynamics. Alternative Press Index. 2010
The "Natasha" experience: migrant sex workers from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in Turkey. Alternative Press Index. 2002.
Turkey's Response to Sex Trafficking of Migrant Women: Is It Efficient Enough? Academic Search Complete. 2016.
Victims of Sex Trafficking in Turkey: Characteristics, Motivations, and Dynamics. SocINDEX with Full Text. 2010.
A geopolitics of trauma: Refugee administration and protracted uncertainty in Turkey. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
A Lost Generation: Syrian Refugees and the Right to Education in Turkey. HeinOnline. 2018.
Afghan Refugee Journeys: Onwards Migration Decision-Making in Greece and Turkey. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Awareness of social studies teacher candidates on refugees in Turkey. Education Research Complete. 2017.
Determinants of Mental Disorders in Syrian Refugees in Turkey Versus Internally Displaced Persons in Syria. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. 2018.
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Utilization by Syrian Refugees Residing in Ankara, Turkey. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
EU-Turkey Negotiations in the Context of Securitizing Migration after the 2015 Refugee Crisis: Joint Action Plan and the Readmission Agreement. HeinOnline. 2017.
Evaluation of Syrian refugees who received inpatient treatment in a tertiary pediatric hospital in Turkey between January 2016 and August 2017. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Legal Protection of Syrian Refugees in Turkey against the Background of International Legal Determinants. HeinOnline. 2017.
Our experience with Syrian refugee patients at the child and adolescent psychiatry clinic in Gaziantep, Turkey. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Population exchange and the politics of ethno-religious fear: the EU-Turkey agreement on Syrian refugees in historical perspective. Index to Jewish Periodicals. 2018.
Prevalence of war-related adverse events, depression and anxiety among Syrian refugee children settled in Turkey. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Queer migration and digital affects: Refugees navigating from the Middle East via Turkey to Germany. PsycINFO. 2018.
Religious Solidarity, Historical Mission and Moral Superiority: Construction of External and Internal 'Others' in AKP's Discourses on Syrian Refugees in Turkey. MLA International Bibliography. 2018.
Social identity continuity and mental health among Syrian refugees in Turkey. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017.
The European Union's Refugee Deal with Turkey: A Risky Alliance Contrary to European Laws and Values. HeinOnline. 2017.
Turkey - welcoming Jewish refugees?. RAMBI. 2016.

A moveable empire [electronic resource] : Ottoman nomads, migrants, and refugees / Reşat Kasaba
America's Arab refugees : vulnerability and health on the margins / Marcia C. Inhorn. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2018]
Borders and mobility in Turkey : governing souls and states / Shoshana Fine. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Living in limbo [electronic resource] : conflict-induced displacement in Europe and central Asia / Steven B. Holtzman, Taies Nezam. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2004.
Domestic Violence
An Analysis on Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey: Multinomial Logit Model. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Customary practices, domestic violence, and psychosomatic pain among adolescent mothers in Turkey. Scopus. 2018.
Domestic violence crimes between 2008-2011 in Turkey. Academic Search Complete. 2016.
Domestic violence against women in Turkey. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
Domestic Violence Against Women In Turkey: A Systematic Review And Meta Analysis. InfoTrac Health Reference Center Academic. 2016.
Domestic Violence Victims in Shelters: What Do We Know About Their Mental Health?. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Efficiency and Expediency of Preventive and Protective Measures against Domestic Violence Taken by the Family Courts in Ankara. SocINDEX with Full Text. 2017.
Ethnic background and alcohol use of the spouse emerge as major risk factors for domestic violence: An observational study from Turkey. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Experiences and views of married women about domestic violence. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2017.
Factors affecting the views and experiences of women living in the city centre of Manisa, Turkey, regarding domestic violence. Academic Search Complete. 2016.
For Better or for Worse?: Education and the Prevalence of Domestic Violence in Turkey. EconLit. 2018.
Forced Migration and Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence : Evidence from Turkey. Oxford Scholarship Online. 2018.
Prevalence of domestic violence against married women in Turkey and associated risk factors. Scopus. 2018.
Sound of silence; #MeToo in Turkey.(violence againstwomen). Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Spousal conflicts and domestic violence in Turkey: A case for gender bias in hate violence. PsycINFO. 2017.
The Human Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence: Opuz v Turkey. HeinOnline. 2010.
Assessment of energy performance certificate systems: a case study for residential buildings in Turkey. Computer Source. 2016
Chinese Company Plans to Invest $1 Billion in Turkeys Green Energy Market. General OneFile. 2018.
Contribution on Turkey's electricity production development of primary green energy resources. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete. 2017.
EBDR supports Turkeys $11 billion green energy plan. General OneFile. 2018.
Energy diversity and nuclear energy for sustainable development in Turkey. Academic OneFile. 2017.
Examining the barriers and motivators affecting European decision-makers in the development of smart and green energy technologies. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Green energy can get Turkey off fossil fuel imports. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Integration of renewable energy sources into turkey electric energy network general problems and solution proposals. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2018.
The effect of normalization tools on green energy sources selection using multi-criteria decision-making approach: A case study in India. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Transmitting power along the Black Sea: the Republic of Georgia exports green energy to Turkey. General OneFile. 2017.
Turkey farmer's commitment to green energy. Academic OneFile. 2016.
Turkey target export market for Taiwanese green industry. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2018.
Water resources planning hydropower for sustainable and green energy in Turkey. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2018.
Organized Crime
A quantitative analysis of the growing business of organized crime structural predictors of cross-national distribution of human trafficking markets and trafficking in women in Turkey / Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations. 2008.
Agreement between the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation of the Ministry of Public Order of the Hellenic Republic and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Turkey on Combating Crime, Especially Terrorism, Organized . Humanities International Complete. 2001.
European Union Accession, Turkey and Organized Crime. HeinOnline. 2013.
Georgian suspect with Interpol notice caught in Turkey. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Heroin, Organized Crime, and the Making of Modern Turkey. Oxford Scholarship Online. 2014.
Iran, Turkey call for continued fight against terrorism,organized crime. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Is Turkey turning into a Mafia state? the case of Reza Zarrab and the rise in organized crime. BASE. 2017.
Smuggling and Trafficking in Turkey: An Analysis of EU–Turkey Cooperation in Combating Transnational Organized Crime. OpenAIRE. 2013.
Ukraine, Turkey discuss joint fight against organizedcrime. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Ukraine, Turkey sign counter-terrorism pact. Global Issues in Context. 2018
Ukrainian Interior Ministry, National Intelligence Organizationof Turkey to combat organized crime - Avakov. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Claims of torture in Turkey. Scopus. 2017.
Diagnosis of torture after 32 years: assessment of three alleged torture victims during the 1980 military coup in Turkey. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2014.
Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and State Violence: Medical Documentation of Torture in Turkey. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2016.
Margins of the Archive: Torture, Heroism, and the Ordinary in Prison No. 5, Turkey. ProjectMUSE. 2017.
Screams on recording are of Khashoggi’s torture, claims Turkey. . Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Tear gas is a chemical weapon, and Turkey should not use it to torture civilians. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2013
The continued use of torture in Turkey. Government Printing Office Catalog. 2997.
The power effects of human rights reforms in Turkey: enhanced surveillance and depoliticisation. Business Source Complete. 2015.
Torture and Inhuman Treatment in Turkey in the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. HeinOnline. 2017.
Torture in the OSCE region : briefing of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Government Printing Office Catalog. 2001.
Torture returns to Turkey. Scopus. 2017.
Turkey and Trump at odds over audio tape of Khashoggi torture. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Turkey's Slide Into Authoritarianism. Index to Jewish Periodicals. 2017.
UN Concerned by Turkey's ‘Torture of Dissidents. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
EKİNCİ, MEHMET UĞUR. “Turkey’s Balkan Policy and Its Skeptics.” Insight Turkey, vol. 21, no. 2, Spring 2019, pp. 37–49.
Aydın Çakır, Aylin, and Gül Arıkan Akdağ. “An Empirical Analysis of the Change in Turkish Foreign Policy under the AKP Government.” Turkish Studies, vol. 18, no. 2, June 2017, pp. 334–357.
Tezcür, GüneŞ Murat, and Alexandru Grigorescu. “Activism in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing European and Regional Interests.” International Studies Perspectives, vol. 15, no. 3, Aug. 2014, pp. 257–276.
Hatipoglu, Emre, and Glenn Palmer. “Contextualizing Change in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Promise of the ‘Two-Good’ Theory.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 29, no. 1, Mar. 2016, pp. 231–250
Bee, Cristiano1, cristiano.bee@khas.edu. t., and Stavroula2 Chrona. “Youth Activists and Occupygezi : Patterns of Social Change in Public Policy and in Civic and Political Activism in Turkey.” Turkish Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, Mar. 2017, pp. 157–181.
Çakırlar, Cüneyt. “Transnational Pride, Global Closets and Regional Formations of Screen Activism: Documentary LGBTQ Narratives from Turkey.” Critical Arts: A South-North Journal of Cultural & Media Studies, vol. 31, no. 2, Apr. 2017, pp. 44–60
Arkan, Zeynep, and Müge Kınacıoğlu. “Enabling ‘Ambitious Activism’: Davutoğlu’s Vision of a New Foreign Policy Identity for Turkey.” Turkish Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, Sept. 2016, pp. 381–405
Dogan, M., et al. “Investigation of Radon Concentrations in Some Reservoirs, Spring and Tap Waters in Istanbul, Turkey.” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, vol. 315, no. 3, Mar. 2018, pp. 653–660
Ates, A., and C. Ozer. “Ethical Approach to Fluoridation in Drinking Water Systems of UK and Turkey.” Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, vol. 30, no. 2, Apr. 2017, pp. 171–178.
Cetin, I., et al. “How Trace Element Levels of Public Drinking Water Affect Body Composition in Turkey.” Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 175, no. 2, Jan. 2017, pp. 263–270
Erdemgil, Y., et al. “Perchlorate Levels Found in Tap Water Collected from Several Cities in Turkey.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 188, no. 3, Jan. 2016, p. 158
Colak, E. H., et al. “Geostatistical Analysis of the Relationship between Heavy Metals in Drinking Water and Cancer Incidence in Residential Areas in the Black Sea Region of Turkey.” Journal of Environmental Health, vol. 77, no. 6, Jan. 2015, pp. 86–93
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