Molecular Genetics 4606

This is the course guide for Molecular Genetics 4606

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A+ Research Coaching - NEW

­­­A+ Research Coaching offers help for students with writing and research assignments. Can’t find the information you need? Want to discuss with a fellow student how to organize and use what you’ve found? We can help you refine your thesis or research question, find and use sources, and much more.  A+ Research Coaching provides one-on-one consultations to get you the help you need.  You can schedule an appointment through OnCourse by visiting our website at

Textbooks via the Library

There are two ways to get textbooks via the library, but only one is currently available due to COVID. When we are not in a pandemic, your instructor can put a textbook on course reserves at any of our libraries. Students can then come check out that item, typically for two hours at a time. Many students scan the textbooks, and that is perfectly legal for personal use.

The second method is for the library to own a copy of the textbook. If it is available in our print collections, or if it is available from a partner library, you can check it out for a regular length of time. You can always request that we purchase it However, that doesn't scale well, so we try and buy multiple-user eBooks when possible. Your instructor would need to contact their librarian to find out if the book is available as a multiple-user eBook at least four weeks before the class will need it. If a textbook is available as a multi-user eBook (and isn't entirely prohibitive in price), I will happily purchase it!