FAES3797.04 Study Abroad-Panama

LibGuide for the Panama: Through the Lens of AgriCulture, Sustainability and Diversity Course

Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Library

Profile Photo
Florian Diekmann
Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Library
045C Agricultural Administration Building
2120 Fyffe Road
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 688-8413
Subjects: Agriculture

Latin American Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros
305H Thompson Library,
1858 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210

Databases, Online Sources, and Books

Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environmental Science and Economic Resources Databases 

Multidisciplinary Databases 

Grey Literature Sources 

General Information


eBooks and Digitized Books

Print Books/Monographs

The LAT Collection materials are located throughout different campus libraries including Thompson Library, 18th Avenue, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Fine Arts Library (Wexner Center) and the off-site depository.  

Books and other materials including CDs, DVDS, and more, can be found using the library's online catalog

Books, Print Magazines, and Journals can be found using the library catalog. Materials are organized using the Library of Congress (LOC) classification system. Below are a listing of call numbers associated with Spanish and Portuguese Languages

See the Columbia University Libraries Call Number Ranges for Latin American Studies or Call Numbers for Linguistics for a comprehensive list. Below is a library call number starting point.

Spanish: PC4001-PC4977

Portuguese: PC5001-PC5498

Sources on Panama

Latin American History-Panama: F1561-1577

Canal Zone F1569.C2

Literature: PQ7520-7529.3

Reference Sources