Resources to Support Instruction and Research During COVID-19 for Latin America, Iberia, Spanish and Portuguese

Resources to support virtual instruction and research during COVID-19

Internet Resources on Latin American Cinema

Find online streaming sources for your instruction and research

  • Latin American & Spanish Videos Freely Available on the Internet: A guide to Web SourcesDeveloped by Jesús Alonso-Regalado of SUNY-Albany, this guide shares freely available films, short film and tv available through online resources. Browse the guide by subject and country. Review the "limited access" tab to find web resources available for a limited time.
  • LANIC Guide to Cinema on Latin America: Web-based resources on cinema in Latin America - including festivals, distributors, organizations, and other resources.

Video, Film & Documentaries @ OSUL

Find film and streaming sources in the OSU Collection

Specialty Film/Documentary Databases


Foreign Language Instruction

Film Copyright Resources

Follow the links to address FAQs on Copyright: