Students in Professor Yeager's section of English 1110 who need additional help with developing a research question, finding sources, evaluating sources, and/or citing sources are invited to schedule a one-on-one virtual coaching session by visiting and following the instructions.
Welcome to the research guide for students enrolled in English 1110! This guide will help you navigate the Libraries' resources, find credible sources, and write appropriately supported and sourced papers. The tabs on the left will explain how to find books, articles, and images using the Libraries' catalogs and databases. The box on the right includes selected general and subject-specific reference and background sources to help you learn more about your topic. Below is a search box for Credo Reference, an online reference library that provides access to over 500 highly-regarded, scholarly reference books for all subject areas.
The tabs within this box include search tips and do-it-yourself tutorials, help with MLA style format, and information about where to find writing and research help in Thompson Library and across campus.
If you need additional help, contact the ASK US! team using the link in the box on the left side of this page.
Bibliography/Works Cited
When you conduct research and write a paper based on that investigation, you are entering a scholarly conversation with those who have discussed the topic before you. In order to direct your reader (in this case, your peers and your instructor) to this previously published information, you will create a bibliography--or Works Cited page--listing the primary and secondary sources you consulted. You will also attribute any direct quotations you use in your paper to the appropriate authors (in-text citation). It's important to cite your sources accurately; above are tutorials and FAQs to help you cite your sources in MLA format.
Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography also includes a summary and/or evaluation.
Here are some helpful websites with instructions and examples -
The Writing Center at the CSTW offers free help with writing at any stage of the writing process for any member of the university community.
What is this searching? Credo Reference covers over three million full-text entries from reference books. These resources provide a great foundation for background information on a topic. More Search Options >>
Reference or background sources, including general and subject encyclopedias, can give you concise overviews of topics, together with lists of sources for further reading.