Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences

This guide will give you an overview of evidence synthesis methodology and discuss relevant resources and tools.

Conducting Rapid Reviews

Rapid Reviews are:

  • Components of knowledge gathered to assist with a systematic review
  • The methodology is similar to conducting a systematic review, except the methodology is condensed so the review can be completed in a shorter time.


Tricco, A.C., Antony, J., Zarin, W. et al. A scoping review of rapid review methods. BMC Med 13, 224 (2015). https://doi-org.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/10.1186/s12916-015-0465-6


Purpose of Rapid Reviews:

  • To combine knowledge of a topic that prepares one for the systematic review process
  • Rapid Reviews help to inform decision-making when implementing policies, and other initiatives


Systematic Reviews & other review types: What is a rapid review? Research Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2022, from https://guides.temple.edu/c.php?g=78618&p=4156608


Rapid Review Guidebook-(from the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools) This link will open a PDF document. http://www.nccmt.ca/uploads/media/media/0001/01/







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Tracey Overbey
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