ENTMLGY/PLNTPTH 5604 - Problem-Based Studies in Plant Health

A guide to scholarly information resources and library services.

Known Article Searching

Do you know the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?

DOI Search

Do you have other information about the article (author, article title, journal title, etc.)?

Article Express

Request electronic delivery of journal articles not already available online. 

Using Journals

OSU Libraries provides access to scholarly and trade journals on entomology and related subjects. Many of the journals are available electronically, but some may only be available in print. The list of journals on this page is intended as a starting point. You can use the subject headings to discover additional periodicals in the OSU Library Catalog.

To find information on relevant research databases to retrieve journal articles, consult the Databases section of this guide.

Finding Journals


What is this searching? This search locates print and electronic journals in the OSU Library Catalog. It covers only the titles of journals (e.g. American Journal of Sociology, Chronicle of Higher Education, Nature, New York Times), and not the articles within them. More Search Options >>


What is this searching? This search used the Online Journal Finder and covers only the titles of journals (e.g. American Journal of Sociology, Chronicle of Higher Education, Nature, New York Times), and not the articles within them.

Browse Online Journals >>

Use this service if you want to:

  • locate a specific online journal title,
  • browse a list of online journal titles,
  • identify online journal titles by subject.

Selected Scholarly Journals

Selected Trade Journals and Magazines

Off-campus Access

Licensed online library resources are restricted from viewing outside the campus network. There are several ways to access licensed resources from off-campus.

Use the off-campus sign-in through the library homepage for the most reliable way to access licensed resources from off-campus. You will be prompted for your name.# and password. 

Publishers/vendors may permit access directly from their website with Ohio State credentials in which case you can use proxy authentication to access the resource. Place this string at the beginning of the vendor’s URL: https://proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/login?qurl=http://[vendor’s URL. Example: https://proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/login?qurl=http://www.scopus.com/home.url. You will be prompted for your name.# and password.