
SciFinder Update

As of May 1, 2021, OSU has access to SciFindern, the updated version of SciFinder.  We will maintain access to both the updated and classic versions through June 2022, after which access to the original SciFinder will cease.  There is no need to re-register for the updated version if you are already a registered user.  If you wish to transfer your "Alerts" and "Saved Results" from the classic to the updated version, simply click on the "Saved and Alerts" (bell) icon at the top of the SciFindern landing page and follow the prompts.

How to register for SciFindern

1.  All users must register* with CAS to establish a unique username and password.  Registration must be completed with an OSU email address (ending in,, or  You can only register once.  If you are on campus when you register, use the on campus registration; if you are off campus when you register, use the off campus registration. (Either registration will permit future on-campus and off-campus access.)

 On campus registration 

 Off campus registration

During the registration process CAS will send you an email which is required for completion of the process.  Occasionally, that email ends up in spam, so check your filtered mail if you do not receive CAS’s email.   You only need to register once (if you're on campus when you register, use the on-campus registration URL; if you're off campus when you register, use the off-campus registration URL).  Once you establish your username and password with the registration process, if you want to use SciFindern on-campus, use the on-campus access URL and if you want to use SciFindern from off campus, use the off-campus access URL.

 2.  After completing the registration process, users can access the web version of SciFindern with their username and password at:

On campus access (SciFindern) 

Off campus access (SciFindern)

Note: Off-campus users of SciFindern must go through the proxied URL in addition to using their SciFindern username/password. The off-campus proxied URL is provided above.

3.  Pop-ups must be allowed from CAS (if your browser does not currently allow them, you should be prompted).

4.  SciFindern training materials.

 * Disclosure:  CAS maintains a log of time of access and IP access address for each user.  Although OSU Libraries would rarely, if ever, have any use for these logs, we do have access to them.  The logs to which the OSU Libraries have access do not contain information about search parameters or downloads, however, CAS does maintain a log containing each of your search parameters and a record of which articles you chose to download.  That information is held by CAS and not accessible by the OSU Libraries.  A user can access his or her full search history data (including parameters and downloads) through the SciFindern interface.

Quick Links

scifinder icon

Register (from on campus)
Register (from off campus)
Use SciFindern (on campus)
Use SciFindern (off campus)
Note: Off-campus users of SciFindern must go through the proxied URL in addition to using their SciFindern username/password. The off-campus proxied URL is provided above.
SciFindern Training
ChemDraw Software


chemdraw iconChemDraw Software download (PC and Mac)

  • OSU faculty, staff, and students with an,,, or address can download Perkin Elmer's ChemDraw software
  • Training materials are available through software's Help Menu
  • Other issues should be sent to the “Chemdraw manager”