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The Ohio State University| University Libraries | Resource Guides

Theatre 2811 - The Craft of Acting

Accessing Resources

This is a quick guide on how to read the status of items in the library catalog:

Available the item is ready to be checked out.

Due: followed by a date and time the item is checked out and due back at the indicated date and time.

In Process the item is not ready to be checked out; it is currently being processed by staff, but should be available soon.


To view the status of an item, you must click on the title of the item, and there should be a link to the catalog page.

You can check out these items from the circulation desk of Thompson Library, located on the first floor at the East/Oval end.

To check out materials please have a valid photo ID such as your BuckID or Driver's License.

Fines for reserve items can be significant and these items must be returned back to Thompson Library circulation desk (Fine Information).

Find out more information about Thompson Library such as today's hours.

If you are unable to access the eBooks or streaming video listed below, please email Emily Smock (

Instructor: Joseph Fahey

Physical Books or DVDs in Thompson Library
Title (Link to library catalog) Author Call Number Loan Period
Anthology of Living Theater Personal Copy 2 Hour