East European and Slavic Studies (EES)

This guide contains recommended resources for doing research in the subject area of East European and Slavic Studies

Subject Specialist for East European and Slavic Studies, Religious Studies, History of Christianity and Modern Greek

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Miroljub Ruzic
321A Thompson Library
1858 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-8959

Resources for Fonts and Keyboards

Configuring your computer for multilanguage computing

Most of contemporary operating systems are easy to personalize in terms of additional languages and keyboard layouts. Instructions for that are freely available on their manufacturers' websites. See, for example, multi-language computing manuals for Windows 7, 8 and Mac OS X:
URL: Windows 7: Install a display language
URL: Windows 8: Change your language or keyboard
URL: Mac OS X: Displaying different languages


Cyrillic for Windows and Macintosh

URL: Russification of Macintosh
URL: Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet

If your computer runs earlier versions of Windows or Mac OS or you would like to get more information on the topic of the Cyrillic computing in its historical context, we recommend you to take a look at these two websites. They have an abundance of information on every aspect of this problem: fonts, keyboard layouts, encodings, Unicode-related issues, etc. For Macintosh make sure to browse the third (previous) version of the Russification for Macintosh website.


Typing international accent marks and diacritics

URL: http://www.starr.net/is/type/kbh.html

One of the problems that can occur when you work with a text in a foreign language is a number of special characters and diacritical marks that you cannot find on a regular English language keyboard. While this problem is usually solved by installing (and learning) a new language keyboard layout, very often the need for additional characters can be met by using a standard English keyboard layout and a few additional features. Typing international accent marks website provides a number of Alt key codes and shortcuts for typing special characters and diacritics (acute and grave stress, circumflex, cedilla, etc.) It covers several operating systems, text editing programs, and devices like BlackBerry and iPhone/iPod.


AATSEEL Slavic Fonts and Keyboard Drivers

URL: http://www.aatseel.org/resources/fonts

The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages compiled a webpage with instructions on preparing your computer for multilanguage use. Additionally, they provide a number of Medieval Slavic Fonts that are not included in standard operating systems releases.



URL: http://www.typeit.org

Oftentimes a problem of typing a text can be temporarily solved by using an online keyboard. Typeit.org offers a number of virtual keyboards including those for East-European languages: Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Russian. Additionally, there are a number of specialized websites that offer rare and unique virtual keyboards, for example, an Old Church Slavonic keyboard at www.churchslavonic.org.

Research Consultation

I'm available for a research consultation for your research needs


(614) 292-8959

ALA-LC Romanization Tables

The libraries follow the romanization standards used in the Library of Congress