Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literature Research Guide

Guide to the Latin American, Iberian, Spanish & Portuguese (LAT) Area Studies Collection

How to access library resources from off campus

Off-campus access to most OSU Library resources may be obtained through these routes: 

 1.  Attempting to access an OSU Library resource through the OSU Library catalog from off campus should result in a prompt for your name.# and password, which in turn will permit off-campus access.  Alternatively, users can use the Off-Campus Sign In from the OSU Library homepage and then navigate within the OSU catalog in the same manner as one would while on campus, OR

2.   Many publishers/vendors permit access directly from their site with OSU authentication.  If OSU holds a subscription to a resource and if the publisher/vendor provides direct access, proxy authentication can be achieved by either:

     a.  Applying an OSU Libraries' Bookmarklet within your browser, which you can selectively use when you wish to authenticate while visiting a publisher/vendor's site.  Information on using a Bookmarklet

     b.  Placing the following string at the beginning of the vendor’s URL:[enter vendor’s URL here]

For both a and b, above, users will be prompted for their OSU username.# and password before being sent to the publisher/vendor’s site.  This prompt will allow users to have authenticated off-campus access through the vendor/publisher's site.

A note to VPN users:  VPN authentication, will not provide authentication for most library resources (unless used in combination with the Library Off-campus Sign In, Bookmarklet, or if the user is working remotely through an OSU desktop).

Off Campus Sign-In

Sign in using your OSU name.# to access subscription-based databases from off campus.

See below for a quicker, easier way to gain off-campus access.


For quick and easy off campus access, install the appropriate Bookmarklet on your computer or mobile device and you'll never have to visit this page again to gain off-campus access.