International Treaty Organizations and Agencies Statistics

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Treaty Organizations and Agencies Statistics



In an era of globalization, various countries have banded together in ‘treaty organizations.'  Some of the better-known are the United Nations, the World Bank, and the European Union.  These organizations also collect and publish statistical information.  Just as with the other statistical providers, this information is increasingly found online.


General Resources

Demographic Yearbook. (United Nations)

Electronic:  Demographics Yearbook.

This compilation of data supplied by the National Statistical Offices of approximately 230 countries (2001) has been published annually since 1948. It includes a world summary of population and vital statistics and marriage and divorce. Tables are arranged by world region, then countries within the region. Each volume also includes a special topics section. Recent special topics have included abortion, infant and fetal deaths, and life expectancy. A CD-ROM was issued in 2000 containing 50 years of Statistics in Time Series.


Human Development Report. (United Nations Development Program)  

Electronic:   Human Development Reports (1990-current issue)

Published annually, 1990 to present. Useful for quality of life indicators. Provides statistics on child mortality, human development, and deprivation.


IIS - Index to International Statistics. (Congressional Information Service)

Indexes and abstracts statistical publications from 100 Intergovernmental Organizations, including the United Nations, OECD, and the European Union.  OSUL has 1983 to 2009. Some tables are available online, most are available on microfiche - IIS collection.  


Statistical Yearbook. (United Nations) 

Electronic:  Statistical Yearbook (Current Issue)

Published annually since 1948, the Statistical Yearbook provides data on more than 200 countries. Volumes consist of four sections - World and Regional Summary; Population and Social Statistics; Economic Activity; and International Economic Relations. Technical notes at the end of each chapter provide information on statistical sources used to compile the data and the methodologies used.


Statistical Yearbook. (UNESCO) 

Electronic:  UNESCO Data Centre 

Published between 1963 and 1999. Tables are based on responses to UNESCO questionnaires and special surveys on education, science and technology, and culture and communication.  More recent figures are available on the UNESCO website.


World Factbook. (CIA) 


Electronic: The World Factbook

An alphabetic listing of international organizations and groups.


Online Resources

It is at times hard to locate International Treaty Organization and Agency statistical sources on the web.  And once found, the data however is not necessarily presented in English. 


Eurostat. (European Union. European Commission)

Gateway to statistical information on the EU.


Indicators. (World Bank)

Browse the World Bank's most popular dataset - World Development Indicators (WDI).  The WDI includes data from 209 countries spanning from 1960 to 2010.  The 298 indicators cover such topics as economics, Gross National Product per capita, purchasing power parity, rate of inflation, government expenditures, money and interest rates, trade, demographics, fertility, education, gender comparisons, and other socio-economic characteristics.  There additional datasets/indicators, not included in the WDI are also available from the World Bank.


International and Intergovernmental Organizations. (ISEAS Library. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)

Provides links to international and intergovernmental organization, arranged by subject areas and then alphabetically.  [Not all links are working.]


International Organizations. (World

Provides links to international treaty organization's arranged in an alphabetical list.


ISI - Resources. (The International Statistical Institute)

 Links to international, regional and national statistical offices and societies.


Links to Official Statistical Organizations. (UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)

Provides links European resources.


Related International Statistical Activities - International Statistical Programs. (United States. Bureau of the Census)

Provides links to selected international treaty organizations, among other links. Note: not all countries offer English language portals.


Statistics Division. (United Nations)

Provides links to other countries' statistical agencies.


Statistical Sites on the World Wide Web - National Statistical Agencies of Other Countries and International Agencies. (U.S. Department of Labor)

Provides links to other countries' statistical agencies.


Indices and Guides


Euopean Union:  Statistics. (University of Michigan. Clark Library)

Research guide with links to resources.


Government Information:  International Organizations. (Bowling Green State University. University Libraries)

Links to selected international organizations, United nation reports, etc. 


Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs):  Getting Started -Statistics. (Duke University. Libraries.)

Research guide with links to resources.


International Government Data & Statistics:  Key Sources. (University of California - Berkley. Library)

Provides links to statistic resources around the world arranged in broad topical areas.


Research Guides – Statistical Resource Guide. (United Nations)

Lists of resources with brief descriptions of each available thru the United Nations and its specialized agencies. 


United Nations Research Guide:  Statistics. (Northwestern University. Northwestern University Library)

Guide to United Nations statistical resources.   
