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Courtesy of the University of Houston, the Library of Congress, Oregon State University, and others, the following sites provide links to videos, government info for writers, apps, and more.
Apps from ( Provides lists of Apps by source agency, etc.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. (U.S. Government Publishing Office. Superintendent of Documents) Searchable database of Federal publications available from the Government Publishing Office.
GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations. (University of California - San Diego. The Library) Site for locating acronyms and abbreviations used by the federal government, except for military acronyms. The site not only lists the acronyms of hundreds of government departments, agencies and programs, it also links to their websites.
NLS Reference Guide: Accessible Mobile Reading Apps. (Library of Congress) Lists software Apps to assist the visually impaired with reading printed material displayed on mobile devices, etc.
NLS Reference Guide: Assistive Technology Products for Information Access. (Library of Congress) Lists products designed to assist people who have visual or physical disabilities in accessing printed information.
U.S. Government Photos and Images. ( Government photos and images by topic.
USAGov - YouTube. ( Formerly called on YouTube. Official YouTube channel of and the U.S. Government with links, playlists and featured channels for a wide variety of interesting government agency produced videos! The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this site.