WorldCat@OSU is the new tool for you to find books, articles, and more worldwide on any topic. There are three ways to access WorldCat@OSU from the search interface on the homepage:
The Search All tab combines the "Books & More" and "Articles" searches into one search. You will get books, articles, and more on your topic. After performing your search, you can narrow down your results to a specific material type if you so choose.
In this tab, when you choose WorldCat@OSU, your results will be limited to everything except journal articles. OSU and OhioLINK materials will float to the top of your results, but you can also find materials across the world. The searches will include books, ebooks, audiovisual materials, microforms, and some free online content, such as government documents. While journal holdings may be found in results, individual articles from journals will not.
Choosing WorldCat@OSU from this tab will limit you to only articles. You will be searching the content of thousands of journals by using this resource. This is a great resource for interdisciplinary topics, those looking for something quick on a topic, or are unsure where to start. Those with in-depth subject-specific topics may want to consider using a subject-specific research database.
Need more help? See our our WorldCat@OSU tutorial on searching, finding items located by WorldCat@OSU, and citing resources.
The databases currently being searched by WorldCat@OSU includes:
You can use the Add / remove databases button to choose from dozens of other databases.