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Safari Books Online

How to access the new Safari Books site

Getting Started


You may already be familiar with Safari Books Online - but we now have access via a new source.  Safari is now available on a new platform.  How do these platforms differ?

  • Unlimited use across the platform - formerly 100 users across the OhioLINK system.
  • Now contains videos and tutorials!
  • Some slight book title differences. You'll see most of the same titles and publishers from the old platform.
    • Note: We're working to get the titles uploaded into the OSU Library Catalog.
    • If you are teaching a course and want to use one of the titles in your class, check your subject librarian so the items can be cataloged to best insure off-campus access.
  • You must provide your email  address for access. Use your OSU name.# email to access Safari.  This will get you into Safari. 
  • To use advanced features, set-up an account.  Once you set up an account, you will need to sign in each time you use the database.
  • You can now use the mobile app (Safari Queue) to view content on Android and Apple mobile devices:
    • Set up an account on the regular Safari site.
    • Download the app from Google Play or Apple App Store
    • Log in with the account you created

Take the following steps to access items in Safari Books Online if you have problems with access:

  1. Go to the Library Home Page, and Under Recommended Links, use the Research Database List link and type Safari in the search box.
  2. Use the link provided in the catalog record to go to Safari  
    1. If you have an account, sign in to Safari
    2. If you DO NOT have an account, simply supply your email address.  Make sure to use your name.# address.   If you have another department supplied email address, that email may not allow access to Safari. 
  • Setting up an account is not required – but it gives you additional options and allows for accessing a mobile app.

If you have problems connecting to the book you need : 

  • If it takes you to the homepage instead, search for your book or go back to the link you used in Step 1.
    • This usually happens with the system had you as already logged in from your last visit.

If the above steps do not work, please email  Reference  with the following information:

  • Are you on or off campus?
  • What device were you using to access?
  • What operating system and browser?