COMPSTD 8200 Interdisciplinary Learning Lab II

This guide contains recommended resources for COMP STD 8200 course research.


Welcome to the Comparative Studies 8200 Research Site, your information gateway for research, teaching, and learning. Feel free to contact me for your research and classroom needs.                                        Leta Hendricks

Decolonizing Research

The Black Archives of the the Netherlands

The Black Archives of the Netherlands

"A decolonising research methodology is an approach that is used to challenge the Eurocentric research methods that undermine the local knowledge and experiences of the marginalised population groups."

From: Keikelame, Mpoe Johannah, and Leslie Swartz. “Decolonising Research Methodologies: Lessons from a Qualitative Research Project, Cape Town, South Africa.” Global Health Action vol. 12,1 2019: 1561175. doi:10.1080/16549716.2018.1561175. 


Conducting research through an anti-racism lens 

Guide from the University of Minnesota Libraries that provides comprehensive guidance and further reading for researchers looking to incorporate anti-racism into their research practices.
Some of the resources are Minnesota/ Midwest focused, but the general advice and suggestions are valuable for all researchers. They also include links to information on a variety of related topics. 

Anti-Racist Research Methods 

Systemic racism and structural injustice work against creating research protocols grounded in anti-racist and inclusive practices. From the false premise of testing in the Tuskegee Syphilis study to Kohlberg’s work on moral development that eliminated women from participant selection, research processes have been undergirded by biased and hegemonic thinking. The goal is to shift research practices to be more inclusive, less oppressive, and explicitly anti-racist.  

Writing and Research through an inclusive lens 

This guide shares racist research systems and practices, followed by resources for mitigating those problematic systems and practices, along with the acknowledgment that this is not a solution to the issues of racism embedded in research. It incorporates both theory and practical strategies. 

Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab 

As scientists are increasingly acknowledging the lack of racial and ethnic diversity in science, there is a need for clear direction on how to take antiracist action. Here we present 10 rules to help labs develop antiracists policies and action to promote racial and ethnic diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. 

African American and African Studies Librarian and Comparative Studies Librarian

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Leta Hendricks
she, her, hers
222B Thompson Library 1858 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210