e-Book access for the Life Sciences and Pharmacy

Wish you had that book that's sitting on your OSU office or lab shelf?

You might be surprised to know that even many of the most esoteric (and old) science and engineering books have been scanned and are available electronically.  GIve the following options a try and if they don't work, contact me (rinehart.64@osu.edu).

1.  Ohio State Libraries e-books:  https://library.ohio-state.edu/search/t (change dropdown menu to "E-books")Note: If you search from the libraries' homepage instead of the above link, you might be directed to e-books held by other libraries (and you probably won't be able to access those). 
undefined 2.  OSU is a member of the Hathitrust, which contains millions of scanned books from academic libraries.  Along with our regular Hathitrust access, while our physical facilities are closed, we have access to over one million additional scanned titles from OSU's print-only collection.  Go to the Hathitrust, click on the yellow "Log in" button and  choose "THE Ohio State University" as your partner institution.  (Advanced Catalog search is recommended for best results.)
undefined 3.  Through June 30, 2020 (at least) a National Emergency Library has been established.  It provides e-access to over 1.4 million titles, including science and engineering.  Follow the link, search for your title, and click on the blue "Log In and Borrow" button to establish a (free) account and borrow an e-book.
4.  Place a request with our ILLiad/Article Express group.  They can often obtain e-chapters.  If you don't have an ILLiad account, registration is free:  https://library.osu.edu/ill/article-express
5.  If none of the above options work or if you simply want a more permanent solution, send me an email (Rinehart.64). If the publisher makes the title available as an e-book that can be purchased by libraries, I'll authorize the purchase.  Access from major publishers can often be established within a matter of a couple days.

A note about textbooks:  As noted on the OSU Keep Teaching page, many publishers are providing free temporary e-access to course materials, including textbooks and study guides.  To request this service (not directly associated with the Libraries), complete the Digital Textbook Request form. If you would like a more permanent solution, e-mail me and I will look into an e-Book purchase. 

Off-campus access availability

If you're working from off-campus and need to access subscription materials, you can quickly authenticate using your name.#. Here's how:


In Firefox:
Right-click on the following link, then select the "Bookmark This Link" option:

Off-Campus Sign-In service

In Safari:
Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar:

Off-Campus Sign-In service

In Internet Explorer:
Right-click on this link:

Off-Campus Sign-In service

Select the "Add to Favorites..." option. (You may be warned that you are adding a link which may be unsafe. You can click whichever option is required to continue.)

In Google Chrome:
This bookmarklet should not be used in Chrome.  Instead, install the OSU Off Campus Sign-In Extension from the Chrome Web Store.

You can create an Off-Campus Sign-In Bookmarklet on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch by viewing this page in your device's browser and following the steps below.

Note that this script is not compatible with Android phones.

Step 1: Copy this URL.


Step 2: Bookmark this page.

Tap the action arrow button at the bottom center of the screen (iPhone, iPod Touch) or to the left of the location bar (iPad) and then tap Add Bookmark. You can change the name if you want (by default it will be called "Off-Campus Access -")  Save the bookmark to your device's Bookmarks folder (or wherever you would like it to be), then tap "Done".

Step 3: Edit the Bookmark.

This is the important part. Tap the bookmarks button (it looks like an open book) at the bottom of the screen (iPhone) or top of the screen (iPad). Then, tap "Edit". Find the bookmark you just saved (unless you changed the name, it will be titled "Off-Campus Access -") and tap it.

You now need to change the URL to the text you copied in Step 1. Tap the URL field (it begins with "http://"), then delete everything in it and paste the text you copied:


Then, click "Done".

Step 4: Access Things!

Now, when you are using your iPhone or iPad and follow a link into a web site that the library provides you access to, just tap the "Off-Campus Access -" bookmarklet. If you have not logged in through the Libraries' website already, you will be redirected through OSU's authentication page. You will then be returned to the resource with access as if you were on campus.

Dedicated pages for life sciences and pharmacy resources

The Ohio State Libraries homepage is designed to serve the information needs of a multitude of disciplines.  For more direct access to library resources specifically for the life sciences and pharmacy, the following pages are strongly recommended:

Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology http://guides.osu.edu/eeob

Microbiology http://guides.osu.edu/microbiology

Molecular Genetics http://guides.osu.edu/molgen

Pharmacy http://guides.osu.edu/pharmacy