Science Librarians:
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The following instructions pertain to ON-CAMPUS access to e‑journals. (Information on off‑campus access)
Linking to e-articles through a research database (when OSU has a subscription): After completing a search for articles within a research database (e.g. Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, etc.), users can connect to the desired article by clicking on the “Find It” button, which typically leads users directly to the article or to the article link at the publisher’s site. Additional article information and routes (“More Options”) to the article are also provided in the right-hand menu of the “Find It” page.
Connecting to e-journals through the OSU Library Catalog: The most popular way to connect to a specific e-journal title through the library catalog is through the Online Journals List. The library often receives a journal through different vendors or may have received different years through different vendors, so users are often presented with a list of options for a given journal. Some options provide the same content and other options provide different content (typically a different range of years). e-Journals (and print journals) can also be accessed through a Journal Search.
Obtaining e-articles via DOI: Articles (for which we hold a subscription) can be accessed via their DOI (digital object identifier) using a DOI resolver such as the one located to the right.
Obtaining articles for which OSU does not hold a subscription: Our Article Express service (also known as ILLiad) will provide you with e-copies of articles for which we do not hold an e-subscription or for which we have no subscription (free!). Establish an ILLiad account. (If you find an article we don’t have while using a database, clicking on the “Request via Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)” prompt from the “Find It” page will take you to ILLiad and populate the necessary information for you. All you have to do is click “submit” and we will provide you with an e-copy within a few days ... sometimes within a few hours!)
Article Express (request free copies of articles for which OSU does not have e-access)