Linking to Library Licensed Resources


This guide has been adapted with permission from one created by Boston College University Libraries and is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution  

Linking to Library Licensed Resources

This guide is to help you find stable URLs for library licensed electronic resources.

Many of OSU Libraries’ online materials are licensed for use by Ohio State users only. Access is managed by IP (network) address so that access is seamless when a user is on-campus. When off-campus, users must sign in through the proxy server to access material. This makes it a little more complex to provide URLs that work from both on- and off-campus, especially when using database resources.

OSU Libraries has online material in multiple formats and from multiple platforms, including:

  • journal articles and other full-text items in databases (including literature, encyclopedias, newspapers, etc.)
  • e-books
  • streaming video and music resources
  • images


Please visit the pages listed in the left-navigation for information about each kind of material.


Contact Us for Help

To request resources not available through Ohio State University Libraries or for assistance with stable URLs or proxy links, please contact your subject librarian