Physics searches over 42 databases and over 2000 selected websites, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. Government science information.


The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and Technical Information portal searches 3+ million Department of Energy research results.  


Use the DOE Data Explorer to discover science, technology, and engineering data collections from the US Department of Energy.

Data Explorer


The Technical Report Archive and Image Library ("TRAIL") is a project to digitize, archive, and provide persistent and unrestricted access to federal technical reports issued prior to 1975.


Google Patents
Free Patents Online
US Patent and Trademark Office
Trilateral Cooperation (US, Europe, and Japan - Patents)


PubMed PubMed comprises more than 19 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide:
Center for Molecular Modeling
ChemIDPlus Advanced
ChemIDPlus Lite
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Science Nation Science nation is the "online magazine that's all about science for the people."
The AFLOW Library of Crystallographic Prototypes
EPA Test Collection Methods


If you are publishing articles, you should have an ORCiD Identifier.

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Federal Agency Public Access Plans

The U. of Wisconsin's Ebling Library provides up-to-date, user-friendly information on Federal Agency Public Access Compliance (arising from US OSTP Memo of February 2013 which requires open access publishing of research funded by US Gov agencies).