Writing about a Scientific Topic

Writing an Undergraduate Paper with a Scientific Topic?

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) should be quite adequate for finding articles related to a subject for most undergraduate work, however, if you prefer, the library has a large selection of databases available for your use. 

Some tips for writing your paper using Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)

  1. Start with magazine and newspaper articles.
    1. Use the Advanced Search option to search for your topic in Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
    2. Limit your results (left column, Material Type) to magazines and newspapers
    3. Limit those results (left column, Publication) to titles you know (Discover Magazine, New York Times, etc.)
  2. Read about your subject in the above magazines and books and then, if necessary, extend your search to academic journal articles (still using Academic Search Complete).

Don't forget to create a bibliography to cite your sources!

More on Bibliographies

(articles, books, webpages, dissertations, etc.).

Complete chapter on citations from the ACS Style Guide (American Chemical Society's guide to scientific writing)

Bibliographic Software:

 Endnote (web-based, available freely within Web of Science with OSU’s subscription; click on "Products" in the upper menu bar and choose “Endnote”).  Getting Started with Endnote Web (full version is commercially available, ~$90 for student version at OSU's Tech Hub store)

 Refworks (web-based software licensed by OSU and available for OSU faculty, staff, and students)

 Zotero (open access, web-based bibliography software)

Mendeley (open access, web-based bibliography software)