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Archives Unbound strength is the representation of multidiscipline subject clusters including African American Studies; American Indian Studies; Asian Studies; Holocaust Studies; LGBT Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies; Middle East Studies; and Women’s Studies.
ProQuest History Vault provides primary source materials from digitized archival collections. Content includes correspondence, government records, organization papers, speeches, and other documents.
EBSCOHost Databases is a multi-interdisciplinary suite of databases covering the arts, humanities, law, life and health sciences, social sciences, science and technology. Features Open Cluster Searching. Select: Academic Search Complete; Academic Search Premier; Gender Studies Database; Historical Abstracts; Literary Reference Center Plus; and Women’s Studies International.
Black Women Writers contains literature and essays on classism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and other issues facing African women of the Diaspora.
Umbra: Search African American History is an online search tool that brings together digitized materials from United States archives, libraries, and repositories. The free digitalized content provides wider access to Africana history, culture, and life.
Digital Schomburg African American Women Writers of the 19th Century archive is a digital collection of autobiographies, biographies, essays, fiction, and poetry by 19th-century women of African descent.
Digital Records of the Colored Conventions Project (CCP) features primary documents of the Colored Conventions movement, dating from the 1830s through the 1890s.