Trouble accessing this book? See the slides on the CSE guide
The videos below are all on the O'Reilly platform. See Using Items on O'Reilly Platform
The OSU Library Catalog has subject headings. If you had found a good book on your topic, examine the subject headings for that book below the location/call number box. You can click on these to see other items with that subject ot you can search subject directly as follows.
"History" is a subdivision of a subject that can be added after any other term. Examples: Format: branch--history. Clickable examples:
For mathematics history in a country, region, use for format mathematics--country/region--history Examples:
Citation databases allow you to see for each article the items it cited and also the items that have cited it. If you find a great article, use these databases to move both back and forward in time from that article.
You'll see some important buttons while using the OSU Libraries resouces. Especially important are these 4:
Where: OSU Library Catalog.
What: Have an item sent to another location for pickup or recall an item checked out.
Where: OSU Library Catalog.
What: Check for access of an individual item via OhioLINK - such as an item checked out at OSU. Also repeats searches in the OhioLINK catalog to see additional options for your need.
Where: OhioLINK Catalog
What: Click to have an item delivered to OSU from an OhioLINK library.
Where: Library Databases
What: Check for online access to journal articles, conference papers, and more. Also gives interlibrary loan option if item is not available online.