We offer both quick answers and sit down consultations.
In Thompson, find us at the Reference & Information Desk on the 1st floor, or in Room 250.
Call Us 614-292-OSUL (6785), ext. 3.
Chat with Us for immediate virtual assistance.
Email Us We monitor email questions during office hours Monday - Friday, and strive to return all inquiries within one business day.
Search our FAQ for quick help any time of day.
For consultations on Pharmacy or Life Sciences topics, contact Rinehart.64@osu.edu to make an appointment!
Top services at OSU Libraries:
Article Express: https://library.osu.edu/ill/article-express
Checking out/renting or renewing an item: https://library.osu.edu/borrowing/checkout
Inter-library loan: https://library.osu.edu/ill/borrowing
Library locations and hours: https://library.osu.edu/locations
Printing: https://library.osu.edu/printer-copier-services
Request a purchase: https://library.osu.edu/suggest-additions-to-the-collection
Study rooms: https://library.osu.edu/group-study-rooms-for-osu-students-faculty-and-staff
Subject guides: http://guides.osu.edu
The majority of your classmates cited the resources that were available through the library as the number one thing they wish that someone had told them about sooner. This ranged from the sheer amount of resources (about 10 million items) to the variety of types of items (books, eBooks, articles, educational media resources, streaming media, artwork, the list goes on...), the information available from the library is easily overwhelming! That's where subject guides and strategy come in - efficient navigation of these resources is key! So don't panic - we have people that can help!
If you're working from off-campus and need to access subscription materials, you can quickly authenticate using your name.#. Here's how:
In Firefox:
Right-click on the following link, then select the "Bookmark This Link" option:
In Safari:
Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar:
In Internet Explorer:
Right-click on this link:
Select the "Add to Favorites..." option. (You may be warned that you are adding a link which may be unsafe. You can click whichever option is required to continue.)
In Google Chrome:
This bookmarklet should not be used in Chrome. Instead, install the OSU Off Campus Sign-In Extension from the Chrome Web Store.
You can create an Off-Campus Sign-In Bookmarklet on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch by viewing this page in your device's browser and following the steps below.
Note that this script is not compatible with Android phones.
Tap the action arrow button at the bottom center of the screen (iPhone, iPod Touch) or to the left of the location bar (iPad) and then tap Add Bookmark. You can change the name if you want (by default it will be called "Off-Campus Access -") Save the bookmark to your device's Bookmarks folder (or wherever you would like it to be), then tap "Done".
This is the important part. Tap the bookmarks button (it looks like an open book) at the bottom of the screen (iPhone) or top of the screen (iPad). Then, tap "Edit". Find the bookmark you just saved (unless you changed the name, it will be titled "Off-Campus Access -") and tap it.
You now need to change the URL to the text you copied in Step 1. Tap the URL field (it begins with "http://"), then delete everything in it and paste the text you copied:
Then, click "Done".
Now, when you are using your iPhone or iPad and follow a link into a web site that the library provides you access to, just tap the "Off-Campus Access -" bookmarklet. If you have not logged in through the Libraries' website already, you will be redirected through OSU's authentication page. You will then be returned to the resource with access as if you were on campus.
Subject guides are librarian-curated webpages that present the most useful information on a given subject area. Found at http://guides.osu.edu/, they are invaluable resources for determining what databases, websites, books, etc. are the most useful in that field. Your Pharmacy Guide is used nationwide as a professional resource, and has been viewed over 268,000 times since it was created!
There are two ways to get textbooks via the library: through course reserves and in our collections. If your instructor requests it, we can put any item on course reserves at any of our libraries. Students can then come check out that item, typically for two hours at a time. Sometimes we have a textbook in our print collections, or it is available from a partner library, but that doesn't scale well, so we try and buy multiple-user eBooks when possible. Your instructor would need to contact their librarian to find out if the book is available as a multiple-user eBook at least four weeks before the class will need it. If a textbook is available as a multi-user eBook (and isn't entirely prohibitive in price), I will happily purchase it!