AFAMAST 5189S: Community Development

This guide contains recommended resources for doing course research.


Welcome to the AFAMAST 5189S Research Site, your information gateway for research, teaching, and learning. Feel free to contact me for your research and classroom needs.

                                                                        Leta Hendricks


Disability Services

Accessibility Statement

University Libraries is committed to creating an environment of respect and inclusion for our patrons, and we strive to ensure equitable access to all of our facilities, resources and services.

Library Services for Persons with Disabilities

Book Retrieval

If you need assistance requesting materials throughout the University Libraries system, please contact any Ohio State Libraries Circulation desk for assistance. If you would prefer to have a list of material retrieved on your behalf, send a list of requested materials via email to Autumn Clipner ( You will be contacted when the items are available and can be picked up at the Thompson Circulation desk on the first floor East (Oval side). Expected turnaround time is two business days.

Authorize Another Person to Check Out Books on Your Behalf

Patrons may authorize one or more persons to borrow and request library materials under the authorizing person's name. The authorizing person is responsible for all transactions made by the designated individuals. To arrange an authorization, print off the Patron Authorization Request Form, provide the requested information, and bring the form to the Thompson Library Circulation Desk. Please contact any OSU Libraries Circulation desk if you have questions or would like further information.

Document Delivery

Interlibrary Services/Document Delivery will obtain copies of articles, books or other materials not available at University Libraries for Ohio State Students, faculty and staff at no charge. Students needing accommodations including enhanced scans of print or electronic materials, please contact Student Life Disability Services for assistance.

Reference Services and Other Service Requests

Assistance with using library resources, digital content or other service requests (such as DVD purchases with close captioning capabilities) is available.  Please contact the circulation desks of the Thompson or 18th Ave Libraries or email us at


Lockers are available in Thompson Library for Ohio State faculty, staff and students as well as affiliated patrons in the Alumni database, Friends of the Libraries members, and those with a valid record in the University Libraries' database. Lockers are located on the ground floor and on the 1st floor near the Oval entrance. Keys to lockers are available at the Oval entrance Circulation desk (East entrance) and will be checked out to your library account.


All University Libraries' public computers have the OCIO recommended software (Screen Reader Recommendations | Office of the CIO) installed to aid with accessibility needs. Visitor/guest computer logins may be obtained at the Thompson or 18th Avenue Library Circulation Desks.


Thompson Library has wheelchairs available to help patrons move throughout the building. Wheelchairs are stored at the Thompson Library West (Neil Avenue) Security desk.

University Library Facilities Accessibility Information


Accessible parking is located on the north side of Thompson Library on Neil Avenue. Accessible parking for 18th Avenue Library is available on the south side of the building adjacent to Bricker Hall and on the north side adjacent to Scott Lab. See the Campus Map for directions. 

Building Entrances

All library buildings are accessible by ramps. Power-assisted door entry to Thompson Library is provided at both the East (Oval) and West (Neil Ave) entrances.  Power-assisted door entry to 18th Avenue Library is provided at both the North (18th Avenue) and East entrances.


All elevators have Braille and tactile numbering and lettering both outside and inside each elevator. 

Thompson Library: Elevators in the Stacks Tower provide access to all floors. North (Oval side) elevators provide access to floors 1-4.

18th Avenue Library: Public elevators provide access to all floors.


Thompson Library: Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located on the ground floor south side, and the 1st floor south side.

18th Avenue Library: Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located on the first floor with power-assisted doors. 

Drinking Fountains

All drinking fountains are wheelchair accessible.

Thompson Library: Located on the north and south sides of the buildings near the restrooms on floors 1-4 and the ground floor, south side restroom.

18th Avenue Library: Located near the elevators and the restrooms on each floor.

Additional Campus Resources

Disability Services 

Student Life Disability Services collaborates with and empowers students who have disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life.

ADA Coordinator's Office

The Ohio State University's (OSU’s) ADA Coordinator's Office guides the University's efforts to move beyond compliance and toward seamless access. As the University's focal point for disability-related initiatives, the ADA Coordinator's Office collaborates with University offices, government agencies, and advocacy groups to inform decision-making and ensure University compliance with state and federal mandates. Our office processes accommodations for staff, faculty, and visitors to the University, and addresses accessibility issues and reports of disability-based discrimination on campus.

Digital Accessibility Center

The Digital Accessibility Center (DAC) is a partnership between the ADA Coordinator’s Office, part of the Office of Institutional Equity and the Office of Student Life Disability Services, The Digital Accessibility Center provides support to campuses, colleges, and vice presidential units in the following areas:

  • Evaluation of digital information and services for compliance with Ohio State’s Digital Accessibility Policy
  • Investigation and resolution of complaints in consultation with the ADA Coordinator’s Office
  • Training on accessible design and development practices
  • Assistance in formation of exception requests and accommodation plans

Ohio Disability and Health Program - Nisonger Center

The Ohio State University Nisonger Center provides a range of clinical services and assistance to people with disabilities, families, service providers, and organizations to promote health, quality of life, and community inclusion. With its understanding of disability, health issues, and operations that impact Ohioans statewide.

Disability Studies Program | Department of English

The Ohio State University Disability Studies Program, established in 1997, emphasizes interdisciplinary and intersectional work in disability studies. We treat disability as a political, cultural and social process, placing as much importance on structures, relations and representations as on individual bodies. We value collaborative research and learning, and each year, we are visited by distinguished scholars and activists.

Reference Works

The Credo Reference database provides vetted background information on academic subjects and topics. Users can access full-text atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and thesauri covering every major subject. Unlike Wikipedia, Credo Reference provides credible resources for papers, presentations, and publications

Oxford Reference the prestigious Oxford University Press online reference resource provides access to general reference dictionaries and encyclopedias, language dictionaries and thesauri, quotations and timelines, and subject reference works.

Research Methods

Choosing & Using Sources University Libraries’ Choosing & Using Sources presents a method for academic research and writing, from formulating your research question to selecting vetted information and using sources effectively.​

Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, Third ed. Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Third ed., Zed, 2021. 

Decolonizing African Studies: Knowledge Production, Agency, and Voice. Falola, Toyin. University of Rochester Press, 2022. 

Research Methods in Africana Studies McDougal, Serie, III. Research Methods in Africana Studies. New York: Peter Lang, 2014. 

Research Methods in Africana Studies, Rev. ed. McDougal, Serie, III. Research Methods in Africana Studies. New York: Peter Lang, 2017.

SAGE Research Methods Online SRMO is a research methods tool that covers quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.  SRMO assists users design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings.

Transforming Self and Others Through Research   Anderson, Rosemarie and William Braud. Transforming Self and Others Through Research: Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2011. 

Research Management

New RefWorks   An online bibliography and database manager that allows you to create your own database bibliography by importing references from text files or online databases. RefWorks automatically formats your paper and bibliography.

EndNoteWeb  A web based citation manager that allows users to manage bibliographic sources by importing references from text files or online databases.

Style and Citation Guides

American Psychological Association Style Guide (APA)  The OSU Libraries APA guide is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2010.

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017)  The University of Chicago's official online Manual of Style provides full-text access to the 17th published edition and proprietary writing tools.

The Modern Language Association Handbook (MLA)  The OSU Libraries MLA guide is based on the MLA Handbook, 8th edition (New York: Modern Language Association, 2016). The MLA style is most commonly used in humanities and English language and literature.

Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide  A citation guide for reference sources commonly used in biomedical manuscripts. Also called the "Vancouver Style" and is from the National Library of Medicine's Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publications.

The Scientific Style and Format: The Council of Science Editors (CSE) Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers  The OSU Libraries CSE guide is based on The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 8th edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014).  This guide provides examples for citing books; book chapters; journal articles; conference papers and abstracts; technical reports; and dissertations theses.

Library Catalogs

Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML)  Borrow books, multimedia and other materials at over 21 library locations. Register online or at the Thompson Library Circulation Desk for a card in person or online to obtain full access to CML databases and services. CML library card holders can check out selected fiction, non-fiction, and juvenile literature books located in the Columbus Metropolitan Leisure Reading Collection in the 110 Leisure Reading area of the Thompson Library.                                                        

OSU Library Catalog  University catalog identifies materials, shows location, and availability of library resources held by OSU Columbus and regional campuses.

OhioLINK Catalog  OhioLINK catalog provides access to nearly 50 million library items statewide.  The consortium of 89 Ohio college and university libraries, plus the State Library of Ohio, that work together to provide users with materials.

WorldCat Global catalog identifies international materials from academic, government, public libraries, and consortiums around the globe.

Theses Databases

OSU Libraries Catalog (Theses)   Search online catalog for the location of OSU undergraduate honors papers, graduate theses, and doctoral dissertations.

ETD Center  Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center (ETD) offers access to undergraduate honors theses, masters’ theses, and doctoral dissertations from students at participating Ohio colleges and universities.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses  The database contains citations for dissertations and theses completed at North American graduate schools and European universities and many publications can be ordered through the Ohio State University Libraries’ Interlibrary Services.

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses   WorldCat Dissertations and Theses is a subset of the WorldCat global catalog listing dissertation, theses, and related published materials from OCLC member libraries.

Data & Statistical Resources

Collaborative Archive & Data Research Environment (CADRE)  CADRE is a cloud-based platform that provides access to a standardized version of the Web of Science and Microsoft Academic Graph datasets. CADRE includes GUI data querying, analysis, storage, and visualization capabilities.

Historical Statistics of the United States  Statistical database provides data on all aspects of American history.  Historical Statistics of the United States is divided into five sections covering: population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations.

International Historical Statistics Global statistical database contains socioeconomic data on Africa, Asia,  Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Database topics include: agriculture, consumer prices,  education, energy, government expenditure, population migration, trade, transportation, telecommunications, and unemployment. 

ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States  Statistical Abstract provides a comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. The database can be search, browse,  and retrieve results that can then be narrowed by source, geography, time period, subject, and other breakdowns.  

Sage Data  Interdisciplinary database provides simple and refined searching of standardized and structured statistical data. Databank aggregates data from licensed and public domain sources and makes that datasets available from within a single interface. Users can scan the contents of these datasets, select subjects and variables of interest, and view the data in side-by-side tables and charts.

Tests and Measurements

EBSCOHost Databases (Tests and Measurements) A multi-interdisciplinary suite of databases covering the arts, humanities, law, life and health sciences, social sciences, science and technology. Databases contain content from popular magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, documents, books, reports, conference proceedings, and other digital media. Features Open Cluster Searching. Select -- Academic Search Complete; Education Research Complete; Health and Psychosocial Instruments and; Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print.

PsycTESTS  APA sponsored resources is a digital repository for the full text of psychological tests and measures. This repository provides access to achievement and aptitude tests, intelligence tests, tests of cognitive functioning, occupational tests, and personality tests.

ETS Tests in Microfiche  Tests in Microfiche is an annual series of full text research instruments that have been cited in the educational and psychological literature.  Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 1975-2004.

The Test Collection at ETS  The Educational Testing Service Test Collection is a database of tests and measurement devices. Database provides information on standardized tests and research instruments available to researchers, graduate students and teachers. Including, information about tests from the early 1900s to the present, the Test Collection at ETS is the largest compilation of tests and measurements in the world.

San Diego State University (SDSU) Test Finder Database The SDSU library database is an index to  tests, instruments, rating scales, and measures published in journals and monographs.

The Encyclopedia of Psychology | Environment Behavior Relationships : Measurement This Encyclopedia of Psychology entry is a guide to online instruments and measurements for popular and scholarly research. The database is maintained by Department of Psychology, Jacksonville State University.

Streaming Media

Alexander Street Video Library contains digital media materials including text, audio, image, and video. Search architecture allow general and advanced searching of specific subjects. This multi-layered database features custom clip making, playlist tools, and course pack compatibility.

DocuSeek2 is a collection of documentary and social issues films and videos. Exclusive academic streaming for films from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution. 

Films on Demand  features access to documentaries, educational videos and news footage from the BBC, Frontline, Ken Burns, National Geographic, and other film producers..

Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video service for educational institutions. Kanopy works directly with filmmakers and film distribution companies to offer award-winning collections including titles from PBS, BBC, The Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, Media Education Foundation and International Film Festivals.

Swank Digital Campus licenses and distributes content to non-theatrical markets like colleges and universities, K-12 public schools and libraries. Swank provides digital access to  course-related films, movies, and television shows outside the classroom.

OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons: Educational Films and Documentaries contains Ambrose Video and Films for the Humanities & Sciences educational films covering a variety of subjects which may be streamed or downloaded for classroom use.

Material Request

Suggest Additions to the Collection Please use the Recommend a Purchase Form link below to suggest books, films, and other materials to University Libraries collections. All members of the OSU community can initiate a purchase request. Recommend a purchase form []. 

Streaming Video Requests Submit request for streaming video using Streaming Video Request Form {}. All requests are subject to review for availability. For questions about requests, contact Aaron Olivera,

Course Reserve Requests For materials to be held on reserve at Columbus campus libraries,  []. Questions - contact Circulation Services

New Resource Proposal Requests To request Journals, Databases, Digital Collections, E-Book Packages, Journal Packages, Data Sets and Other Resources use New Resource Proposal Form. [] 


IT HELP The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation. Free Software, Microsoft Packages, Educational Pricing, and more. For assistance: contact IT HELP: Phone: 614-688-4357 (HELP) | Email: | Self Service Chat Support:

CarmenCanvas The Ohio State University’s official course management system. For assistance contact IT HELP at 614-688-4357 (HELP).

CarmenZoom  An academic telecommunications platform that allows OSU users to connect with audio and video. CarmenZoom features access to audio and video recordings of course lectures. For assistance contact IT HELP at 614-688-4357 (HELP).

Interlibrary Services  Provides interlibrary loan, global borrowing, and article express digital services. Email: Phone: 614-292-9077.

Choosing & Using Sources University Libraries’ Choosing & Using Sources presents a method for academic research and writing, from formulating your research question to selecting vetted information and using sources effectively.