
This guide contains recommended resources for doing research in the subject area of Finance.

Getting Started

OSU Libraries subscribes to many licensed resources. This guide organizes these resources to make them easier to find. These resources are a good place to start for many types of research, but they are only a few of the resources to which the Libraries subscribes. If you are researching on the internet at large, please be aware that there are an increasing number of poorly researched and/or AI-generated reports, data, and analysis available. You should NOT have to purchase content for research projects in your classes and you should carefully scrutinize any and all resources you are considering using in your works. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions as you begin your research. 

Introduction to Finance Resources

Note: Some of the database interfaces have changed since this video was recorded. I am working to update videos, but in the meantime I would advise that all of the same data should be available and if you're having trouble navigating, please don't hesitate to email me. I am always happy to help.

Company Ownership

Note: Determining a company's ownership is the first step to conducting research. If a company is public, more information will be available as the company is required to report its finances, while a private company does not have to report any financial information.  It is also helpful to know a company's place in a hierarchy (parent company, subsidiary, etc.).  A number of databases will include this information in a company profile page.

Top Overall Databases

Business Librarian

Profile Photo
Ash Faulkner
Thompson Library 222C
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
Subjects: Economics