Guide to University Libraries' First Year Success Series Sessions

Take on Thompson: A Library Orientation Game

Register for this session with the First Year Success Series. Search for the session title or keyword "Thompson."

Thompson Library is full of resources to help OSU students at any level, but it's also enormous and can seem intimidating at first. Where do you start? Don't go it alone. Join a team of peers to explore Thompson Library and connect with helpful library personnel as you complete tasks that highlight key library resources. This 70-minute session begins with a brief meeting to learn the rules for the game and form teams; then you’re off to complete tasks around Thompson Library. 

We recommend bringing a device such as a tablet or smartphone to use during the session. 

Learning Outcomes

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

  • be able to navigate Thompson Library and key online library systems  
  • interact directly with library personnel dedicated to student success.
  • be able to list at least three library resources and/or services you plan to use in your first year.

How to attend

This session is held in person in Thompson Library room 150. Register for this session with the First Year Success Series.

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Library Locations

Find your favorite library!

We have many locations across campus. 

Enter the location address into the Ohio State App to get directions via the campus map.


North Campus Library Locations

Closest to these residence halls: Archer, Barrett, Blackburn, Bowen, Busch, Drackett, Gateway, Haverfield, Houck, Houston, Jones, Mendoza, Norton, Nosker, Raney, Scott, Taylor, Torres

South Campus Library Locations

Closest to these residence halls: Baker, Bradley, Canfield, Mack, Morrison, Neil, Park-Stradley, Paterson, Residences on 10th, Siebert, Smith-Steeb, William Hall

West Campus Library Locations


Closest libraries to Lincoln and Morrill Towers:


Check here for Locations and Hours of Operation for all University Libraries.


Take on Thompson Schedule

All sessions take place in Thompson Library Room 150 unless otherwise stated in the registration description.


September 27 3:30 p.m.


October 4 10:30 a.m.


November 14 3:30 p.m.

November 15 10:30 a.m.

November 29 3:30 p.m.


FYSS Transition Tags

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