
Access and Assistance

OSU Libraries are committed to providing a safe environment where research, learning, and a free exchange of ideas can occur.  All library patrons are expected to comply with requests from library staff, security personnel, and the University Police, and to be courteous and thoughtful of others by refraining from load and disruptive behaviors (see Visitor Community Standards) and follow the University's policy on Responsible Use of University Computing and Network Resources.  Please report any safety concerns promptly to library staff and/or security. The University Libraries reserves the right to deny use of computers and/or equipment, and furthermore to have non-compliant patrons leave the library, if they are found to be in violation of  these policies.  Misconduct includes, but is not limited to viewing of pornographic materials as well as loud, threatening, or disruptive behavior.  Such misconduct will be reported to Library Security and University Police as appropriate.  Repeat offenders and/or abuse of guest accounts will result in denial of future access privileges.

Please contact library and/or microform personnel prior to your visit if there are any concerns about accessing or using the microform collection and/or equipment.  Check the catalog for the availability and location of microform titles prior to you visit.  With prior notification, materials held at our remote Depository can be called back for use in the library for your use. 

Finding Microforms

You can find microforms using the microform collection finding aids under Collection Highlights or searching the OSU library catalog

Circulating microforms can be requested by OSU users via the catalog. OhioLINK members can request titles through their home catalogs, and non-OSU/OhioLINK users through their local academic or public library's interlibrary loan office.

How can you recognize that an item in the OSU Libraries collection is available in microform? Here's a sample record showing some places you can look:

Sample record.

Need Help With Microforms?

Profile Photo
Mary Ries
Microforms and Government Information
Thompson Library room 211
The Ohio State University
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1285
(614) 688-8770

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