Quick YouTube tutorial on using the reader/scanners for viewing and scanning microfiche, courtesy of Brigham Young University.
Quick YouTube tutorial on using the reader/scanners for viewing and scanning microfilm, courtesy of Brigham Young University.
The Microform Reading Room has equipment that allows document copying. Digital copies are free — just bring your own flash drive. Individuals affiliated with OSU can also email digital copies.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of copies of copyrighted materials, including microforms. The person making copies has the ultimate responsibility for complying with the law. The Copyright Resources Center can provide guidance to members of the OSU community about complying with copyright requirements.
Microform Reader/Scanners
Equipment for viewing microforms is located in the Microform Reading Room - Room 215 on the second floor of Thompson Library. For quick tutorial on how to use the ScanPro Reader/Scanners in the room please view Brigham Young University's YouTube videos covering "Using the Scanner for Microfilm" or "Using the Scanner for Microfiche". Viewing instructions for microopaques (microprint or microcards) are basically the same as those for microfiche, except that the film type needs to be changed. Also for microprints it will be necessary to rotate the microprint itself to view the lower half and adjust the rotation on the scanner so that the resulting image is upright.
Hours and Availability
The Microform Reading Room is open whenever Thompson Library is, however staff assistance is only available from 8 am - 4 pm Monday through Thursday in room 211. Assistance outside those hours is provided by Reference, and when Reference is not available from Circulation. During the summer and breaks, please call ahead to inquire about hours, staff availability, etc. The equipment is available on a first come, first served basis, and is password protected. OSU faculty, staff and student can gain assess via their name.number/password. Visitors will need to stop at Circulation and get a "Guest pass" in order to use the equipment. Microform users have priority. If others are waiting to use the equipment, there is a one hour time limit.
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