Research Commons

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Research Impact Librarian

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Sheila Craft-Morgan
490B 18th Avenue Library
175 W. 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210

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Connect ORCID to publication databases

After you have registered for an ORCID iD, the next step is to add works to your ORCID record.


Works are your research outputs and can include publications, data sets, conference presentations, and more. While you could add these manually, or using a DOI, it is more efficient to allow other systems to do this on your behalf.


Allowing trusted organizations to add information to your record ensures the data connected with your ORCID iD is authoritative and trustworthy, as well as saving you time. The organization which added the work to your record will be listed as the source of the item.


Importing works from multiple sources may result in duplicates. ORCID provides tips for merging records.

Connecting ORCID and Scopus

Integrate your ORCID iD with your Scopus Author ID.


Scopus is an abstract and citation database. Once you connect your Scopus profile with your ORCID record, all your publications indexed in Scopus will be added to your ORCID record. Follow the steps below to create an integration between ORCID and Scopus.


Scopus Author ID is automatically assigned to you when you have published a work covered in Scopus. You may have more than one ID in Scopus if you have published under variant names and affiliations. It is always a good practice to merge your multiple Scopus IDs and keep all your works listed under one unique ID. This ensures that your total citation counts and h-index in Scopus are accurate. 


After you have integrated ORCID with Scopus:

  • Your Scopus Author ID and ORCID iD will be linked and displayed on both platforms.
  • Your ORCID profile will automatically be populated with publications from Scopus.
  • You can search and retrieve publication and citation information in Scopus using your ORCID iD.


Option 1: Connect to ORCID from Scopus

  1. Go to Scopus.
  2. Click "Author Search," fill in your last name and first name and click "Search."
  3. Click your name to access your Scopus author profile.
    • If you find more than one ID or profile that belong to you, select them and click "Request to merge authors" to access the Author Profile Wizard.
  4. Click "Connect to ORCID"
  5. Follow the steps to connect your Scopus ID to ORCID.

Option 2: Search and Link from within ORCID

  1. Login at ORCID.
  2. Scroll down to the "Works" section, click on the "+" sign next to "Add", then click on the "Search & link" option.
  3. Click on the "Scopus - Elsevier" link.
  4. Follow the steps to add works from Scopus to ORCID.

Import works from Google Scholar into ORCID

Using the BibTeX import tool you can import your research works from systems without a direct connection, including Google Scholar.


Steps for exporting BibTeX from Google Scholar.

1. Login to your Google Scholar profile.
2. Select the articles you'd like to export or check the box next to "Title" to select all articles in your profile.
3. Click the "Export" button and follow prompts to choose BibTeX.
4. Save to Desktop.


Steps for importing BibTeX are available from ORCID.

Direct import from other systems

You can link your ORCID record to a number of sites that will auto-import works as they are available.


Search and Link wizards for various systems, for example DataCite, CrossRef, Web of Science (ResearcherID), and MLA International Bibliography, are an easy way to populate your record.


Step-by-step guidance is available from ORCID.

Add Works Using an Identifier

Add works using a DOI or PubMed ID:


  1. Click +Add in the Works header
  2. Select Add DOI or Add PubMed ID
  3. Enter the ID into the text box
  4. Review the information that populates the Works form fields and add any missing fields as needed.
  5. Select avisibility setting for the work.
  6. Click the Add this work to your ORCID recordbutton at the bottom of the window.


After you have added a work to your record, it will display on the main page of your ORCID record under the Works heading. Your name will be shown as the source of information.


Support from ORCID

Support can be found on the ORCID website.


Common researcher FAQs are also available.

Add Grants to your ORCID Record

Information about grants, awards, or other types of funding can be added to your ORCID record.


Import funding from other systems

  1. Under Funding, go to “Add funding”
  2. Click “Search & link”, and select DimensionsWizard.
  3. Search for grants using your name OR grant title
  4. Link the grants to your ORCID record


Add funding manually

  1. Under Funding, go to “Add funding”
  2. Click “Add manually"
  3. Fill in the form fields. Each funding item should correspond to a separate funding award.
  4. Click "Add to list" button to save the funding to your ORCID Record

Contributor Roles in ORCID

ORCID allows you to describe your contributor role using the CREdIT Contributor Roles Taxonomy.


When works are imported from databases such as Crossref or Scopus, the full list of Contributors will be automatically included.


If you manually add a work to your record using the Add DOI, Add PubMed ID or Add manually options, you will be automatically added as a contributor to the work. You are able to add your contributor role, and roles for other contributors, manually.

Add Professional Activities to your ORCID Record

Add the following categories of professional affiliations to your ORCID Record:

  • Membership
  • Service - your donation of time or other resources in the service of an organization
  • Invited positions - formal relationships – outside of employment – between a person and an organization, such as a serving as an honorary researcher, a fellow,
  • Distinctions - being distinguished with an award or honorary degree.

These affiliations are listed under the Professional Activities section

  1. Click +Add
  2. Select "Add Membership", "Add Service", "Add Invited Position" or "Add Distinction", as appropriate
  3. Fill in the form fields
  4. Adjust the Visibility Settings, as appropriate
  5. Click "Save Changes"