"Miscellaneous materials and links for information on regulations, best management practices, and welfare guidelines. For example:"
AAAP Animal Welfare Committee guidelines -- Content for AAAP members only (must be logged in)
Suggested websites:
This guide contains the list of books and journals recommended as study materials for the American College of Poultry Veterinarians (ACPV) examination.
Source: ACPV Examination Information, American College of Poultry Veterinarians
This resource updated: 09/19/2024
Textbooks updated to most recent edition: 2/16/2022
Source reading list reviewed: 09/19/2024
Source reading list updated by specialty board: 01/26/2021
This guide is maintained by staff and faculty of the Ohio State University Libraries and the Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine & Biological Sciences. It is licensed under creative commons, non-commercial use, share-alike, adaptations allowed. Libraries are encouraged to link to this guide to access up-to-date content, or copy this guide to modify it for their own institutional needs.