"Articles germane to the field of veterinary emergency and critical care for the appropriate species should be reviewed from the following journals:"
LA = Large animal, SA = Small animal, LA/SA = All species, Human = Human beings
Anesthesia | Cardiovascular | Clinical Pathology | Emergency/Critical Care | Fluid Therapy, Acid-Base, Electrolyte | Imaging | Infectious Disease | Internal Medicine | Hematology and Transfusion Medicine | Mechanical Ventilation | Medical Physiology | Neurology | Nutrition | Oncology | Ophthalmology | Pediatrics | Pharmacology | Surgery | Toxicology
LA = Large animal, SA = Small animal, LA/SA = All species, Human = Human beings
Anesthesia | Cardiovascular | Clinical Pathology | Emergency/Critical Care | Fluid Therapy, Acid-Base, Electrolyte | Imaging | Infectious Disease | Internal Medicine | Hematology and Transfusion Medicine| Mechanical Ventilation | Medical Physiology | Neurology | Nutrition | Oncology | Ophthalmology | Pediatrics | Pharmacology | Surgery | Toxicology
"This list contains articles 3-10 years old from core journals and articles within the last 10 years from non-core journals and is designed to bridge a perceived gap in the recommended reading between recent journal articles, non-core journals and textbooks. It contains article the committee deems likely to inform and impact the practice of veterinary ECC. We aim to keep this list to <100 articles and will review and update it annually."
Acid-Base/Fluid/Electrolytes | Anesthesia/Analgesia | Cardiovascular | Coagulation/Transfusion Medicine | Endocrine | Environmental/Toxic | Gastrointestinal/Exocrine Pancreas | Hepatobiliary | Immunology/Hemolymphatic | Integument | Musculoskeletal | Neurology/Special Senses | Nutrition | Renal/Urinary | Reproductive | Respiratory | Sepsis/SIRS/MODS | Shock/Ischemia/CPCR | Trauma
"This list contains articles 3-10 years old from core journals and articles within the last 10 years from non-core journals and is designed to bridge a perceived gap in the recommended reading between recent journal articles, non-core journals and textbooks. It contains article the committee deems likely to inform and impact the practice of veterinary ECC. We aim to keep this list to <100 articles and will review and update it annually. Large animal candidates should appreciate that the majority of these articles are non-species specific and shared with small animal candidates. This means that they can be used for questions on the general multiple-choice exam."
Acid-Base/Fluid/Electrolytes | Anesthesia/Analgesia | Cardiovascular | Coagulation/Transfusion Medicine | Endocrine | Environmental/Toxic | Gastrointestinal/Exocrine Pancreas | Hepatobiliary | Immunology/Hemolymphatic | Integument | Musculoskeletal | Neurology/Special Senses | Nutrition | Renal/Urinary | Reproductive | Respiratory | Sepsis/SIRS/MODS | Shock/Ischemia/CPCR
This guide contains the list of books and journals recommended as study materials for the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) examination. These guides, when available, are linked at the bottom of this section.
Source: American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
This resource updated: 8/22/2024
Textbooks updated to most recent edition: 3/3/2022
Source reading list reviewed: 8/22/2024
Source reading list updated by specialty board: 1/10/2023
This guide is maintained by staff and faculty of the Ohio State University Libraries and the Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine & Biological Sciences. It is licensed under creative commons, non-commercial use, share-alike, adaptations allowed. Libraries are encouraged to link to this guide to access up-to-date content, or copy this guide to modify it for their own institutional needs.