Library Research Guide for Graduate Students in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Resources to support graduate study and research in food, agricultural, and environmental sciences.

Citation Management Software

Citation management software allow a user to organize and retrieve information, such as citations for books, articles, and websites, by interfacing with library databases. The citation manager then works with word-processing software to insert properly formatted footnotes or citations into a paper and create a properly formatted bibliography.


Zotero is a free, open source, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. Zotero collects all your research in a single, searchable interface. Zotero includes a plugin for Word, Google Docs, and other word processing software to let users to create bibliographies using over 7000 citation styles. Users can add PDFs, images, audio and video files, snapshots of web pages, and really anything else. Zotero allows users to create or join groups to collaborate.

Read on for an overview of Zotero's features and capabilities (Quick start guide). Review these tutorials demonstrating many of the basic functions of Zotero. For further information on Zotero Syncing and space management, review this guide.

Learn how to optimize Zotero's settings to work with OSU's licensed materials and your citations.


ZoteroBib is a free tool that helps you to quickly build a bibliography from any computer or device without creating an account or installing software. To learn more about ZoteroBib's features read the ZoteroBib FAQ.


EndNote is a research management software package that imports, organizes and stores the citations you find using research databases and library catalogs. EndNote also stores and organizes the full text of your references. EndNote integrates with Word to format citations and bibliographies instantly. 

Watch this tutorial for an overview of the most popular features in EndNote. Get started using EndNote by reviewing these training resources.

Learn how to optimize EndNote for use with OSU Libraries' resources.

EndNote is available at a discounted price from the OSU Tech Store, Tech Hub.


Mendeley is a desktop and web program for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online. It combines Mendeley Desktop, a PDF and reference management application (available for Windows, OS X and Linux) and Mendeley for Android and iOS, with Mendeley Web, an online social network for researchers.

Learn how to use Mendeley's features with these short videos and tutorials.

Zotero Settings at OSU (Source:

There are several settings in Zotero that you can adjust to make the tool work more easily.

  • To use Zotero to insert citations and create a bibliography, use the Microsoft Word Add-In from within Word or use the Zotero tool in Google Docs.
  • Zotero can search the full text of any PDFs that you associate with your citations.  To do this, turn on PDF Indexing under Edit > Settings > General > File Handling.
  • You can set your default citation format under Edit > Settings > Export.  If you're working on a thesis or dissertation, you may want set this to be APA 7th. 
  • To connect to OSU’s subscribed content online from your records, under Edit > Settings > General > Locate, set the Resolver to Ohio State University and Base URL to
    That will let you connect to OSU’s subscribed content online from your records.

To use the Zotero Connector plugin in your browser to enable off-campus access to OSU's subscribed content.  Details are available here. To configure for OSU:

  • Right-click/command click on the Zotero Connector icon and choose Preferences. (In Chrome, click the three dots next to Zotero Connector in the Extensions menu.  Choose Options.)
  • Select Proxies. 
  • Check the box next to Automatically associate new hosts.
  • Set Login URL Scheme to
  • Set Proxied URL Scheme to

EndNote Settings at OSU (Source:

Bibliographic management tools like EndNote can not only help researchers to manage references, they can also be used to search for full text. Finding full text resources requires the proper configuration.

In the EndNote Preferences dialog (Edit-->Preferences on PC, or EndNote 20-->Preferences on Mac), select Find Full Text, then copy and paste the following URLs:

  • Finding full text requires the OpenURL path of
  • Finding full text requires authentication with URL

There are some caveats regarding EndNote's ability to find full text:

  • Searching and finding full text may work better on campus than off due to different resource authentication methods and licensing agreements. 
  • EndNote offers several pathways to some databases, such as Agricola. However, OSU Libraries may not have subscription access through each of these pathways.

For further assistance:

Zotero Syncing & Storage (Source:

Zotero Syncing/Space Management

Zotero gives each user 300MB of file storage for free. Citations take up little space. PDFs, snapshots, and other attachments take up lots of space.

If you need more space, you can:

  • Follow the directions below to sync and store your attachments in OneDrive.  There are directions below for connecting your Zotero library to OneDrive using a third-party plug-in such as ZotMoov (v.7 or later) or ZotFile (v.6 or earlier).
  • Store files in other cloud storage services.  Zotero's support system includes instructions for some of these, starting here.
  • Buy more inexpensive space from Zotero, or choose not to sync your data if you only use Zotero on one computer and make sure you back it up frequently.

Link Zotero Files to OneDrive with ZotMoov (Zotero V.7 and later)

1.  In the OneDrive folder on your computer, create a Zotero attachments folder. (If you previously used Zotfile, you can keep the same folder.)  See the ZotMoov FAQ for more information.

2.  Download and install ZotMoov (you'll be selecting the .xpi file and choosing "Save As..." and saving it to your computer.)

3.  Open Zotero.  Go to “Tools > Plugins" and choose the gear icon in the top right corner. Select "Install Add-on From File” and select the downloaded .xpi file.  You'll now see ZotMoov enabled in your plugins and you can close the Plugins window. 

4.  In Zotero, select Edit > Settings. On the ZotMoov tab, under 'Directory to Move Files To', choose the Zotero attachments folder you created in OneDrive.

Screenshot of the Zotero Preferences screen. Described in detail before the image.

4.  On the Sync Settings tab, uncheck "Sync attachment files in My Library."