Mathematics & Statistics

Resources for mathematics and statistics

Recommended Sources

Streaming videos:

  • Films on Demand (Search a wide range of documentary/instructional style video)
  • Story of 1: How a Single Digit Created Math and Changed the World  (This video traces the development of numbers and tells the entire story of 1 and how, with 0, it has come to dominate society through digital technology.)
  • The Math life (This elegant program brings to life the human dimension of mathematics through lively interviews with several mathematicians.)
  • The Mayans (This video discusses various aspects of the Mayans, including their advances in mathematics)
  • The Historic Memory (Discusses various aspects of the history of the Arab world, including achievements in mathematics.)
  • The Pure Radiance of the Past (Discusses various aspects of architecture, including the mathematics involved with perspective.)
  • I.M. Pei (Architect I.M. Pei discusses architecture, including mathematical concepts relating to various structures.)


You can view at the 18th Avenue Library or check out for viewing elsewhere.

Calendar of Mathematical Conferences

Search for conference meetings

Story of 1: How a Single Digit Created Math and Changed the World (online video)

This video traces the development of numbers and tells the entire story of 1 and how, with 0, it has come to dominate society through digital technology. (also available on DVD)


A site where you will find questions, problems, solutions, interesting information, articles, and more. Access is free, but you must register to post information.

Unsolved Problems

Read about unsolved mathematics problems on this MathWorld page - perhaps you'll find a solution!

The Set Game Company Homepage

A site with a new Set Game each day

The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Welcome!

Find out information about mathematicians, including degree information, advisors, and more.

The English name of a number

Different ways a number can be written out in words

Mathematical Quotation Server

Find quotes about mathematics and by mathematicians.

Math jokes collection by Andrej and Elena Cherkaev

A collection of math jokes

Old Egyptian Math Cats Fractions

MAA site that has puzzles and examples involving Egyptian fraction.

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles, Index

This site contains various fun and challenging mathematics and logic puzzles.

Fractal Roots And Artful Math - Science News

An article in Science News about fractals in art.
