Find Streaming Videos in the OSU Library Catalog
*go to the advanced search and enter keywords. To focus on words in the subject headings use the pull down menu to limit to Subject. Then enter a keyword, such as China, in the first search space. In the second search space limit to subject and enter the word History. This would be a broad search but limited to historical topics
*you could search with any key word(s), such as Tiananmen or berlin wall or paris commune, without indicating subject and without using the word history
*scroll down to Location and go to the bottom of the list and select Web E-Video. This will get streaming video but not DVDs.
*if you choose you can limit by publication date but I'm not sure how well this works to find what you need. Better would be to use the Sort feature and sort by date. To sort from a list of videos, select the red link to Modify Search near the top of the screen. Then you will check a box for sorting.
Each record to a video in the catalog has a unique URL which you give to students. See the link to "permanent link to this record" and right click on it to copy the link to paste into Carmen.