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Books about comic strips are available through The Ohio State University Library Catalog. Many comic strips have been printed or reprinted in books since the early 1900s. Books containing these reprints can be found in the OSU Library Catalog, OhioLink, and WorldCat.
The following are examples of archival collections contain materials related to comic strips:
San Francisco Academy of Comic Art Collection
The most comprehensive collection American printed cartoon art. It contains over 2.5 million newspaper tear sheets, sections and clippings.
Woody Gelman Collection / 1899-1934
Contains a collection of early newspaper tear sheets.
Winsor McCay Collection, / [graphic.]
Collection that contains examples of McCay's newspaper cartoon art.
To find original cartoon art, search these databases:
To find images, you may want to search these databases:
For additional image resources, check out these sites:
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